Hillary thread ... no more Trump Trump Trump

Donald John Trump is making america great again by saying that H got schlonged by obama & she doesn't have the strength or stamina to be commander in chief.

she doesn't have the strength or stamina to be commander in the chief.
It's been apparent for years she had neither the strength nor the stamina to take care of husband Bill's schlong. But in her defense she's long claimed his smells like cigars.
Clinton is kicking ass so bad someone better get out another can of hairspray and arrange the comb over.
I think the San Bernardino October Surprise coupled with strategically overblown ISIS fear management should vault Trump to the presidency, where he will do like Bush: talk tough > fuck up the economy > make the Middle East more unstable > double the debt of his democratic predecessor

... . as FOX distracts the lemmings with the same old concoction of fear and messianic nationalism.

You misspelled Obama.
A fox poll. Like that has any cred(-:

The Big Quack is beginning to tank against her after the past two weeks of non-stop incivility.
Fox poll? RCP is a conglomerate of polls. If you notice, Fox is included and gave Hillary the biggest gain.

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