Hillary upset the press focused on her criminal actions rather then who gave the information..

Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
The FBI for one. A lot of the American people had her under the microscope while Trump could say and do whatever he wanted. The people did not care how much he lied or what he said. They still do not care. It is a disgrace for America.
I don't know how one can be so delusional.

Trump caught all kinds of shit from the MSM for his ridiculous statements.

Are you aware that Wikileaks exposed many in the MSM for colluding with the Clinton camp?

Hillary is a criminal. Trump is a blowhard. Now...quick...which do you prefer in the White House????...quick
But people did not care about Trump's ridiculous statements, they won him the election because of the idiots who loved what he was saying. This made it positive coverage.
No matter who ran for the presidency, when a Republican wins, democrats say the election was stolen. It got old, quick.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
The media fawned over Hillary.

They had her coronated from day one.
The media helped Trump. He was the bi story almost every day, except for the FBI getting involved.

The media helped Hillary, it was completely against Trump, what sort of bizarro universe are you living in?

The Wikileaks even proved they were colluding. I'm sure you didn't even bother to read Podesta's emails, that's probably why you don't know shit.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

This is all just a vast Right-wing...Russian conspiracy.
The ex director of the FBI said that it was the greatest covert operation of all times. He also hinted that Trump should be ashamed of himself for defending Putin.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
The media fawned over Hillary.

They had her coronated from day one.
The media helped Trump. He was the bi story almost every day, except for the FBI getting involved.

The media helped Hillary, it was completely against Trump, what sort of bizarro universe are you living in?

The Wikileaks even proved they were colluding. I'm sure you didn't even bother to read Podesta's emails, that's probably why you don't know shit.
See post 81
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
The FBI for one. A lot of the American people had her under the microscope while Trump could say and do whatever he wanted. The people did not care how much he lied or what he said. They still do not care. It is a disgrace for America.
What's a disgrace is all of the whining you libs have done since you lost.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
The FBI for one. A lot of the American people had her under the microscope while Trump could say and do whatever he wanted. The people did not care how much he lied or what he said. They still do not care. It is a disgrace for America.
I don't know how one can be so delusional.

Trump caught all kinds of shit from the MSM for his ridiculous statements.

Are you aware that Wikileaks exposed many in the MSM for colluding with the Clinton camp?

Hillary is a criminal. Trump is a blowhard. Now...quick...which do you prefer in the White House????...quick
But people did not care about Trump's ridiculous statements, they won him the election because of the idiots who loved what he was saying. This made it positive coverage.
People don't care, yet millions voted against Trump and for the criminal.

So...logically...now....logically...your point is unfounded, stupid, and entirely made up out of nothing.
I never thought, ever, that the United States people would allow someone as crude, offensive, and such an obvious conman to become their president. It is a sad spectacle.

Yeah....I was shocked when barry got elected as well.
I know what you mean; since there are so many racists in America, I never thought Obama would be a president too.
I think the racists are the ones that made sure he won. I dont care who ran against him, there is no way the racists were going to miss the chance to vote for an incompetent goat herder from Kenya. Had there not been as many racists, I think the white candidates would have had a much greater chance.
I have actually been to Kenya; have you?
Ive been to DC more than you, which actually has as much relevance to this conversation as your going to Kenya, or am I missing something? Does your tour of obamas birthplace make you an expert an any subject that kenya is mentioned in?
Work with me, Im really trying to understand what your travel history has to do with any of this.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
The media fawned over Hillary.

They had her coronated from day one.
The media helped Trump. He was the bi story almost every day, except for the FBI getting involved.

The media helped Hillary, it was completely against Trump, what sort of bizarro universe are you living in?

The Wikileaks even proved they were colluding. I'm sure you didn't even bother to read Podesta's emails, that's probably why you don't know shit.
See post 81
Wikileaks had nothing to do with Trump silly.
Of course she was not treated fairly.
The media fawned over Hillary.

They had her coronated from day one.
The media helped Trump. He was the bi story almost every day, except for the FBI getting involved.

The media helped Hillary, it was completely against Trump, what sort of bizarro universe are you living in?

The Wikileaks even proved they were colluding. I'm sure you didn't even bother to read Podesta's emails, that's probably why you don't know shit.
See post 81
Wikileaks had nothing to do with Trump silly.
I don't think NoNukes has ever heard of Wikileaks.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

This is all just a vast Right-wing...Russian conspiracy.
The ex director of the FBI said that it was the greatest covert operation of all times. He also hinted that Trump should be ashamed of himself for defending Putin.
Ex FBI director.

