Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

Most of us who support gun control measures do not see gun owners as you self report to be the problem. And most of us responsible supporters of rational gun laws do not support the repeal of the 2nd A. We want people properly vetted.

I for one want to see all gun owners licensed and all guns registered on a State by State basis. Let Texas do what they want, and allow California citizens to vote to license and register or not.

In fact I'd grandfather in all current gun owners and not require that they be licensed or register their guns, the only restriction being they could only sell their gun to a licensed person or dealer, and could only buy an additional gun or guns if they became licensed and registered their new gun along with those already owned by them.

So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Why? Because it's the law. Move to Texas if this upsets you so. There you can parade around the streets with your beloved gun on your hip & be free from the law you oppose.

This whole damn thread exist because you are trying to take that right away from everyone. Why don't you fucking regressives move your asses to States that have laws you support and leave the rest of us alone? Thank for showing you true face, hypocrite.

You can read and comprehend, thus you've proved to be a liar.

I've said this about gun control
  • States should decide if they want to license gun owners
  • States should decided if they want to register guns
  • States should decide on the factors to deny, suspend or revoke a license
  • States should decide on the types of weapon to be prohibited
  • States should decide on open carry, concealed carry and other forms of transport of guns
  • States should decide if guns are allowed in parks and other public places
  • States should decide if Cities or Counties can impose stricter rules on gun storage or possession outside the home or business
I don't care what you do in Texas, and rural regions can and should have different gun laws than cities.

I believe any sober, sane and law abiding citizen can have a gun to protect his home or business. Beyond that, guns need to be controlled by whatever democratic process the citizens of the State, region or community decide.

So you think the State can remove your ability to defend yourself against criminals with equal or greater force, where ever that need arises? So I guess the State gets to decide if a law abiding citizen really has a right to life, except in their home. Now I must ask, why you support NYC's ridiculous fees and licensing to just have a gun in your home?
The National Rifle Association is doing exactly what its members want it to do - defending the American People in their Right to Bear Arms.

Integral to that defense is opposition to each and every attempt by Big Government to curtail or impede or strip away such rights, or to make them more difficult to exercise.

The idea of a National Gun Club Comprised of Members Who Think Like Hillary Does is (a) doomed to failure and (b) residing only in some weird Alternate Universe.

Only one of a vast number of ideas - each as useful as a screen door in a submarine - likely to flow from the fevered brow of the HildaBeast, if we are foolish enough to let her.

There are a number of things that the NRA does, to try to impede forward progress on reasonable gun-control, that Americans should probably not let them get away with.

But that's on us, not them.

Reasonable to who, fucking idiot regressives?
Reasonable to The American People at large, of course.

You know... the ultimate Masters of this land, for whom the Constitution was created, and by whose leave it continues to function.
Obviously not because the people's elected reps have consistently refused to pass that garbage into law.
When The People want effective gun-control badly enough they will force their elected reps to execute their Will.
Certain states enacted that crap. So they got it. But the country as a whole is rejecting it and has consistently for 20 years.
Don't kid yourself... mandatory national standards for licensing, registration, sales, training, etc., are probably closer than you'd like to believe.
Reasonable to who, fucking idiot regressives?
Reasonable to The American People at large, of course.

You know... the ultimate Masters of this land, for whom the Constitution was created, and by whose leave it continues to function.
Obviously not because the people's elected reps have consistently refused to pass that garbage into law.
When The People want effective gun-control badly enough they will force their elected reps to execute their Will.
Certain states enacted that crap. So they got it. But the country as a whole is rejecting it and has consistently for 20 years.
Don't kid yourself... mandatory national standards for licensing, registration, sales, training, etc., are probably closer than you'd like to believe.
Yeah and Hillary is going to be the next president.
Save it.
It's very strange how this thread is all about politics, but hardly a word about 30,000 dead Americans per year.

Death and guns in the USA - CNN.com

Without going into the terrorist issue save to consider the numbers of Americans dead Vs. cash spent and action taken, terrorists have killed so few (About 3,000 people) since and including 9/11, whilst Americans with guns have killed about 406,000 in the same time period.

Less than 1% of the deaths gets $billions spent on it, a mass of press, loads of government time, and a whole group of people assumed guilty for the actions of a few.

The massive number of gun deaths gets inaction and $ zero spent on it.

Given the obvious massive difference in the death toll, the question isn't actually about gun control, it's about the lack of action.

My theory is simple enough - The US arms industry doesn't care about Americans, it cares only for profits, even if you and your family die to protect their cash.
As for the well paid for politicians that bitch for the arms industry, they should face court for their corruption, as should their pimps.

In other words - you lot have been conned.
The only thing you idiots need to learn is "reasonable" or "common sense" are not objective terms. But you never let that stop you from throwing them around like that are.
It's par for the course with libs. They want to move the goal posts when and where they please.
It's very strange how this thread is all about politics, but hardly a word about 30,000 dead Americans per year.

