Hillary supporters anarchists plan to disrupt Washington D.C. on inauguration day

If I'm in the road, and you steer your car to plow into and murder me, when I blast you in the face through your windshield with a shotgun, that is self-defense. There now you know.
Dude...you're as clueless about the law as you are about the U.S. Constitution. If a mob of violent progressives step into streets and highways with the express purpose of preventing me from going to my destination while at the same time posing a threat to my safety, and I drive through only to have you shoot me, you will be going to prison for murder, you nitwit.
If I'm in the road, and you steer your car to plow into and murder me, when I blast you in the face through your windshield with a shotgun, that is self-defense. There now you know.
Dude...you're as clueless about the law as you are about the U.S. Constitution. If a mob of violent progressives step into streets and highways with the express purpose of preventing me from going to my destination while at the same time posing a threat to my safety, and I drive through only to have you shoot me, you will be going to prison for murder, you nitwit.
Wow you had to invent a wild scenario in order to pretend you have a point.

My advice to you... don't purposely careen your car into a crowd in an attempt to kill anybody. Damn... I never thought I'd have to say that to anyone.
There must be some cultural divide here. My advice to you, don't try to murder anyone with your car. Best of luck to you.
No...there is a maturity divide here. You're throwing a tantrum like a little bitch and lashing out like a petulant child who can't get his way. In the process, you're making statements like a child.

In a self-defense situation, the law considers the person who caused the altercation to be at fault. If you step into a street or highway and surround my vehicle, I have every right to plow through to safety. If you shoot me for running over your fellow violent rioters, you will go to prison for murder.

Now...this is all kind of a moot point anyway as we all know that you wouldn't be able to shoot a stationary target from 4 feet. However, as you fire wildly like the idiot that you are, you will be brought up on attempted murder charges.
My advice to you... don't purposely careen your car into a crowd in an attempt to kill anybody. Damn... I never thought I'd have to say that to anyone.
My advice to you nitwit? Keep calling for violence and domestic terrorism on public websites. I can't wait until the F.B.I. is kicking in your door and hauling your dumb and whiny ass off so that society is safe. I've never seen someone have such a severe meltdown over an election.

You're up next ToS. It would be wise to get your affairs in order...

NYPD: Rutgers professor taken to hospital for evaluation after threatening to kill white people
There must be some cultural divide here. My advice to you, don't try to murder anyone with your car. Best of luck to you.
No...there is a maturity divide here. You're throwing a tantrum like a little bitch and lashing out like a petulant child who can't get his way. In the process, you're making statements like a child.

In a self-defense situation, the law considers the person who caused the altercation to be at fault. If you step into a street or highway and surround my vehicle, I have every right to plow through to safety. If you shoot me for running over your fellow violent rioters, you will go to prison for murder.

Now...this is all kind of a moot point anyway as we all know that you wouldn't be able to shoot a stationary target from 4 feet. However, as you fire wildly like the idiot that you are, you will be brought up on attempted murder charges.
I think you'd be better off in a safe space tonight :itsok:
My advice to you... don't purposely careen your car into a crowd in an attempt to kill anybody. Damn... I never thought I'd have to say that to anyone.
My advice to you nitwit? Keep calling for violence and domestic terrorism on public websites. I can't wait until the F.B.I. is kicking in your door and hauling your dumb and whiny ass off so that society is safe. I've never seen someone have such a severe meltdown over an election.

You're up next ToS. It would be wise to get your affairs in order...

NYPD: Rutgers professor taken to hospital for evaluation after threatening to kill white people
Oh man... the sun will come up tomorrow lil buddy :itsok:

Try to stay strong
When the shit hits the fan, remember that you asked for it
This perfectly sums up TheOldFool, doesn't it? :lmao:

Oh man... the sun will come up tomorrow lil buddy. Try to stay strong
Oh, I know it will! I'm not the one having an astounding meltdown over the realization that Donald Trump is your president because the American people unilaterally reject your bat-shit crazy ideology.

Let it all out you poor thing
All of society are "poor things" for having to deal with whining, crying, progressives like you who are calling for violence.

But...we'll all have a smile as the Trump justice department takes care of you anti-American domestic terrorists! :D
Let it all out you poor thing
All of society are "poor things" for having to deal with whining, crying, progressives like you who are calling for violence.

But...we'll all have a smile as the Trump justice department takes care of you anti-American domestic terrorists! :D
Yeah buddy. He'll give you a popsicle too :itsok:
There must be some cultural divide here. My advice to you, don't try to murder anyone with your car. Best of luck to you.

Good advice. But murder is if I drive my car onto a sidewalk and try to kill somebody. That's murder. When somebody jumps in front of my vehicle on the road trying to stop me in my tracks, and in fear for my safety, I drive over them, that's self-defense.
They are not peaceful protesters expressing an opinion. They are violent anarchists who loathe America and our laws. They are using violence to try and get their way instead of respecting our system. They are making our streets look like a third world country.

"At what point can we begin to declare violent Hillary Clinton voters domestic terrorists?

After all, you don’t see Donald Trump supporters beating innocent Hillary fans in the streets.

11 times out of 10 it’s the other way around.

Time to take a stand.

If you’re around the D.C. area on January 20th, 2017, be careful.

When Donald Trump is sworn in as president on January 20, there will protesters with signs and people marching in opposition to the newly elected president. But others are planning “direct action” activism that will leave Washington D.C. in “total paralysis,” according to an organizer of activists and anarchists who plan to create chaos across the capitol city in an attempt to disrupt the inauguration and mobilize people in the growing movement against Trump.

Since Trump’s election, a movement called DisruptJ20 has taken off online among activist groups, anarchists, and the anti-facist movement. The goal is to organize the groups and ideologies under a shared goal: disrupting Washington D.C. on inauguration day in protest of Trump’s presidency in any way they can.
“We’re not just organizing some boring-ass march,” one of the organizers, Legba Carrefour, told Vocativ. “We want direct action.”

ALERT: Anarchists Planning Something AWFUL on Inauguration Day, Want to Leave D.C. in "Total..."

Ill be there, can't wait to open a can of Kent State on their asses
Good for them :clap:

I agree. I think this is awesome. The more butt-hurt the Dims appear the better. I hope they continue to cry like little bitches for the next 8 years. The greater the butt-hurt and disruption the stronger Trump and the GOP gets.

Go Dims...Go!!!!! :thup:

Like the Right behaved for the last 8 years?

Yeah...I remember all those riots and disruptions at the Obama inaugurations. Oh wait...that shit never happened...so STFU. :D
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Yeah...I remember all those riots and disruptions at the Obama inaugurations. Oh wait...that shit never happened...so STFU. :D
Considering that progressives have been trying to rewrite history for the past 100 years, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised that they are doing it with the Obama Administration and the reaction to it.
Liberals are not a peaceful people. When they don't get their way, they justify anger, violence, and infringement of people's rights.

The more they perpetuate this wanton vitriol over the Election and process, the more voters are going to see what a threat they are to peace.

Conservatives never obstructed nor threatened obstruction in the last two elections. Why are the Liberals?

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