Hillary supporters claim the intellectual high ground?

The myth that the political left is more intellectual has long reminded me of the quote from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. The media always goes by the standard, "This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Reality Check Mike: Over 75% of welfare recipients work full time, because working class wages don't keep pace with the cost of living, as for the rest of your post it's just an attack on Liberals because your little golden boy "The Donald" is losing. Liberals can claim the intellectual high ground because they are, on average, better educated, and more successful than Trump supporters, who've been pushed out of many jobs by better educated people...both at home and from other countries. I'm sorry you're angry about this, but, like it or not, you'll be saying "Madam President" this fall, so put on your big boy pants, and deal with it!

Could we please have a link showing 75 per cent of welfare recipients having full time jobs!
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Reality Check Mike: Over 75% of welfare recipients work full time, because working class wages don't keep pace with the cost of living, as for the rest of your post it's just an attack on Liberals because your little golden boy "The Donald" is losing. Liberals can claim the intellectual high ground because they are, on average, better educated, and more successful than Trump supporters, who've been pushed out of many jobs by better educated people...both at home and from other countries. I'm sorry you're angry about this, but, like it or not, you'll be saying "Madam President" this fall, so put on your big boy pants, and deal with it!

Could we please have a link showing 75 per cent of welfare recipients having full time jobs!
I believe he was referring to this study... I'm look at other sources as well to see if they have insistant findings... If these numbers do check out it makes a pretty strong case for the min wage hike, wouldn't you agree?

New Study: 75 Percent Of People On Welfare Are Members Of Working Poor
Well thank you for trying to help slade but that was a patently false statement. Your article defines a working family as one in which one person works 10 hours a week for 27 weeks. Pretty lame qualifications. It is already documented that many of those on welfare who get wage increases ask for less hours in order not to lose their benefits. And as an employer I can't tell you how many workers want to be paid under the table so they don't have to report the income. Your articles don't tell the real,or the whole story. Where is the father of this kid in the article. Who is she living with now? Is,she taking advantage of McDonald's continuing education. Does she have a high school diploma.........


This is a wonderful site that is chock full of stats both sides can use but the most pertinent point is that 34 per cent of the country is supporting the other 66(page 3 or 4) and this can't continue. Believe it or not, I support a higher min wage, the only difference is I have a different way of getting there. Republicans could erase a democratic talking point by raising the min wage to ten bucks and removing all employer and fed taxes on those receiving min wage. Too simple a solution to adopt.
Well thank you for trying to help slade but that was a patently false statement. Your article defines a working family as one in which one person works 10 hours a week for 27 weeks. Pretty lame qualifications. It is already documented that many of those on welfare who get wage increases ask for less hours in order not to lose their benefits. And as an employer I can't tell you how many workers want to be paid under the table so they don't have to report the income. Your articles don't tell the real,or the whole story. Where is the father of this kid in the article. Who is she living with now? Is,she taking advantage of McDonald's continuing education. Does she have a high school diploma.........


This is a wonderful site that is chock full of stats both sides can use but the most pertinent point is that 34 per cent of the country is supporting the other 66(page 3 or 4) and this can't continue. Believe it or not, I support a higher min wage, the only difference is I have a different way of getting there. Republicans could erase a democratic talking point by raising the min wage to ten bucks and removing all employer and fed taxes on those receiving min wage. Too simple a solution to adopt.
I completely agree and think you have a good idea about the min wage. I'm a business owner as well and appreciate both sides of the arguement. While I do feel it is our responsibility to take care of our poor, elderly and sick... I do think there are many reforms we can make to get our welfare programs more efficient and effective. I even support more spending if it is done in a smarter way.
Actually, I've been a Libertarian since 2004. I prefer Johnson, but if the choice is anyone else vs. Hillary, I'll vote for "anyone else," even OJ Simpson...
It's a shame to see the contempt that people have for our political leaders. Disagree with policy and ideology is one thing but it's too bad people have lost all respect
Look at the shit they pull and overall Jon performance, respect is earned,not inherited.
The respect they show who signs their pay checks is lacking.
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Then you have the group of regressives that are willing to ignore she's a common thief and under a criminal investigation.
Actually, I've been a Libertarian since 2004. I prefer Johnson, but if the choice is anyone else vs. Hillary, I'll vote for "anyone else," even OJ Simpson...
It's a shame to see the contempt that people have for our political leaders. Disagree with policy and ideology is one thing but it's too bad people have lost all respect
Look at the shit they pull and overall Jon performance, respect is earned,not inherited.
The respect they show who signs their pay checks is lacking.
Understood and we need to do better with accountability... We also need to understand that with the way our drama hungry media is its nearly impossible to get a fair shake. Even victories get spun by the partisan opposition as a devious evil. Heaven forbid somebody actually make a mistake. The vultures are at the window just waiting to pounce. This type of environment fosters a very guarded, closed and controlled leadership.

