Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

Send it over to a corrupt govt that starts never ending wars, 20 trillion in debt, continually spies on you, patriot act, passes laws that are bankrupting the country, obamacare? No thanks.
Ultimately, I don't think you're going to have a choice in the matter... Public Safety is going to end-up overwhelming legal concerns.

Sadly, our tyrannical govt is moving in that direction quickly. Hundreds of millions won't play along though.
Hundreds of millions? More like a few thousand, scattered across the country, I'm afraid.

I meant tens of millions. There are approximately 55 million gun owners who own 150 million guns. Id have to say most of those 10's of millions won't give it up. The people that do will be mostly from the NE.
If you are an American citizen, living within its boundaries, then you will submit to American Law - no exceptions - and 99.99999% of Americans will do just that. Sorry.

“It’s not about the Second Amendment.”

Faith Hill And Tim McGraw Take Aim At The NRA And Demand Gun Control

I agree! Thank you!
Nobody gives a fuck what Faith Hill says. She's an uneducated moron with some decent looks and singing talent. She is no authority on anything but singing. If she is talking about anything but singing, she has the same amount of credibility as the homeless dude on the corner who claims to be Jesus.

She needs to just shut the fuck up, sing, and get naked.

Same with Tim McCraw, except for the naked part.
Send it over to a corrupt govt that starts never ending wars, 20 trillion in debt, continually spies on you, patriot act, passes laws that are bankrupting the country, obamacare? No thanks.
Ultimately, I don't think you're going to have a choice in the matter... Public Safety is going to end-up overwhelming legal concerns.

Sadly, our tyrannical govt is moving in that direction quickly. Hundreds of millions won't play along though.
Hundreds of millions? More like a few thousand, scattered across the country, I'm afraid.

I meant tens of millions. There are approximately 55 million gun owners who own 150 million guns. Id have to say most of those 10's of millions won't give it up. The people that do will be mostly from the NE.
If you are an American citizen, living within its boundaries, then you will submit to American Law - no exceptions - and 99.99999% of Americans will do just that. Sorry.

It’s just great to know we have a second mmendmwnt that makes it very difficult for government to create a strict ban that takes firearms away from resoonsible citizens. I’s Like to see how far Democrats think they can get, without the clear written constitutional process of repealing the second annendment.
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
Ultimately, I don't think you're going to have a choice in the matter... Public Safety is going to end-up overwhelming legal concerns.

Sadly, our tyrannical govt is moving in that direction quickly. Hundreds of millions won't play along though.
Hundreds of millions? More like a few thousand, scattered across the country, I'm afraid.

I meant tens of millions. There are approximately 55 million gun owners who own 150 million guns. Id have to say most of those 10's of millions won't give it up. The people that do will be mostly from the NE.
If you are an American citizen, living within its boundaries, then you will submit to American Law - no exceptions - and 99.99999% of Americans will do just that. Sorry.

It’s just great to know we have a second mmendmwnt that makes it very difficult for government to create a strict ban that takes firearms away from resoonsible citizens. I’s Like to see how far Democrats think they can get, without the clear written constitutional process of repealing the second annendment.
/—-/ All it takes is 5 libtard judges on the USSC to redefine the original intent. That’s why we need Pres Trump to replace as many lib judges as possible.
Sadly, our tyrannical govt is moving in that direction quickly. Hundreds of millions won't play along though.
Hundreds of millions? More like a few thousand, scattered across the country, I'm afraid.

I meant tens of millions. There are approximately 55 million gun owners who own 150 million guns. Id have to say most of those 10's of millions won't give it up. The people that do will be mostly from the NE.
If you are an American citizen, living within its boundaries, then you will submit to American Law - no exceptions - and 99.99999% of Americans will do just that. Sorry.

It’s just great to know we have a second mmendmwnt that makes it very difficult for government to create a strict ban that takes firearms away from resoonsible citizens. I’s Like to see how far Democrats think they can get, without the clear written constitutional process of repealing the second annendment.
/—-/ All it takes is 5 libtard judges on the USSC to redefine the original intent. That’s why we need Pres Trump to replace as many lib judges as possible.

while the leftards has been worried about trumps latest tweet


what candy the Trumps gave out on Halloween

the President has been feverishly placing conservative judges to the benches

all across this nation

not only is he setting records

the average age of his placements is 48 years old

so they are going to be around along time

Opinion | The one area where Trump has been wildly successful
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
And what is the ratio of Gun Deaths vs. Automobile Ramming-into-a-Crowd Deaths?
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
And what is the ratio of Gun Deaths vs. Automobile Ramming-into-a-Crowd Deaths?

In terms of semi-auto (as there has never been close to an automatic killing reported in a crowd - particularly Vegas ) verses driving through a crowd at over 35 mph in a five minute window?

I just know that the recent reactions by liberal progressives in both incidents, show they are not serious about “regulations meant to protect Americans”. Truth is ... it was an armed citizen, not a cop, which stopped the killing at a church in Texas from getting worse. Liberals can’t deny that
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

Yes...she wants a gun group dedicated to banning and confiscating all guns from all Americans.......sure thing...sign me up.....
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
And what is the ratio of Gun Deaths vs. Automobile Ramming-into-a-Crowd Deaths?

In mass public attacks......in 2016 there were 6 mass public shootings with 71 people murdered in total....in Nice, France, one attack by one rental truck murdered 89 people.......
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
And what is the ratio of Gun Deaths vs. Automobile Ramming-into-a-Crowd Deaths?