Death and guns in the USA - CNN.com

Without going into the terrorist issue save to consider the numbers of Americans dead Vs. cash spent and action taken, terrorists have killed so few (About 3,000 people) since and including 9/11, whilst Americans with guns have killed about 406,000 in the same time period.

Less than 1% of the deaths gets $billions spent on it, a mass of press, loads of government time, and a whole group of people assumed guilty for the actions of a few.

The massive number of gun deaths gets inaction and $ zero spent on it.

Given the obvious massive difference in the death toll, the question isn't actually about gun control, it's about the lack of action.

My theory is simple enough - The US arms industry doesn't care about Americans, it cares only for profits, even if you and your family die to protect their cash.
As for the well paid for politicians that bitch for the arms industry, they should face court for their corruption, as should their pimps.

In other words - you lot have been conned.

Oh cry me a river...
You are incorrect!

You should first read the actual open and carry law, and understand a business also has the right to deny open and carry.

Also Texas is not the only state to allow open and carry and you have to be license to open and carry.

You should actually read the law first before making wild claims because I can not parade around with my shotgun and would not anyway!

Open Carry : Texas Concealed Handgun License

i thought open carry was the law of the land in states that allowed hunting. Hard to hunt if you have to conceal your weapon. My opinion is, whatever the police are allowed to do the citizens have the same ability.

Personally I don't think open carry protects a person more then concealed carry. What open carry does is allow a person to know where your weapon is and it might actually be the target of a robbery. Especially women carrying openly.

Police go through a very extensive background check which includes a psychological evaluation.

And we see how well that works out. I don't have a problem with the psychological evaluation, just make it as simple as possible.

Written psyc tests are not simple, they need to be valid and reliable.

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results;
Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure.

The psyc's taken by LE arew both reliable and valid, it cannot predict how life on the streets will later change a persons behavior.

They do weed out many from consideration as an armed agent of the government.

Yet some still go to the dark side, you can't predict everything, no matter how extensive or costly the tests.

Yes and before you claim someone is mentally disturbed or insane, you'd better be able to back it up. I know a family who tried to take over their Mom's properties and bank account by going to court to have her declared incompetent. She had the doctor whom she'd been seeing for decades show up at trial and testify that she was totally sane and capable of tending to her own affairs.
...Yeah and Hillary is going to be the next president. Save it.
To hell with that bitch... I'm just stating the obvious... mandatory national standards are coming...

Ya can't run a "well regulated militia" "in order to provide for the common defense" without having a perpetual understanding of the nature and whereabouts of the arms of that militia.
and 100% can be traced back to the manufacturer. Individuals must be held responsible for what they do with a gun and anything else for that matter.
and individuals should be held responsible...

AND the FFL's who intentionally sell to gun traffickers need to be held responsible as well...
Owning or selling a gun is not the problem. What is it going to take for liberals to see that ?

How about ten years without a mass murder; ten weeks without a suicide or a murder-suicide, or the accidental death of a child playing with a gun.

What will it take to convince you that guns kill people and not every gun owner is or will ever be responsible, sane, sober and law abiding?

So all suicides are caused by guns, really?

I didn't write that either. Nor do I think the Golden Gate Bridge needs to be removed because of suicides.

You did and I quote:

"How about ten years without a mass murder; ten weeks without a suicide or a murder-suicide, or the accidental death of a child playing with a gun."

Do you really think there is a possibly of going 10 weeks without a suicide, if guns were not available?
Most of us who support gun control measures do not see gun owners as you self report to be the problem. And most of us responsible supporters of rational gun laws do not support the repeal of the 2nd A. We want people properly vetted.

I for one want to see all gun owners licensed and all guns registered on a State by State basis. Let Texas do what they want, and allow California citizens to vote to license and register or not.

In fact I'd grandfather in all current gun owners and not require that they be licensed or register their guns, the only restriction being they could only sell their gun to a licensed person or dealer, and could only buy an additional gun or guns if they became licensed and registered their new gun along with those already owned by them.

So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Why? Because it's the law. Move to Texas if this upsets you so. There you can parade around the streets with your beloved gun on your hip & be free from the law you oppose.

This whole damn thread exist because you are trying to take that right away from everyone. Why don't you fucking regressives move your asses to States that have laws you support and leave the rest of us alone? Thank for showing you true face, hypocrite.

You can read and comprehend, thus you've proved to be a liar.

I've said this about gun control
  • States should decide if they want to license gun owners
  • States should decided if they want to register guns
  • States should decide on the factors to deny, suspend or revoke a license
  • States should decide on the types of weapon to be prohibited
  • States should decide on open carry, concealed carry and other forms of transport of guns
  • States should decide if guns are allowed in parks and other public places
  • States should decide if Cities or Counties can impose stricter rules on gun storage or possession outside the home or business
I don't care what you do in Texas, and rural regions can and should have different gun laws than cities.

I believe any sober, sane and law abiding citizen can have a gun to protect his home or business. Beyond that, guns need to be controlled by whatever democratic process the citizens of the State, region or community decide.