I'm not making excuses for them but the whole picture should explored and understood
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Then you have the group of regressives that are willing to ignore she's a common thief and under a criminal investigation.

Links to evidence, not rumours, that she is a thief under criminal investigation.
Actually, I've been a Libertarian since 2004. I prefer Johnson, but if the choice is anyone else vs. Hillary, I'll vote for "anyone else," even OJ Simpson...
It's a shame to see the contempt that people have for our political leaders. Disagree with policy and ideology is one thing but it's too bad people have lost all respect

Please explain to me why, when Americans standard of living has decreased, wages have been stagnant for the last 8 years, 100 million Americans have given up even looking for work while these assholes who (supposedly) work for us, give themselves pay raises in the middle of the night, take millions from lobbyists, and answer only to their largest donors.

They sit on their fat asses, party on K street (while taking packets of cash under the table) and watch their net worth triple and triple again. They accomplish as little as possible and use that as an excuse for "re-election" so THEY can affect change.

And you seriously wonder why the American people have no respect for these assholes?

Notice I didn't use any political party.
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Then you have the group of regressives that are willing to ignore she's a common thief and under a criminal investigation.

Links to evidence, not rumours, that she is a thief under criminal investigation.

Jesus Christ - are you serious?
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Then you have the group of regressives that are willing to ignore she's a common thief and under a criminal investigation.

Links to evidence, not rumours, that she is a thief under criminal investigation.

It's common knowledge that the hildabitch and hubby took shit out of the white house that didn't belong to them, they returned the stuff, a chair, china and other things, that makes her a thief. Also if you're not aware about the current ongoing criminal FBI investigation you need to get out from under your rock more.
Give me a break. Hillary's supporters can broken into four groups, with some amount of overlap, but it's basically these four. One is the low income/no income, low education wards of the welfare state. Two a smaller group of college educated Liberals. Three Hispanic voters of all educational levels and virtually all Black voters simply by breathing and being a Democrat. And of course she'll get the women's vote because there's a special place in Hell for women who don't vote for her. That's hardly anything to crow about if you are claiming all the "Smart" people want Hillary.

By contrast, Liberals want desperately to believe that Trump supporters are all dumb white trash because their delicate, carefully controlled world FUELED BY DISINFORMATION would implode if they faced the Truth. The Truth is that Trump supporters come from all walks of life. The common denominator of Trump supporters are the rejection of Political Correctness and wanting America and Americans to be the first priority. That is not RACIST, it is not DUMB, it is COMMON SENSE.

Then you have the group of regressives that are willing to ignore she's a common thief and under a criminal investigation.

Links to evidence, not rumours, that she is a thief under criminal investigation.

It's common knowledge that the hildabitch and hubby took shit out of the white house that didn't belong to them, they returned the stuff, a chair, china and other things, that makes her a thief. Also if you're not aware about the current ongoing criminal FBI investigation you need to get out from under your rock more.

Hillary not under investigation? Tell that to James Comey of the FBI and agents with Interpol.

