Hillary should have been indicted for secrets disclosed in her emails

Still whining about Hillary. Get new material. You couldn't get her locked up for almost 3 decades, what makes you think all your fake accusations will work now?
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.
We have a two tiered justice system but it is all exposed now...the people know she was given a pass no one in America has ever gotten nor will ever get again unless your name is Clinton with a D at the end....the fucking dishonest swamp will burn in hell for letting her off the hook and trying to destroy Trump over nothing...
My money is on Comey the clown being prosecuted by the end of this year...
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.
But he also tanked her campaign
It wasn't Hillary falling down, or her lying about her wiping her hard drive clean with a cloth, or lying about Benghazi was caused by a movie, or just she enable her husband to rape and abuse women? But Comey?
Of course she should have been indicted. The fix was in and anyone but a moron understands that. Meanwhile....they go after Trump like a rabid pack of dogs.
No one likes her...Comey didn't tank her campaign...she is hated by her fellow citizens...all of us deplorable's hate her lying fat ass....
Of course she should have been indicted. The fix was in and anyone but a moron understands that. Meanwhile....they go after Trump like a rabid pack of dogs.

And Trump is scared. If he did nothing wrong, why is he so scared?
I never voted for Hillary. I think Comey gave her a pass because of her political prominence as the likely nominee. But he also tanked her campaign. I'm just not sure why the issue is still relevant. Which was why I started the thread.

At least you're willing to admit it.

That's why you're one of the few libs I don't have on ignore. The rest of the zealots aren't worth their own nitrogen.

No one likes her...Comey didn't tank her campaign...she is hated by her fellow citizens...all of us deplorable's hate her lying fat ass....

Yet 3 million more voted for her.

3 million wet backs (at least) who aren't legally allowed to.

Never mind the dead people.

When Trump wins in a larger land slide in 2020 with 6 million more wetback (and dead people) votes from commiefornia you should commit the ultimate form of protest.


Piece of shit.

No one likes her...Comey didn't tank her campaign...she is hated by her fellow citizens...all of us deplorable's hate her lying fat ass....

Yet 3 million more voted for her.

3 million wet backs (at least) who aren't legally allowed to.

Never mind the dead people.

When Trump wins in a larger land slide in 2020 with 6 million more wetback (and dead people) votes from commiefornia you should commit the ultimate form of protest.


Piece of shit.


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