Hillary supporters anarchists plan to disrupt Washington D.C. on inauguration day

They are not peaceful protesters expressing an opinion. They are violent anarchists who loathe America and our laws. They are using violence to try and get their way instead of respecting our system. They are making our streets look like a third world country.

"At what point can we begin to declare violent Hillary Clinton voters domestic terrorists?

After all, you don’t see Donald Trump supporters beating innocent Hillary fans in the streets.

11 times out of 10 it’s the other way around.

Time to take a stand.

If you’re around the D.C. area on January 20th, 2017, be careful.

When Donald Trump is sworn in as president on January 20, there will protesters with signs and people marching in opposition to the newly elected president. But others are planning “direct action” activism that will leave Washington D.C. in “total paralysis,” according to an organizer of activists and anarchists who plan to create chaos across the capitol city in an attempt to disrupt the inauguration and mobilize people in the growing movement against Trump.

Since Trump’s election, a movement called DisruptJ20 has taken off online among activist groups, anarchists, and the anti-facist movement. The goal is to organize the groups and ideologies under a shared goal: disrupting Washington D.C. on inauguration day in protest of Trump’s presidency in any way they can.
“We’re not just organizing some boring-ass march,” one of the organizers, Legba Carrefour, told Vocativ. “We want direct action.”

ALERT: Anarchists Planning Something AWFUL on Inauguration Day, Want to Leave D.C. in "Total..."

well i'd have to believe that being he's a president elect, that doubling down in D.C. will be treated as a threat and real bullets will fly. We'll see how fast they disperse after that.

BTW, I can't wait for that.
They are not peaceful protesters expressing an opinion. They are violent anarchists who loathe America and our laws. They are using violence to try and get their way instead of respecting our system. They are making our streets look like a third world country.

"At what point can we begin to declare violent Hillary Clinton voters domestic terrorists?

After all, you don’t see Donald Trump supporters beating innocent Hillary fans in the streets.

11 times out of 10 it’s the other way around.

Time to take a stand.

If you’re around the D.C. area on January 20th, 2017, be careful.

When Donald Trump is sworn in as president on January 20, there will protesters with signs and people marching in opposition to the newly elected president. But others are planning “direct action” activism that will leave Washington D.C. in “total paralysis,” according to an organizer of activists and anarchists who plan to create chaos across the capitol city in an attempt to disrupt the inauguration and mobilize people in the growing movement against Trump.

Since Trump’s election, a movement called DisruptJ20 has taken off online among activist groups, anarchists, and the anti-facist movement. The goal is to organize the groups and ideologies under a shared goal: disrupting Washington D.C. on inauguration day in protest of Trump’s presidency in any way they can.
“We’re not just organizing some boring-ass march,” one of the organizers, Legba Carrefour, told Vocativ. “We want direct action.”

ALERT: Anarchists Planning Something AWFUL on Inauguration Day, Want to Leave D.C. in "Total..."

Thousands of bikers are going to roll in to put them in their places.
well i'd have to believe that being he's a president elect, that doubling down in D.C. will be treated as a threat and real bullets will fly. We'll see how fast they disperse after that.

BTW, I can't wait for that.
One has to be an idiot of epic proportions to even consider threatening the life of the president. But it takes a very, very special form of stupid to let the Secret Service know when and where you plan to do it.

I hope that these people are just immature idiots doing a lot of talking. If they are serious, they are in for a huge surprise. The Secret Service doesn't play around with the life of the president.
Thousands of bikers are going to roll in to put them in their places.
While that would be entertaining, I hope they don't do that. It will add to the problem. Just let law enforcement handle it. Yeah, these animals might get away with this stuff in cities like New York and Chicago. But if they try this stuff during the inauguration with the president, they will find themselves face first in the cement and being arrested.

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