They've got her by the short hairs on both her mishandling of classified material and accepting contributions from foreign governments while Secretary of State.

Will she be prosecuted? No chance in hell unless Trump gets the White House. Otherwise the thug from Chicago will protect the thug from Arkansas.

Which brings up a point that has always perturbed me about the tyrant Obama. He was born in Hawaii, spent his childhood in Indonesia, educated in New York and Boston, but claims Chicago as his "hometown". Oh, that's right, Saul Alynsky was in Chicago as was Bill Ayers.

Sorry, I forgot. That's where the thug got his training.
Liberals believe there is a special place in hell for any minority that doesn't vote Democrat. They certainly have some colorful names for those who don't buy the Democratic party dogma.
Actually, I've been a Libertarian since 2004. I prefer Johnson, but if the choice is anyone else vs. Hillary, I'll vote for "anyone else," even OJ Simpson...
It's a shame to see the contempt that people have for our political leaders. Disagree with policy and ideology is one thing but it's too bad people have lost all respect

Please explain to me why, when Americans standard of living has decreased, wages have been stagnant for the last 8 years, 100 million Americans have given up even looking for work while these assholes who (supposedly) work for us, give themselves pay raises in the middle of the night, take millions from lobbyists, and answer only to their largest donors.

They sit on their fat asses, party on K street (while taking packets of cash under the table) and watch their net worth triple and triple again. They accomplish as little as possible and use that as an excuse for "re-election" so THEY can affect change.

And you seriously wonder why the American people have no respect for these assholes?

Notice I didn't use any political party.
It's a nice picture you paint but nothing more than lighter fluid on a match. I'm sure there are some that fit your picture and they need to be weeded out but the real problem is with our system. We have two very passionate parties that have forgotten how to be respectful and cooperative with the other side. Partisanship is so potent and many representatives are catering to the extremes of their party as those voices are yelling the loudest... All this is fueled by the media with more dishonest spin then the public should be willing to tolerate.

Like him or not Bernie was on point when it came to the need for campaign finance reform. We need to get money out of politics and allow our politicians to work and not constantly worry about fund raising and reelection.

Yes, we have some bad apples but the problem is in the system.
Liberals believe there is a special place in hell for any minority that doesn't vote Democrat. They certainly have some colorful names for those who don't buy the Democratic party dogma.
Don't you love it when you see a liberal start a post with... "Conservatives believe that.... blah blah blah barf barf..."?
Actually, I've been a Libertarian since 2004. I prefer Johnson, but if the choice is anyone else vs. Hillary, I'll vote for "anyone else," even OJ Simpson...
It's a shame to see the contempt that people have for our political leaders. Disagree with policy and ideology is one thing but it's too bad people have lost all respect

Please explain to me why, when Americans standard of living has decreased, wages have been stagnant for the last 8 years, 100 million Americans have given up even looking for work while these assholes who (supposedly) work for us, give themselves pay raises in the middle of the night, take millions from lobbyists, and answer only to their largest donors.

They sit on their fat asses, party on K street (while taking packets of cash under the table) and watch their net worth triple and triple again. They accomplish as little as possible and use that as an excuse for "re-election" so THEY can affect change.

And you seriously wonder why the American people have no respect for these assholes?

Notice I didn't use any political party.
It's a nice picture you paint but nothing more than lighter fluid on a match. I'm sure there are some that fit your picture and they need to be weeded out but the real problem is with our system. We have two very passionate parties that have forgotten how to be respectful and cooperative with the other side. Partisanship is so potent and many representatives are catering to the extremes of their party as those voices are yelling the loudest... All this is fueled by the media with more dishonest spin then the public should be willing to tolerate.

Like him or not Bernie was on point when it came to the need for campaign finance reform. We need to get money out of politics and allow our politicians to work and not constantly worry about fund raising and reelection.

Yes, we have some bad apples but the problem is in the system.

"It's a "nice" picture I paint"?!?!

Holy hell.....

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