Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

NYcarbineer Nine states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington) and DC require universal background checks at the point of sale for all transfers of all classes of firearms, including purchases from unlicensed sellers; Maryland andPennsylvania do the same for handgun ...
/----/ Yet these same states fight Voter ID laws.
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.
If you're an ex-NRA member, I'm the queen of England.
No, not legally anyway. BUT they can certainly find some illegal guns faster than the average citizen.

I can legally sell a gun to a felon.

No you can't. If you do, you've just committed a felony.

Each state already has background checks.
Force a Federal standard and feed it to a Federal database for compliance auditing.

we do have a federal background check

That doesn't apply to private sales.

it is still against the law for a felon to buy a firearm

from either a dealer or a private sale

and nothin fuckhead
I can legally sell a gun to a felon.

No you can't. If you do, you've just committed a felony.

Force a Federal standard and feed it to a Federal database for compliance auditing.

we do have a federal background check

That doesn't apply to private sales.

Yes it does. States like California, and there are likely others, prohibit private gun sales without a BG check. Quit spreading false information


good point

by nature leftards lie

California is not the federal government. duh

a ban is a ban dipshit
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

More liberal bullshit. Hillary already admitted she wants guns banned because she doesn't think we have a right to own. them. That makes this nothing but a lie.

The NRA teaches responsibility. The murderers out there are rarely a member. The NRA has been around a long time.

It's the entitled, hateful, bitter, uneducated people that are new and that is why we have gun violence.
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.
If you're an ex-NRA member, I'm the queen of England.

They all do that. They think it somehow gives them credibility to make up a story saying they used to be in the NRA.
Yeah, and a lot of them claim they used to vote Republican. These are people who demonstrate hate of everything the Republican party stands for.
The Left has actually tried this numerous times. It always fails. Because the NRA represents responsible gun owners.
The Left is terrified of them because they are the most effective lobby in Washington.


The NRA represents the gun manufacturers and couldn't give a rats ass about gun owners!
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
Hillary says????...lol
I have no idea what you mean by a "moderate" gun owner?

In reality, there are only two categories of gun owners.

1) Legal gun owners who obey the law.

2) Criminals who own illegal guns.

I guess you haven't heard about what happened in Nevada last Sunday....
Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Are there any moderate gun owners, are all they all Texas rednecks?

It strikes me all gun owners are right wing madmen

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

I believe that there are 'reasonable' (i.e. law abiding) gun owners...lot's of them.

Do you believe that there are many 'unreasonable' gun owners?

Perhaps some that abide by the law for years... then suddenly don't?

It's called 'common sense' gun laws for a reason.
Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Are there any moderate gun owners, are all they all Texas rednecks?

It strikes me all gun owners are right wing madmen

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

I believe that there are 'reasonable' (i.e. law abiding) gun owners...lot's of them.

Do you believe that there are many 'unreasonable' gun owners?

Perhaps some that abide by the law for years... then suddenly don't?

It's called 'common sense' gun laws for a reason.
do you agree that there are abuses in the media? that perhaps outside government editors could prevent? that some common sense censorship could prevent?...if one were trying to abolish the second amendment [or any amendment]...stealthly, one would be wise to do so under the guise of "common sense"...as much as anything else the second amendment is there as a red flag amendment, when you see who it is that is trying to circumvent it red flags should be going up immediately because they are the tyrants of the day and tyrants fear an armed populace.
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.
If you're an ex-NRA member, I'm the queen of England.

They all do that. They think it somehow gives them credibility to make up a story saying they used to be in the NRA.
Yeah, and a lot of them claim they used to vote Republican. These are people who demonstrate hate of everything the Republican party stands for.

That's hate for everything the Repubes currently stand for.
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.
If you're an ex-NRA member, I'm the queen of England.

They all do that. They think it somehow gives them credibility to make up a story saying they used to be in the NRA.
Yeah, and a lot of them claim they used to vote Republican. These are people who demonstrate hate of everything the Republican party stands for.

That's hate for everything the Repubes currently stand for.

Aside from Trump's stand on international trade, what the Republican party stands for hasn't changed.
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.
We already have reasonable restrictions.

Felons can't buy guns
The adjudicated mentally ill can't buy guns
Automatic weapons are highly restricted

What we need is enforcement of these restrictions and stiff mandatory sentences for any crime involving firearms

What we need is universal background checks so individuals will know if they are selling a gun to a felon, or mentally ill person.

Each state already has background checks.
Force a Federal standard and feed it to a Federal database for compliance auditing.

we do have a federal background check
Time for Federal standards all across the board... vetting, licensure, registration, training, transactions, etc... the States have long-since proven their incompetency with that.

The time has come for uniformity on a nationwide scale... same procedure in Maine as in New Mexico.
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

This is what needs to happen, people with common sense need to fight back in exactly the same way as the scumbags on the right are doing it.

Name the new organization The ARA. The American Rifle Association. Most people in the NRA already support by huge margins the sensible laws and regulation like background checks and making sure the mentally ill don't get guns. And the new organization needs to ignore whatever the opposition is saying, just as the NRA or gun lickers do. It's time to start ignoring these people and push past them. The American people by 80% or more supports sensible gun regulation. And contrary to the cult beliefs of alt-right gun huggers there are millions of progressives that own guns.

Figure it out liberals, you need to start fighting these people in their living rooms.
The Left has actually tried this numerous times. It always fails. Because the NRA represents responsible gun owners.
The Left is terrified of them because they are the most effective lobby in Washington.


The NRA represents the gun manufacturers and couldn't give a rats ass about gun owners!
Rather like the Republican Party... they used to represent the Common Man, but sold out to the Corporatists, decades ago...

Sometimes, it takes a generation or two or three before such a state of affairs actually sinks-in and becomes commonly accepted truth...
Nope.There are lots of us ex-NRA members who want nothing more than reasonable controls on who gets guns. Gun owners are not the problem. Gun nuts are.
If you're an ex-NRA member, I'm the queen of England.

They all do that. They think it somehow gives them credibility to make up a story saying they used to be in the NRA.
Yeah, and a lot of them claim they used to vote Republican. These are people who demonstrate hate of everything the Republican party stands for.

That's hate for everything the Repubes currently stand for.

Aside from Trump's stand on international trade, what the Republican party stands for hasn't changed.

Reagan would be kicked out today for being a RINO.

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