Hillary was awarded 3 delegates by coin toss!

hahahahaha! Your post reminded me of the scene where Indiana Jones just shot the guy that was threatening a sword fight. Poor Eunich2008.

Poor Rati - math is hard...

You do understand that winning 6 coin tosses is not the same as having 6 consecutive tosses land on heads, right?
not all coin tosses were won by Hillary.

Here's one with Bernie winning:

Did they award the delegate to Hillary anyway? :dunno:
1/64. Not that far odds - about the same as getting three-of-a-kind in a game of 5-card stud.


Yeah sparky, you go with that.

2^6 is not the statistical probability across 6 coin tosses.

What actually happens is that when we examine the possibility of an unsuccessful run of heads at toss i, we slightly bias the outcome at toss i+1. A demonstration will show exactly how this happens.

For the sample problem of a sequence of two heads out of four tosses, we can first examine the chance of a negative outcome starting at toss 1. There are just four possible outcomes that have two tosses starting at position 1: HH HT TH TT And only one of these tosses yielded two heads in a row, so the probability of not seeing two heads after two tosses is 3/4.

But now when we look at the sequence of tosses starting at position two, we have to throw out the outcomes where we had two heads at toss one - we've already seen two heads, so we can't continue flipping coins in those outcomes. So our universe of possible outcomes is now a bit different: HTH HTT THH THT TTH TTT Instead of eight outcomes, we have six. And if we look at the first toss seen in position two, instead of having an even distribution of heads and tails, you can see that sample is biased: only two have a head in position two, while four have tails. So the chances of not seeing two heads starting at position two increases to 5/6. Note that this change in probability occurs because we have selected only those outcomes without a streak of two heads at position one.

Likewise, when we look at the possible outcomes for streaks starting at position three, we get a different probability again. Because we have to throw out one sequence in the previous test, the universe of possible outcomes is now limited to: HTHH HTHT HTTH HTTT THTH THTT TTHH TTHT TTTH TTTT So now we have just ten possible outcomes, and two of those will produce the desired outcome, meaning the probability has changed to 4/5.

So what is the probability of all three possible positions not containing a streak? That would be (3/4)*(5/6)*(4/5) which reduces nicely to 1/2, the correct answer.}
20 Heads In a Row - What Are the Odds?

Factor in the streak and it is actually 2^6^6 or 64^6


There was no "streak" - Hillary's campaign won 6 different coin tosses in 6 different places. There's no reason to believe that all of those coins landed on the same face, either.
They didn't. The calls for heads / tails winner differed in different places.

Unman is so clueless/
Democratic caucuses are quite undemocratic. Each precinct is apportioned a number of delegates based on Democratic turnout in the past two elections. It’s like an electoral college at a micro level.

This means turnout doesn’t matter. If a precinct is supposed to have five delegates to the county convention, it doesn’t matter if eight people show up to the Democratic caucus or 800. The precinct is still only getting five delegates. (Precincts elect people to the county convention, which elects people to the district convention, which elects people to the state convention.)

After attendees show up to a Democratic caucus, they are divided into preference groups based on candidates whom they support. Bernie Sanders supporters will stand in one area, Hillary Clinton supporters in another. Once everyone is separated, there is a first count of how many supporters each candidate has.

To be viable in each precinct, a candidate usually needs to receive the support of 15% of those who attend, although in some small rural precincts, the threshold is higher.

If a candidate’s support is under that threshold, his or her supporters need to induce others to join their group in order to reach 15%. If they are unsuccessful in doing so, their candidate is not considered viable and they can either go home or support a candidate who is viable instead. There is then a second count of supporters for each candidate and, from those totals, delegates are assigned.

This means that if Democratic candidates are polling under 15% statewide on caucus night, they could significantly underperform compared to their polling.


RW's are too dumb to process that protocol, they should applaud a coin toss.
Stupid hag, libtards are the retards relying on coin tosses. What a bunch of retarded lib pieces of shit.

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