Nuff Said.
Stupid line of arguing. They are admitting that the leaks are accurate to blame Russia. Which with the current evidence is debatable at beat.

Wiser move would have been arguing that they are releasing fake emails.

But no one accused them of being wise
What News was Obama watching?
The US Media ignored anything negative about the Hildabeast and could not say anything positive about Trump.
Good think Trump won with a mandate.....
hillary won the popular vote by 3.7 million and counting trump did not win with a mandate

What did she win? :lol:
mandate would imply americans overwhelmingly rejected the opponent, Trump losing the popular vote by almost 4 million votes doesn't equal a mandate dumbass

If trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college you would be calling for a civil war

He only lost the popular vote in THREE STATES, CAL, IL AND NY.

Stop being disingenuous.

You don't actually want three states to rule the entire nation do you?
Millions of Americans do not want Trump to rule them.

Millions of Americans didn't want Obama to rule them, what a stupid argument. Millions didn't want Clinton to rule them.

Maybe they should of had a stronger candidate run instead of Clinton. We are a Republic and the voters made their voices heard. I was hoping for a better Republican and Democratic candidate but we got what we got, I lost you lost, get over it and move on or you can cry like a baby for four years. Me, I moved on the next day, it's called life and you deal with it and move forward, or you can stay stuck on stupid for four years.
What News was Obama watching?
The US Media ignored anything negative about the Hildabeast and could not say anything positive about Trump.

That's what makes Hillary's whining so pathetic. Other than Fox she had the entire rest of the media in the tank for her. Obama has been no different, the first time the NY Times said the tiniest little bit negative thing about him he threw a tantrum, had is secretary get the guy on the phone and personally scolded the reporter. That's why we call them snowflakes.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

This is all just a vast Right-wing...Russian conspiracy.
The ex director of the FBI said that it was the greatest covert operation of all times. He also hinted that Trump should be ashamed of himself for defending Putin.

Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
The FBI for one. A lot of the American people had her under the microscope while Trump could say and do whatever he wanted. The people did not care how much he lied or what he said. They still do not care. It is a disgrace for America.
What's a disgrace is all of the whining you libs have done since you lost.
Do not fool yourself the disgrace to America is Trump being elected President.
Of course she was not treated fairly.
Who didn't treat her fairly?
The FBI for one. A lot of the American people had her under the microscope while Trump could say and do whatever he wanted. The people did not care how much he lied or what he said. They still do not care. It is a disgrace for America.
I don't know how one can be so delusional.

Trump caught all kinds of shit from the MSM for his ridiculous statements.

Are you aware that Wikileaks exposed many in the MSM for colluding with the Clinton camp?

Hillary is a criminal. Trump is a blowhard. Now...quick...which do you prefer in the White House????...quick
But people did not care about Trump's ridiculous statements, they won him the election because of the idiots who loved what he was saying. This made it positive coverage.
People don't care, yet millions voted against Trump and for the criminal.

So...logically...now....logically...your point is unfounded, stupid, and entirely made up out of nothing.
What crimes has she been convicted of, or even charged with. None, your logic is absent, you are just full of it.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

This is all just a vast Right-wing...Russian conspiracy.
The ex director of the FBI said that it was the greatest covert operation of all times. He also hinted that Trump should be ashamed of himself for defending Putin.
Ex FBI director.

Nuff Said.
Sorry, I meant CIA.
Liberal logic 101, when caught play the victim...

Obama Says Clinton Was Not 'Treated Fairly' During Election
Dec 16, 2016,
President Obama said today that he did not think Hillary Clinton was “treated fairly” during the presidential election.

Obama was asked specifically during a news conference whether his former secretary of state lost because of Russia’s reported hacking of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computer servers. The president pivoted on that question, and instead lobbed a critique of the media. He said he found the coverage of Clinton “troubling.”

“I think she's worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people and I don't think she was treated fairly during the election, I think the coverage of her -- and the issues -- was troubling,” he said.

Clinton and her campaign in recent days have also expressed disappointment with news outlets' focus on her private email server during the campaign over Russia’s involvement in the data breaches. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, called the coverage of the Russia story “lackadaisical,” and Clinton last night reportedly told donors in New York that she was glad the press was catching onto the issue.

This is all just a vast Right-wing...Russian conspiracy.
The ex director of the FBI said that it was the greatest covert operation of all times. He also hinted that Trump should be ashamed of himself for defending Putin.

Posting stupid little pictures says a lot about you, and means nothing.

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