Hillary Still Clinging To Lies: I did not Lie to Grieving Benghazi Families - It Was 'Fog of War'

Probably that aneurysm. She's on anywhere from 60-100 prescription meds a day for her various illnesses.
I think it's time for another Benghazi investigation. Maybe someone will make a slight grammatical error that the conspiracy nuts can use to create some more castles in the sky that the RWNJ's can live in.

Gotcha, when every talking head on Television and in the International media knew it was planned, how would our secretary of state know that? Is she supposed to be connected or something?

She lied, Holmes. You'd have a cow if the President had an R after his name instead of a D and call anyone saying what you are saying pathetic and filled with kool aid
Benghazi doesn't even make the top ten on the NATIONAL voter concerns list.

Why are idiots still yammering about it? Trying to stop her from being elected?

good luck with that.


Your Democrat solution to that is get it on the top 10 list.

After crap like the manufactured "yellowcake" non-controversy and pursuing to the ends of the earth whether W spent all day at the National Guard 30 years before he was President, you people have zero credibility to talk about anything on this subject
'So as long as 1 President lied then it is perfectly acceptable for every / 'MY' president to lie'?!

That's that infamous 'Party Brainwashing B$' right there! You people are so brainwashed and so F*ing stupid that you sit around arguing with each other over whose politicians are LESS CRIMINAL than holding them ALL to a higher standard and DEMANDING a higher standard from ALL of them. That's why you jackasses don't DESERVE a candidate worth a damn because you are so rabidly willing to offer any PO$ candidate YOUR party offers, as long as it is 'YOUR' PO$'!

She lied, Holmes.

Sure she did Dr. Watson.

So you actually believe the dumb bimbo didn't know it was organized when everyone else did, Holmes? You seriously believe that? What is your explanation as to how the last to know what happens to Americans overseas is the freaking Secretary of State? Or do you just think she's not a liar, just a dumb ass?
Benghazi doesn't even make the top ten on the NATIONAL voter concerns list.

Why are idiots still yammering about it? Trying to stop her from being elected?

good luck with that.


It's about Hillary and the way she lies. You don't care about what really happened in Benghazi and why it was covered up, then fine, but doesn't change the fact that Hillary isn't trustworthy. It doesn't bother you that she insisted on an agreement not to be under oath before she went before congress? She still hasn't explained why she lied to protect the terrorists, but her supporters are willing to keep their blinders on no matter how much evidence surfaces. Hillary's own words and emails tripped her up. How it is possible for anyone to still believe Hillary even when she contradicts herself? You have to believe two opposing versions of things at once and it tells me how gullible one has to be in order to support her. Reminds me of those who believe Obamacare is a tax and that it isn't a tax at the same time. Got to hand it to the far left for dumbing some people down enough that they'll believe damn near anything their nannies tell them.

Fog of war, my ass. Her supporters are in a serious fog.

the vast majority of the country aka VOTERS don't give a shit about Benghazi ... all of you idiot RW have run it into the damn ground ...

Gowdy cleared her 9 times with 9 investigations ...


get it?

now go cry wolf for another decade or two .. STAY IRRELEVENT !

Well its clear you don't give a shit about four dead men and the incompetence of Hildebeast a her State Department.

You also have no problem letting an investigation run by the Govt. decide what you should believe.

Talk about being irrelevant.
Benghazi doesn't even make the top ten on the NATIONAL voter concerns list.

Why are idiots still yammering about it? Trying to stop her from being elected?

good luck with that.


Your Democrat solution to that is get it on the top 10 list.

After crap like the manufactured "yellowcake" non-controversy and pursuing to the ends of the earth whether W spent all day at the National Guard 30 years before he was President, you people have zero credibility to talk about anything on this subject
'So as long as 1 President lied then it is perfectly acceptable for every / 'MY' president to lie'?!

That's that infamous 'Party Brainwashing B$' right there! You people are so brainwashed and so F*ing stupid that you sit around arguing with each other over whose politicians are LESS CRIMINAL than holding them ALL to a higher standard and DEMANDING a higher standard from ALL of them. That's why you jackasses don't DESERVE a candidate worth a damn because you are so rabidly willing to offer any PO$ candidate YOUR party offers, as long as it is 'YOUR' PO$'!