So you think the State can remove your ability to defend yourself against criminals with equal or greater force, where ever that need arises? So I guess the State gets to decide if a law abiding citizen really has a right to life, except in their home. Now I must ask, why you support NYC's ridiculous fees and licensing to just have a gun in your home?

Wry doesn't support the Constitution. He's a totalitarian at heart and feels that no amount of government power is too much.
...Yeah and Hillary is going to be the next president. Save it.
To hell with that bitch... I'm just stating the obvious... mandatory national standards are coming...

Ya can't run a "well regulated militia" "in order to provide for the common defense" without having a perpetual understanding of the nature and whereabouts of the arms of that militia.
It is obvious to me we are going in the opposite direction. Gun control is a political loser.
...Yeah and Hillary is going to be the next president. Save it.
To hell with that bitch... I'm just stating the obvious... mandatory national standards are coming...

Ya can't run a "well regulated militia" "in order to provide for the common defense" without having a perpetual understanding of the nature and whereabouts of the arms of that militia.
It is obvious to me we are going in the opposite direction. Gun control is a political loser.
It is, indeed, a political loser, right up to the moment when we suffer Mass Shooting No. X - whatever X is.
...Yeah and Hillary is going to be the next president. Save it.
To hell with that bitch... I'm just stating the obvious... mandatory national standards are coming...

Ya can't run a "well regulated militia" "in order to provide for the common defense" without having a perpetual understanding of the nature and whereabouts of the arms of that militia.
It is obvious to me we are going in the opposite direction. Gun control is a political loser.
It is, indeed, a political loser, right up to the moment when we suffer Mass Shooting No. X - whatever X is.

The two mass shootings in France and Norway sadly killed more people than ALL of the mass shootings in the USA over the last 20 years. Yeppers, that European gun control works real good.....
27.7% of guns used in crimes were sold by legally licensed FFL's....

I don't see how ANYONE can not view this as a REAL and JUSTIFIED problem?

It is a problem and the seller should be given life in prison if the crime that resulted from their illegal sale caused a death...

It will make a dealer think twice before illegally selling a gun or a purchaser would also think twice if they are buying the gun legally and then selling it illegally to someone that is not allow to own a gun...

Oh goody!! We need to go our and arrest all the car dealers for murder.

The FFL that sells to the guy trafficker who distributes the guns to criminals on the street, (the Black Market), and who comes back time and time and time again, buying more guns from the FFL should make the FFL in the least, suspicious, you would think???

I don't know, but it would seem to be that way...?

The government is the one with the final say on the purchase, not the dealer. If fact the dealer could be sued for not making a sale approved by NICS. Thank you, regressive public accommodation laws.
Then that is something that should legally change, and there should be a phone number for these FFL's to report suspicious activities....maybe there is one already?

of course they won't report a thing if they purposely show a blind eye to it, so that they can continue to make money with every sale to the supposed legal background check, trafficker.

since it was the ATF that had these statistics on firearms confiscated from crimes were purchased from FFL's 27.7% of the time, you would think the ATF is already watching the FFL's that sold the most guns used in crimes?

And maybe that is already happening?

Why haven't you said how the guns get from the FFL to the criminal, did the original purchaser commit the crime or did they sell it to a criminal, or was the gun stolen by a criminal?

Like I said earlier, that stat is worthless without context.
The two mass shootings in France and Norway sadly killed more people than ALL of the mass shootings in the USA over the last 20 years. Yeppers, that European gun control works real good.....

What, no links to 400,000 dead in just two events?
Unless it was WWII, I think I missed that in the papers.
The National Rifle Association is doing exactly what its members want it to do - defending the American People in their Right to Bear Arms.

Integral to that defense is opposition to each and every attempt by Big Government to curtail or impede or strip away such rights, or to make them more difficult to exercise.

The idea of a National Gun Club Comprised of Members Who Think Like Hillary Does is (a) doomed to failure and (b) residing only in some weird Alternate Universe.

Only one of a vast number of ideas - each as useful as a screen door in a submarine - likely to flow from the fevered brow of the HildaBeast, if we are foolish enough to let her.

There are a number of things that the NRA does, to try to impede forward progress on reasonable gun-control, that Americans should probably not let them get away with.

But that's on us, not them.

Reasonable to who, fucking idiot regressives?
Reasonable to The American People at large, of course.

You know... the ultimate Masters of this land, for whom the Constitution was created, and by whose leave it continues to function.

If that were really true we wouldn't have to put up with much of the crap we do. Regressive have proven time and again they don't give a shit what the majority thinks, they magically know better than everyone.
...Yeah and Hillary is going to be the next president. Save it.
To hell with that bitch... I'm just stating the obvious... mandatory national standards are coming...

Ya can't run a "well regulated militia" "in order to provide for the common defense" without having a perpetual understanding of the nature and whereabouts of the arms of that militia.
It is obvious to me we are going in the opposite direction. Gun control is a political loser.
It is, indeed, a political loser, right up to the moment when we suffer Mass Shooting No. X - whatever X is.
Well we've had a number of mass shootings and I havent seen a serious effort for gun control since Sandy Hook. ANd they couldn't get it done.

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