Hillary Still Clinging To Lies: I did not Lie to Grieving Benghazi Families - It Was 'Fog of War'

Sure she did Dr. Watson.

So you actually believe the dumb bimbo didn't know it was organized when everyone else did, Holmes? You seriously believe that? What is your explanation as to how the last to know what happens to Americans overseas is the freaking Secretary of State? Or do you just think she's not a liar, just a dumb ass?

She is neither a bimbo, a liar nor a dumb ass, Dr. Watson.

So explain how when the rest of the world knew it was a coordinated attack, it took over a week for the lying, dumb ass bimbo to figure it out.

Seriously, why?

That's odd The Secretary said this the very next day:

"Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals. -

See more at: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on the Deaths of U.S. Personnel in Benghazi, Libya

Oh I get, it you think that the governments talking points had to acknowledge to the world everything that was known ort suspected at the time.

And you call her a dumb ass bimbo........

You are a strange little man. The discussion is whether she lied that it was a spontaneous attack based on the video or an organized attack. Your post didn't address that in any way, it just says the embassy was attacked.

Hillary, September 25, two full weeks after the attack at the UN: “There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy,”

The dumb ass bimbo ... lied. Everyone else knew right away it wasn't a spontaneous attack but an orchestrated one. Hillary didn't know that two weeks later. Or she did and she LIED

Unless you think there is a video that justifies an attack on an embassy that statement is not a lie?

Because they were wrong about there being an initial protest at the Consulate in Benghazi that the heavily armed extremist joined doesn't mean they lied. Spontaneous protests were happening all over the ME. I can't help it if the media conflated the talking points and fooled a lot of people into believing they lied. Such is the nasty nature of American politics these days.
Benghazi doesn't even make the top ten on the NATIONAL voter concerns list.

Why are idiots still yammering about it? Trying to stop her from being elected?

good luck with that.

So now it's okay for a presidential candidate to lie?
Unless you think there is a video that justifies an attack on an embassy that statement is not a lie?

What a disingenuous hack you are

Because they were wrong about there being an initial protest at the Consulate in Benghazi that the heavily armed extremist joined doesn't mean they lied. Spontaneous protests were happening all over the ME. I can't help it if the media conflated the talking points and fooled a lot of people into believing they lied. Such is the nasty nature of American politics these days.

What does the media have to do with what Hillary said?
Unless you think there is a video that justifies an attack on an embassy that statement is not a lie?

What a disingenuous hack you are

Because they were wrong about there being an initial protest at the Consulate in Benghazi that the heavily armed extremist joined doesn't mean they lied. Spontaneous protests were happening all over the ME. I can't help it if the media conflated the talking points and fooled a lot of people into believing they lied. Such is the nasty nature of American politics these days.

What does the media have to do with what Hillary said?

First of all it was President Obama who made the speech at the UN on Sept 25 and in that statement you mis-attributed to SoS Clinton, he was referring to the protests and riots that had been occurring since the initial one in Cairo.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out what role the various medias plays in forming opinions in this nation. Good luck with that.

Hillary: I Didn’t Lie to Benghazi Families — It Was ‘The Fog Of War’
LINK: Hillary: I Didn't Lie to Benghazi Families - It Was 'The Fog Of War' - Breitbart

SORRY, but someone who was there, an eye witness has already testified that this latest bullshite coming out of Hillary's mouth is a LIE!
-- That person would be HILLARY CLINTON - her own e-mail exposed her lies and showed the world her deceit and attempted cover-up of her failure.

"Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing the uncovered email showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that “we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” prior to telling them it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack, Clinton said she did not lie to them but instead was caught up in “the fog of war.”

Hillary then dragged the grieving families of those killed in Benghazi back into her lies by declaring, "I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans."

- So Hillary is calling those grieving family members 'LIARS', as they have repeated the story of how she met them as their loved ones' flag-draped coffins were walked off the planes bringing their bodies back home that they died as a result of a PROTEST over a VIDEO and how she vowed to arrest the FILM MAKER who was responsible.

She called and told her daughter that it was a terrorist attack. She told the Egyptian PM 'We KNOW it was a terrorist attack - the film had NOTHING to do with it', then within 24 hours started spreading her lies about the video. AFTER it was fully established that it was a terrorist attack, after the FBI declared that the Compound's cameras proved there was no protest, Hillary went before Congress - after securing an agreement of NOT having to be under oath (and we know why now) and LIED, telling them she had NO IDEA if it was a protest or a terrorist attack.

Now, while asking the American people to 'trust' her enough to put her lying, failed corrupt fat @$$ in office as President, she is STILL LYING TO THE FACES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, just like her pathologically lying 'I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman' husband of hers did as President!
You RWrs crack me up....whining that the Government rushed to judgement on Benghazi and whining that the Government didn't rush to judgement on San Bernadino.
Incorrect. In both cases, the government knew right away what had happened, and in both cases, the government was looking for a way to spin events to appear like something different had happened. If you're going to criticize something, at least be accurate.
Unless you think there is a video that justifies an attack on an embassy that statement is not a lie?

What a disingenuous hack you are

Because they were wrong about there being an initial protest at the Consulate in Benghazi that the heavily armed extremist joined doesn't mean they lied. Spontaneous protests were happening all over the ME. I can't help it if the media conflated the talking points and fooled a lot of people into believing they lied. Such is the nasty nature of American politics these days.

What does the media have to do with what Hillary said?

First of all it was President Obama who made the speech at the UN on Sept 25 and in that statement you mis-attributed to SoS Clinton, he was referring to the protests and riots that had been occurring since the initial one in Cairo.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out what role the various medias plays in forming opinions in this nation. Good luck with that.

So you're saying that neither Hillary nor Obama said it was a spontaneous attack, not an organized attack, after the initial attack

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