Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

we do have a federal background check
Time for Federal standards all across the board... vetting, licensure, registration, training, transactions, etc... the States have long-since proven their incompetency with that.

The time has come for uniformity on a nationwide scale... same procedure in Maine as in New Mexico.

we do have a federal standard
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

nope not going to happen
You may very well be right.

Until lawmakers' constituencies revolt at the ballot box, anyway.
not going to happen

most people know it is the intention of the person

not the tool that kills
Force a Federal standard and feed it to a Federal database for compliance auditing.

we do have a federal background check
Time for Federal standards all across the board... vetting, licensure, registration, training, transactions, etc... the States have long-since proven their incompetency with that.

The time has come for uniformity on a nationwide scale... same procedure in Maine as in New Mexico.

we do have a federal standard
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

Send it over to a corrupt govt that starts never ending wars, 20 trillion in debt, continually spies on you, patriot act, passes laws that are bankrupting the country, obamacare? No thanks.

I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
Washington Redskin
The hildabeast has no credibility… stay out of the fucking fire water
Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

They already have one Hillary! It's called the DNC.
Silly Hillary!
Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

They already have one Hillary! It's called the DNC.
Silly Hillary!
If it was not for the word 'responsible' you might have a point. As already pointed out, the DNC - Hillary and Barry specifically - has already proven it is far from being 'responsible', having illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of approx. 100 people - to include 4 Americans, and arming terrorists - the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, resulting in the deaths of countless numbers of people - to include at LEAST 4 Americans, while attempting to disarm American citizens.
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.
doesn't sound communist at all

Communist = "Give me your phukking guns. Now. No compensation. We will melt them down and send you a Hero's Badge as a mark of compliance and submission."

Future American = "You can have guns. No problem. But you're gonna conform to national standards related to ownership and use, in the interests of public safety."

The Constitution is the "national standard," and it doesn't allow the federal government to determine who can have guns and who can't.
Communist = "Give me your phukking guns. Now. No compensation. We will melt them down and send you a Hero's Badge as a mark of compliance and submission."

incorrect, todays communists are a whole lot sneakier than that, they will come for them under the guise of trying to help us

Future American = "You can have guns. No problem. But you're gonna conform to national standards related to ownership and use, in the interests of public safety."

sounds better suited for todays media...how does that sound to ya now? communist? fascist?
Force a Federal standard and feed it to a Federal database for compliance auditing.

we do have a federal background check
Time for Federal standards all across the board... vetting, licensure, registration, training, transactions, etc... the States have long-since proven their incompetency with that.

The time has come for uniformity on a nationwide scale... same procedure in Maine as in New Mexico.

we do have a federal standard
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

Send it over to a corrupt govt that starts never ending wars, 20 trillion in debt, continually spies on you, patriot act, passes laws that are bankrupting the country, obamacare? No thanks.
Ultimately, I don't think you're going to have a choice in the matter... Public Safety is going to end-up overwhelming legal concerns.
Time for Federal standards all across the board... vetting, licensure, registration, training, transactions, etc... the States have long-since proven their incompetency with that.

The time has come for uniformity on a nationwide scale... same procedure in Maine as in New Mexico.

we do have a federal standard
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

nope not going to happen
You may very well be right.

Until lawmakers' constituencies revolt at the ballot box, anyway.
not going to happen

most people know it is the intention of the person

not the tool that kills
That narrative has been overplayed in the past couple of decades... profound change may be coming sometime soon.
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.
doesn't sound communist at all

Communist = "Give me your phukking guns. Now. No compensation. We will melt them down and send you a Hero's Badge as a mark of compliance and submission."

Future American = "You can have guns. No problem. But you're gonna conform to national standards related to ownership and use, in the interests of public safety."

The Constitution is the "national standard," and it doesn't allow the federal government to determine who can have guns and who can't.
All it will take is a re-interpretation of the Second under the proper conditions and it becomes a fait accompli.
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.
doesn't sound communist at all

Communist = "Give me your phukking guns. Now. No compensation. We will melt them down and send you a Hero's Badge as a mark of compliance and submission."

Future American = "You can have guns. No problem. But you're gonna conform to national standards related to ownership and use, in the interests of public safety."

The Constitution is the "national standard," and it doesn't allow the federal government to determine who can have guns and who can't.
All it will take is a re-interpretation of the Second under the proper conditions and it becomes a fait accompli.
Thanks for demonstrating your contempt for the Constitution. That's one big reason Hillary didn't get elected.
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.
doesn't sound communist at all

Communist = "Give me your phukking guns. Now. No compensation. We will melt them down and send you a Hero's Badge as a mark of compliance and submission."

Future American = "You can have guns. No problem. But you're gonna conform to national standards related to ownership and use, in the interests of public safety."

The Constitution is the "national standard," and it doesn't allow the federal government to determine who can have guns and who can't.
All it will take is a re-interpretation of the Second under the proper conditions and it becomes a fait accompli.
we recognize this, we know that is why the left is always screaming for gun control and will use any excuse to get one of these gun control cases in front of one of "their" judges...thank goodness for the constitution and the NRA who defends it....btw whatever happened to denying you/the left were not trying to deny anyone of there second amendment rights?
...Thanks for demonstrating your contempt for the Constitution. That's one big reason Hillary didn't get elected.
"When Constitutionality and Safety are at sword point, Safety almost always wins" - Judge Farris (The Stand, 1979)


Just ask Andy-by-God-Jackson...

Just ask Abe Lincoln...

Just ask FDR...

It's all a matter of interpretation, within a Constitutional framework.
...whatever happened to denying you/the left were not trying to deny anyone of there second amendment rights?
A re-interpretation of the Second REDEFINES those rights in a Public Safety context... you'll still have guns... you'll just have to jump thru more hoops to acquire and keep 'em.
...whatever happened to denying you/the left were not trying to deny anyone of there second amendment rights?
A re-interpretation of the Second REDEFINES those rights in a Public Safety context... you'll still have guns... you'll just have to jump thru more hoops to acquire and keep 'em.
Don't actually believe it is not an attempt to deny Americans guns since owning one actually makes folks safer but I wouldn't mind testing a redefinition of rights using the first amendment with added hoops included...getting it into court in a public safety context would be a walk in the park, but nothing should go forward until we hoop the living daylights out of freedom of the press [something that I see as a part of our DNA]
we do have a federal background check
Time for Federal standards all across the board... vetting, licensure, registration, training, transactions, etc... the States have long-since proven their incompetency with that.

The time has come for uniformity on a nationwide scale... same procedure in Maine as in New Mexico.

we do have a federal standard
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

Send it over to a corrupt govt that starts never ending wars, 20 trillion in debt, continually spies on you, patriot act, passes laws that are bankrupting the country, obamacare? No thanks.
Ultimately, I don't think you're going to have a choice in the matter... Public Safety is going to end-up overwhelming legal concerns.

not a chance of it
we do have a federal standard
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

nope not going to happen
You may very well be right.

Until lawmakers' constituencies revolt at the ballot box, anyway.
not going to happen

most people know it is the intention of the person

not the tool that kills
That narrative has been overplayed in the past couple of decades... profound change may be coming sometime soon.

the leftist narrative has been overplayed

and it is not coming back

your ways simply make life more dangerous with your foolish laws

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