Well....to be fair, which you aren't.....you would also have to figure in the number of times guns are used to stop violent criminals.....that would be 1,500,000 times a year according to bill clinton and the research done by his Department of Justice....obama confirmed this with his CDC research in 2013...they found Americans use guns 500,000 times a year to 3 million times a year......which is more crime stopped and lives saved than there are lives taken by criminals....

And of the gun deaths in this country, 70-80% of those deaths are criminals murdered by other criminals....making the total of innocent deaths around 1,200 ....and of those, many are the victims because of their associations with known criminals......

So....if you add that in, it is easy to see that guns are a great good in our country, saving lives, and keeping people safe from democrats and other criminals....
Sadly, our tyrannical govt is moving in that direction quickly. Hundreds of millions won't play along though.
Hundreds of millions? More like a few thousand, scattered across the country, I'm afraid.

I meant tens of millions. There are approximately 55 million gun owners who own 150 million guns. Id have to say most of those 10's of millions won't give it up. The people that do will be mostly from the NE.
If you are an American citizen, living within its boundaries, then you will submit to American Law - no exceptions - and 99.99999% of Americans will do just that. Sorry.

It’s just great to know we have a second mmendmwnt that makes it very difficult for government to create a strict ban that takes firearms away from resoonsible citizens. I’s Like to see how far Democrats think they can get, without the clear written constitutional process of repealing the second annendment.
/—-/ All it takes is 5 libtard judges on the USSC to redefine the original intent. That’s why we need Pres Trump to replace as many lib judges as possible.

That is how obama planned to do it.......with his lower court appointments as well....he needed to control congress to protect the take over of healthcare, so he didn't want to lose seats to anti gun votes......he planned on anti gun judges, ruling on local and state gun bans and confiscations, to make things constitutional...then, his justices on the Supreme court would uphold those rulings.....a much more streamlined way to ban guns......
Mandatory in all States... universally enforced... vetting... licensure... registration... training... transactions... take it out of State hands and have the Feds do it all.

In this topical area, most States would screw-up a two-car funeral... they are incompetent... and they've had their chance... time for them to step aside on this matter.

Send it over to a corrupt govt that starts never ending wars, 20 trillion in debt, continually spies on you, patriot act, passes laws that are bankrupting the country, obamacare? No thanks.
Ultimately, I don't think you're going to have a choice in the matter... Public Safety is going to end-up overwhelming legal concerns.

Sadly, our tyrannical govt is moving in that direction quickly. Hundreds of millions won't play along though.
Hundreds of millions? More like a few thousand, scattered across the country, I'm afraid.

I meant tens of millions. There are approximately 55 million gun owners who own 150 million guns. Id have to say most of those 10's of millions won't give it up. The people that do will be mostly from the NE.

And more minorities and women are now buying and carrying guns...once they understand a little more of the issue...and are told that the gun they bought to defend their families would be made illegal by the democrat ban......they might wake up......

I belong to the NRA, but only for business reasons. Behind that are the local people around me, who helped and trained me. Training with guns, stalking/hunting and field dressing. And these men, most twice my age, seemed glad to spend their time with a dumb ass city girl. In all these years, never even a hint of sexual impropriety did they display.....except for these two guys, but they were younger.....sons of the men who trained me.

Anyways, the NRA is one massive anachronism.
The Left has actually tried this numerous times. It always fails. Because the NRA represents responsible gun owners.
The Left is terrified of them because they are the most effective lobby in Washington.

Yes, the NRA is a VERY effective lobby - but not an HONEST one! It is run by hardcore NRA gun nutter radicals who refuse to give an inch even on gun control issues that most Americans and most gun owners support. Universal background checks should be a no-brainer.
You do realize that the only real type of 'gun nutter' are those who oppose guns, right?

The NRA is all about responsible gun ownership. In fact, they sometimes buy into the progressive BS, which is sometimes irritating, but whatcha gonna do? Nothing is perfect.
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
And what is the ratio of Gun Deaths vs. Automobile Ramming-into-a-Crowd Deaths?

In terms of semi-auto (as there has never been close to an automatic killing reported in a crowd - particularly Vegas ) verses driving through a crowd at over 35 mph in a five minute window?

I just know that the recent reactions by liberal progressives in both incidents, show they are not serious about “regulations meant to protect Americans”. Truth is ... it was an armed citizen, not a cop, which stopped the killing at a church in Texas from getting worse. Liberals can’t deny that

The killer was done and leaving.
Isn’t it interesting. All this talk from progressives on the need for strict gun control to “protect American citizens”, yet once we have a truck driving on the sidewalk killing pedestrians in New York City you could hear a pin drop from progressives in Washington and the main stream media. Oh I’m sure it’s all about making sure we have strict government regulations that protect American citizens alright.
And what is the ratio of Gun Deaths vs. Automobile Ramming-into-a-Crowd Deaths?

In terms of semi-auto (as there has never been close to an automatic killing reported in a crowd - particularly Vegas ) verses driving through a crowd at over 35 mph in a five minute window?

I just know that the recent reactions by liberal progressives in both incidents, show they are not serious about “regulations meant to protect Americans”. Truth is ... it was an armed citizen, not a cop, which stopped the killing at a church in Texas from getting worse. Liberals can’t deny that

The killer was done and leaving.

You guys can lie about this all you want....but the truth is the truth....the killer was still killing the wounded when the NRA instructor with the AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church...the killer stopped murdering the wounded and went outside to shoot the guy with the gun or to escape, now that armed resistance had finally shown up...

How do we know this...?

An actual survivor in the church states this is what happened...numb nuts....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."

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