Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

The very definition of regulation is an infringement on activity, what do you fail to understand about "shall not be infringed"?

Ask Justice Scalia. Even he says the 2nd Amendment is not unlimited - and he's a NaziCon fruitcake.

The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.

You've got to understand that the gun nuts demands are not "reasonable" or :"common sense"

According to who, you? ROFLMFAO

According to more than 90% of the country.
Without knowing what it means.
Ask Justice Scalia. Even he says the 2nd Amendment is not unlimited - and he's a NaziCon fruitcake.

The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.

You've got to understand that the gun nuts demands are not "reasonable" or :"common sense"

According to who, you? ROFLMFAO

According to more than 90% of the country.
Without knowing what it means.

Right.You and a few gun nuts are the only ones that can decide that..
The very definition of regulation is an infringement on activity, what do you fail to understand about "shall not be infringed"?

Ask Justice Scalia. Even he says the 2nd Amendment is not unlimited - and he's a NaziCon fruitcake.

The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.

You've got to understand that the gun nuts demands are not "reasonable" or :"common sense"

According to who, you? ROFLMFAO

According to more than 90% of the country.

Let me ask the questions and I'll get 90% to say the opposite, polls are only as good as the questions.
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.

Be honest, it civil rights nuts that you fight. You and the Krazy Klinton Kunt seek to end civil right.

That's just how you KKK types roll...
Ask Justice Scalia. Even he says the 2nd Amendment is not unlimited - and he's a NaziCon fruitcake.

The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.

You've got to understand that the gun nuts demands are not "reasonable" or :"common sense"

According to who, you? ROFLMFAO

According to more than 90% of the country.

Let me ask the questions and I'll get 90% to say the opposite, polls are only as good as the questions.

Right. The polls are all against you. Why is it every time anything doesn't agree with you, you immediately cry "it's rigged!!!" ? As always, The right believes in "No conspiracy theory left behind."
Right. The polls are all against you. Why is it every time anything doesn't agree with you, you immediately cry "it's rigged!!!" ? As always, The right believes in "No conspiracy theory left behind."

How about a link to this poll?
I know that's what rush told you.

I've got to be honest, I don't like their new album much, don't tell Mani.

But I don't get information on civil rights from Canadian rock bands.

You of the left are at war to crush civil rights. You have waged a 7 year assault on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 14th amendments.

Yes, you seek to strip Americans of the right to defend their lives and property, but you also seek to strip them of the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to be secure in their homes, etc.
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby




I know that's what rush told you.

I've got to be honest, I don't like their new album much, don't tell Mani.

But I don't get information on civil rights from Canadian rock bands.

You of the left are at war to crush civil rights. You have waged a 7 year assault on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 14th amendments.

Yes, you seek to strip Americans of the right to defend their lives and property, but you also seek to strip them of the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to be secure in their homes, etc.

I realize that someone who is so far into right wing rhetoric, such as yourself, is too far gone for me to reach. Believe what you want. You're wrong and dumb, but certainly entitled to your silly beliefs.
The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.

You've got to understand that the gun nuts demands are not "reasonable" or :"common sense"

According to who, you? ROFLMFAO

According to more than 90% of the country.

Let me ask the questions and I'll get 90% to say the opposite, polls are only as good as the questions.

Right. The polls are all against you. Why is it every time anything doesn't agree with you, you immediately cry "it's rigged!!!" ? As always, The right believes in "No conspiracy theory left behind."

General questions get general answers, that's all any pollsters ask, they never give the details, when they do the answers change.

Here's a great example, look at the way the questions are asked and the wide swings in the numbers.

I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby





Great organization. If the NRA isn't quite nuts enough to suit your taste the 2nd AF will add that extra helping of crazy that you want.
The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.
You've got to understand that the gun nuts demands are not "reasonable" or :"common sense"
According to who, you? ROFLMFAO
According to more than 90% of the country.
Without knowing what it means.
Right.You and a few gun nuts are the only ones that can decide that..
You see the shit you have to believe in order for you to hold your position?
I realize that someone who is so far into right wing rhetoric, such as yourself, is too far gone for me to reach. Believe what you want. You're wrong and dumb, but certainly entitled to your silly beliefs.

Well of course, anyone who doesn't mindlessly bleat hate memes from DailyKOS like you do MUST be dumb...

Oh, and people are no longer entitled to their beliefs. That has been revoked, just ask the Little Sisters of the Poor or Melissa.

You of the insane left with your constant assault on basic liberty are the reason for the popularity of Trump, it is you who are putting him into the White House.
The NRA owns congressmen. Their very jobs depend on being as obsequeece as possible whenever the NRA has a slot on their calendar.

Do reasonable citizens have to pay for that kind of attention and devotion? Legislation through cash?
The unions own congressmen. Their very jobs depend on being as obsequeece as possible whenever the unions have a slot on their calendar.

Do reasonable citizens have to pay for that kind of attention and devotion? Legislation through cash?
Unions promote better wages and conditions for working families. The NRA stands immovable when even popular, common sense gun laws are concerned.

Which lobbist the serves a more noble purpose?

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