Hillary supporters anarchists plan to disrupt Washington D.C. on inauguration day

No he is. I think it must be a cultural thing. I had no idea you conservatives were so adamant about being allowed to murder people with your vehicles

So who said we were? The kid got away with murder. But if you think your safety or life is on the line, you use whatever you can to get yourself out of that situation.
No he is. I think it must be a cultural thing. I had no idea you conservatives were so adamant about being allowed to murder people with your vehicles

So who said we were? The kid got away with murder. But if you think your safety or life is on the line, you use whatever you can to get yourself out of that situation.
Exactly why I'm telling liberals to cut the bullshit out and arm themselves.
"Plowing through these idiots" with the intent to kill or maim them is certainly a "maniac killing."
Not snowflake....it's plowing through them to survive. There is no "intent" to "kill". If they don't step on the highway, they couldn't get run over. We've seen what the violent mob mentality of your side does. None of them are man enough to fight someone one-on-one. It's always a dozen of you armed with bricks attacking one person.
"Plowing through these idiots" with the intent to kill or maim them is certainly a "maniac killing."
Not snowflake....it's plowing through them to survive. There is no "intent" to "kill". If they don't step on the highway, they couldn't get run over. We've seen what the violent mob mentality of your side does. None of them are man enough to fight someone one-on-one. It's always a dozen of you armed with bricks attacking one person.
My goal is to convince them to be armed with guns so they can stop, permanently, any conservative lunatic that tries to kill them by plowing through them
Hopefully the driver won't be around to be charged with anything anymore
And once again we see ToS calling for violence and murder simply because he can't get his way politically. Unbelievable. I really hope this guy is on Homeland Security's radar.
My goal is to convince them to be armed with guns so they can stop, permanently, any conservative lunatic that tries to kill them by plowing through them
You're goal is to incite violence and advocate for others to kill people that don't agree with you. It's passive-aggresisve and manipulative. Typical of your side of the aisle.

The fact is, if you @ssholes weren't rioting and blocking highways, it would be impossible for anyone to run you over. If you're seriously soooooo concerned about your fellow progressives, then your message should be "get the frick OFF of the highway".
My goal is to convince them to be armed with guns so they can stop, permanently, any conservative lunatic that tries to kill them by plowing through them
You're goal is to incite violence and advocate for others to kill people that don't agree with you. It's passive-aggresisve and manipulative. Typical of your side of the aisle.

The fact is, if you @ssholes weren't rioting and blocking highways, it would be impossible for anyone to run you over. If you're seriously soooooo concerned about your fellow progressives, then your message should be "get the frick OFF of the highway".
They're free to live their lives however they want. I just want them to know if someone is trying to kill them, the best thing is for them to be armed. I thought that you, a conservative, would agree. :dunno:
Self-defense. A man steers a weapon into a crowd at full speed, and a hero puts an end to his attempt at murder. Give him a medal.

Good luck with that in court when the prosecutor brings up evidence such as the gunman was trying to stop the car and the driver plowed through him.
Like that kid who got wasted in Texas, plowed through a group of people killing 4, and got zero jail time?

He should have been locked up but came from a rich family. That's why he didn't go to jail. I don't know what happened to that judge, but it's likely he's no longer a judge there.

leftards always seem to confuse the law breakers with the law abiding
Self-defense. A man steers a weapon into a crowd at full speed, and a hero puts an end to his attempt at murder. Give him a medal.

Good luck with that in court when the prosecutor brings up evidence such as the gunman was trying to stop the car and the driver plowed through him.
You seem to have it in your imagination that there's a roadblock or something going on where someone's demanding to see a driver's papers or something :laugh:

Geez, I hope you don't live in VA. I'd hate to be in a crowd one day when you decide you're going to plow through it like a lunatic trying to kill people.

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