What President did I say was OK to lie?
Benghazi doesn't even make the top ten on the NATIONAL voter concerns list.

Why are idiots still yammering about it? Trying to stop her from being elected?

good luck with that.

Right, we're supposed to just forget all about it because she's running for president. Sometimes things are a little more important than a politician's political fortunes.
She lied, Holmes.

Sure she did Dr. Watson.

So you actually believe the dumb bimbo didn't know it was organized when everyone else did, Holmes? You seriously believe that? What is your explanation as to how the last to know what happens to Americans overseas is the freaking Secretary of State? Or do you just think she's not a liar, just a dumb ass?

She is neither a bimbo, a liar nor a dumb ass, Dr. Watson.
"Hillary Still Clinging To Lies: I did not Lie to Grieving Benghazi Families - It Was 'Fog of War'"

No, you and most others on the right still contrive and attempt to propagate lies.
She lied, Holmes.

Sure she did Dr. Watson.

So you actually believe the dumb bimbo didn't know it was organized when everyone else did, Holmes? You seriously believe that? What is your explanation as to how the last to know what happens to Americans overseas is the freaking Secretary of State? Or do you just think she's not a liar, just a dumb ass?

She is neither a bimbo, a liar nor a dumb ass, Dr. Watson.

So explain how when the rest of the world knew it was a coordinated attack, it took over a week for the lying, dumb ass bimbo to figure it out.

Seriously, why?

Hillary: I Didn’t Lie to Benghazi Families — It Was ‘The Fog Of War’
LINK: Hillary: I Didn't Lie to Benghazi Families - It Was 'The Fog Of War' - Breitbart

SORRY, but someone who was there, an eye witness has already testified that this latest bullshite coming out of Hillary's mouth is a LIE!
-- That person would be HILLARY CLINTON - her own e-mail exposed her lies and showed the world her deceit and attempted cover-up of her failure.

"Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing the uncovered email showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that “we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” prior to telling them it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack, Clinton said she did not lie to them but instead was caught up in “the fog of war.”

Hillary then dragged the grieving families of those killed in Benghazi back into her lies by declaring, "I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans."

- So Hillary is calling those grieving family members 'LIARS', as they have repeated the story of how she met them as their loved ones' flag-draped coffins were walked off the planes bringing their bodies back home that they died as a result of a PROTEST over a VIDEO and how she vowed to arrest the FILM MAKER who was responsible.

She called and told her daughter that it was a terrorist attack. She told the Egyptian PM 'We KNOW it was a terrorist attack - the film had NOTHING to do with it', then within 24 hours started spreading her lies about the video. AFTER it was fully established that it was a terrorist attack, after the FBI declared that the Compound's cameras proved there was no protest, Hillary went before Congress - after securing an agreement of NOT having to be under oath (and we know why now) and LIED, telling them she had NO IDEA if it was a protest or a terrorist attack.

Now, while asking the American people to 'trust' her enough to put her lying, failed corrupt fat @$$ in office as President, she is STILL LYING TO THE FACES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, just like her pathologically lying 'I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman' husband of hers did as President!
You RWrs crack me up....whining that the Government rushed to judgement on Benghazi and whining that the Government didn't rush to judgement on San Bernadino.
We are all just going over, and over, and over the same thing. Why? It makes no difference what comes out, there will never be a "gotcha" moment when we catch the left and they admit it on here. It is always, "catch us if you can."

The only people it is important to inform of these lies are the voters. These people on here are just astro turfers, and Hillary could be diagnosed with a severe stroke tomorrow, but she would still be the female messiah who is brilliant.

Let us not waste our time on people who only wish to yank our chains, rather.......let us increase our pool of voters, so Hillary and Bill stay in New York with the rest of the left-)
She is neither a bimbo, a liar nor a dumb ass, Dr. Watson.
Bimbo: No one would touch that let alone
"Hillary Still Clinging To Lies: I did not Lie to Grieving Benghazi Families - It Was 'Fog of War'"

No, you and most others on the right still contrive and attempt to propagate lies.
HOW can you Liberals actually say such things with a straight face anymore since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, with her own e-mails, testimony from the grieving family members she lied to?
You RWrs crack me up....whining that the Government rushed to judgement on Benghazi and whining that the Government didn't rush to judgement on San Bernadino.

