Hillary supporters anarchists plan to disrupt Washington D.C. on inauguration day

You seem to have it in your imagination that there's a roadblock or something going on where someone's demanding to see a driver's papers or something :laugh:

Geez, I hope you don't live in VA. I'd hate to be in a crowd one day when you decide you're going to plow through it like a lunatic trying to kill people.

Like I said, it depends on where you live. If you live in a liberal state, liberals usually stick up for the criminal.
You seem to have it in your imagination that there's a roadblock or something going on where someone's demanding to see a driver's papers or something :laugh:

Geez, I hope you don't live in VA. I'd hate to be in a crowd one day when you decide you're going to plow through it like a lunatic trying to kill people.

Like I said, it depends on where you live. If you live in a liberal state, liberals usually stick up for the criminal.
Do I need to point out that plowing into crowds and killing people gets you zero jail time in Texas again?

same in this state most states actually

Perhaps, but I wouldn't want to try that in New York or California. States like that always give the benefit of doubt to the criminal and not the victim.

true but i dont frequent either state
They are better off for it

yeah fuck you troll
No thanks

no wonder no one takes you seriously

you senile old prick
Perhaps, but I wouldn't want to try that in New York or California. States like that always give the benefit of doubt to the criminal and not the victim.

true but i dont frequent either state
They are better off for it

yeah fuck you troll
No thanks

no wonder no one takes you seriously

you senile old prick
I wonder if you'll be saying that when many of them are laying dead in the streets.

There is a call to arms to meet these clowns in the street. They pull a gun, they get shot.
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.
You really are confused, aren't you?

The readcoats were government supporters. Like you.
The redcoats were the conservatives of the time, wanting to maintain the old order. You are the one confused.
The redcoats were British Army you idiot. They were the front line defense of the worlds largest government of that time. They were subjects and supporters of the King.

The Founders were classical liberals. They held an inherent distrust of the crown (government) and believed in individual liberty that TRUMPED government.......In other words, modern conservatives.

Go peddle your inane fantasies elsewhere. You lack the balls or intestinal fortitude to follow through in a civil war. You and the rest of the left are far too European these days.

Yes the Founders were Conservatives because they believed in less of a central government.
The Tories are and were the Conservatives.
Self-defense. A man steers a weapon into a crowd at full speed, and a hero puts an end to his attempt at murder. Give him a medal.
"Self-defense" :lmao:

Seriously ToS...I pray for their sake that nobody is listening to your call for violence. They will end up in prison for the rest of their life. The law is very clear - it is not "self-defense" if you were the cause of the altercation. If I punch you in the face, and then you pull out a knife, it is not "self-defense" if I shoot you. Because I'm the one who caused you to pull out the knife. I created the altercation by punching you in the face.

Those violent progressive "protestors" have started the altercation by intentionally causing traffic accidents, blocking public roads, and assaulting people. If someone rams through them and one of them shoots the driver, they will be going to prison for the rest of their life for murder. The law recognizes that if they hadn't been in the road rioting, there would have been no one for the drive to run over in the first place. Idiot.
If I punch you in the face, and then you pull out a knife, it is not "self-defense" if I shoot you.

If I'm in the road, and you steer your car to plow into and murder me, when I blast you in the face through your windshield with a shotgun, that is self-defense.

There now you know.
If I'm in the road, and you steer your car to plow into and murder me, when I blast you in the face through your windshield with a shotgun, that is self-defense.

There now you know.

That's not how our laws work.

If you shoot an aggressor, it's self-defense. If the aggressor shoots you, that's murder.

The person trying to stop the car illegally is the aggressor. There is no court in this country that would look at somebody who was trying to stop a car, then shooting the driver be considered using self-defense.
If I'm in the road, and you steer your car to plow into and murder me, when I blast you in the face through your windshield with a shotgun, that is self-defense.

There now you know.

That's not how our laws work.

If you shoot an aggressor, it's self-defense. If the aggressor shoots you, that's murder.

The person trying to stop the car illegally is the aggressor. There is no court in this country that would look at somebody who was trying to stop a car, then shooting the driver be considered using self-defense.
Plow your car into me, I shoot you. The end.

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