Who is telling you such things?

Hillary and Obama rushed to MIS-Judgment and LIES on Benghazi, while in regards to the Ft Hood terrorist attack and the Ca attack they drug their feet, refusing - like with Benghazi - to call 'terrorism' TERRORISM!
She lied, Holmes.

Sure she did Dr. Watson.

So you actually believe the dumb bimbo didn't know it was organized when everyone else did, Holmes? You seriously believe that? What is your explanation as to how the last to know what happens to Americans overseas is the freaking Secretary of State? Or do you just think she's not a liar, just a dumb ass?

She is neither a bimbo, a liar nor a dumb ass, Dr. Watson.

So explain how when the rest of the world knew it was a coordinated attack, it took over a week for the lying, dumb ass bimbo to figure it out.

Seriously, why?

That's odd The Secretary said this the very next day:

"Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals. -

See more at: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on the Deaths of U.S. Personnel in Benghazi, Libya

Oh I get, it you think that the governments talking points had to acknowledge to the world everything that was known ort suspected at the time.

And you call her a dumb ass bimbo........
That's odd The Secretary said this the very next day:

FACT: Hillary told the Egyptian PM she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video played no part.

FACT: Hillary told her daughter it was a terrorist attack.

FACT: The Next day Hillary pushed the Video Narrative

FACT: After the CIA, GBI, Embassy in Tripoli all confirmed it was a terrorist attack Hillary testified NOT under oath to Congress and claimed she had no idea if it was protest over the video - which she KNEW was not the truth - or if it had been a terrorist attack.

FACT: She told the grieving families their loved ones died as a result of a protest over a video and promised to arrest the Film Maker

FACT: Hillary's State Dept ignored / denied over 600 of Ambassador Stevens' requests for additional security.

FACT: All the State Dept had to do was pull Stevens out of Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out, and he would be alive.

FACT: Not only did they deny him extra security, they took away 16 members of his security team after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound and before the 3rd and final attack

FACT: Hillary Clinton and the State Department had EVERY OPPORTUNITY to save Ambassador Stevens and not only failed to do that but their actions contributed to his death and the deaths of 3 other Americans.

Liberals can continue to spin, obfuscate, distract, and throw shite at the wall, but these are undeniable. Hillary Clinton was a failed Sect of state whose time in office was marked by failure to successfully defend / protect 20 simultaneous attacks on US Embassies - 4 overrun, and the failure to protect the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be assassinated...needlessly. Her next noted event would be the huge scandal involving her mis-handling of classified - being called by her own staff 'often confused' and 'technology challenged'.

Her handing Putin a plastic prop of a 'reset' button with a plague that read 'overcharge' in Russian was the start of a failed, comical, criminal, disastrous time as Sect of State!
"Fog of war"?? Perhaps granny has been hitting the sauce too much.:wine:
She lied, Holmes.

Sure she did Dr. Watson.

So you actually believe the dumb bimbo didn't know it was organized when everyone else did, Holmes? You seriously believe that? What is your explanation as to how the last to know what happens to Americans overseas is the freaking Secretary of State? Or do you just think she's not a liar, just a dumb ass?

She is neither a bimbo, a liar nor a dumb ass, Dr. Watson.

So explain how when the rest of the world knew it was a coordinated attack, it took over a week for the lying, dumb ass bimbo to figure it out.

Seriously, why?

That's odd The Secretary said this the very next day:

"Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals. -

See more at: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on the Deaths of U.S. Personnel in Benghazi, Libya

Oh I get, it you think that the governments talking points had to acknowledge to the world everything that was known ort suspected at the time.

And you call her a dumb ass bimbo........

You are a strange little man. The discussion is whether she lied that it was a spontaneous attack based on the video or an organized attack. Your post didn't address that in any way, it just says the embassy was attacked.

Hillary, September 25, two full weeks after the attack at the UN: “There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy,”

The dumb ass bimbo ... lied. Everyone else knew right away it wasn't a spontaneous attack but an orchestrated one. Hillary didn't know that two weeks later. Or she did and she LIED
Wow she just tells one whopper lie after another, fog of war riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight /sarcasm

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