Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia

You'll note that TARP was passed and signed into law in October of 2008, which was a month before Obama was elected. In other words, the economy crashed while Obama was still running for President and Bush was still running the show.
Yeah? And? The Great Depression happened in the 1930's. The Great Recession happened in the 1970's. Black Monday happened in the 1980's. Throughout history there have been dips and spikes in the economy. It doesn't change the fact that the markets tanked on news of Obama and that he oversaw an exponentially worse economy that Bush ever did.

Obama has been in power for 8 years...you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures no matter how bad you want to.
W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, started the stupidest wars ever and wrecked the ME, AND started a WORLD DEPRESSSION. You're a gd brainwashed functional moron. Not to worry, you've got plenty of company. Hopefully, Trump doesn't believe the crap he parroted to get elected...
Republicans want to pretend Obama created Isis. Ask Isis why they attack America or ask Isis what examples do they give to recruits to illustrate how the USA is bad and invading Iraq for no good reason is in the top 3 at least.
His policies, along with Hillary Clinton's, certainly helped give rise to ISIS, especially since they armed them in Libya and Syria.
You know what? The winners get to write the history. You won so if you say so.

Worst presidents go:

Gw bush
Hw bush
Well that's a fine enough list, but it's certainly not exhaustive.
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

Great news, thanks. We'll do it more often.
Yep, Wall St. owns Washington and party doesn't matter. You might be finally figuring it out.

So then we can agree this is no victory for the middle class?

It is a victory for the middle class in that their voice was heard.
Sure, dupe. Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the double down on W shell games. Hillary wanted a tax hike on the bloated rich and investment in America and Americans. You got duped AGAIN by malevolent bs gossip and racist fear mongering...
And he says "I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump". Fact is if he didn't vote Hillary and he's not rich, he got duped. And he doesn't even know it.

Papa sounds like all the dumb ass blacks who say they didn't vote because it doesn't matter. Papa voted for Jill or Gary? What a fucking joke. Like they were credible/real candidates. LOL. Jill must be an idiot too who didn't think there was a difference. Now lets see how GREEN this country becomes, Jill stein, stupidest cUmT of the fucking year.

Nope, McMullun. Love how you assholes make fun of people that don't follow your agenda. I knew he wouldn't win but at least I didn't vote for one of the two worst candidates in the history of our nation and you have the nerve to make fun of me, you are a big joke! You don't even pay your fair share of taxes and then you complain about others? LOL!

Hillary was going to increase the separation between rich and poor, why vote for her, she long ago forgot about the middle class and poor and even called them deplorables. She is the deplorable one.
Ever heard of her POLICIES, dupe?
And the illusion that the GOP cares is out there.

It worked for Trump, he got the working class.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you agree in the last few decades all the raises have gone to upper management? So while profits and productivity are up, our wages are not keeping up. So why don't the corporations and CEO's just go back to paying us our fair share? This is why the middle class, especially blue collar, are hurting. Do you think the GOP or Trump are going to fix this?

And instead of giving workers wages, they give shareholders more. They used to take care of the workers first but since the 70's they've broke the social contract they used to have with workers. If you go to places like Germany you see the workers still have a social contract with the corporations that do business there. In America, since the 70's, corporations have said workers are worth less so we can give shareholders more. Do you think Trump is going to fix this problem?

These are the reasons why the middle class isn't doing as well as it should be. And you voted out the liberals and democrats expecting the Republicans to fix this?


Reid and Pelosi took over in 2005, Obama came in in 2008 and your precious Democrats did nothing. Nor did they do it in 1993 when the had the Presidency, the House and the Senate.

I think the idea the Dems would do anything is utter BS.
2007, 2009, actually. If you're party first a-holes like the new bs GOP, it's easy to obstruct unless the Dems have 60% of the Senate, like Obama had for 30 DAYS. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

If you really believe that then you know with certainty Trump will get nothing passed.
That's not the way Dems work, shyttehead dupe. They'll help with good stuff.
Do you agree in the last few decades all the raises have gone to upper management? So while profits and productivity are up, our wages are not keeping up. So why don't the corporations and CEO's just go back to paying us our fair share? This is why the middle class, especially blue collar, are hurting. Do you think the GOP or Trump are going to fix this?

And instead of giving workers wages, they give shareholders more. They used to take care of the workers first but since the 70's they've broke the social contract they used to have with workers. If you go to places like Germany you see the workers still have a social contract with the corporations that do business there. In America, since the 70's, corporations have said workers are worth less so we can give shareholders more. Do you think Trump is going to fix this problem?

These are the reasons why the middle class isn't doing as well as it should be. And you voted out the liberals and democrats expecting the Republicans to fix this?


Reid and Pelosi took over in 2005, Obama came in in 2008 and your precious Democrats did nothing. Nor did they do it in 1993 when the had the Presidency, the House and the Senate.

I think the idea the Dems would do anything is utter BS.
2007, 2009, actually. If you're party first a-holes like the new bs GOP, it's easy to obstruct unless the Dems have 60% of the Senate, like Obama had for 30 DAYS. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

If you really believe that then you know with certainty Trump will get nothing passed.

Actually for some reason Bush was able to get more passed with less of a majority. One things for sure the Democrats only obstruct when the GOP try to push something that is unacceptable. But the GOP just obstructed EVERYTHING the Dems tried.

Remember you said Democrats are just as bad? Well, a few of them will prove you right when they cross over and vote with the Republicans. Perhaps they are promised something in return for going along? Perhaps they are threatened?

Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.
At least, that's what SHE says. Naturally, there was no independent oversight of the deletions.
And never has been....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Which is, of course, why she deliberately mixed the two together, to give her plausible reason to delete those she didn't, for whatever reason, want seen. It's a moot point anyway, because her carelessness with national security won't get near the White House without a visitor's pass.
There is no reason. Except in hater dupe world...
You're saying there is no good reason for her to delete emails. Interesting.
No good reason not to. Personal. P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L. Duhhhh. IT'S not A CONSPIRACEE!!!!!
Personal as in what she and her loyal staff considered personal. She is the kind of person who could have negotiated with Kim Jung Un to sell Fort Knox and called it "Personal". Forgive us if we don't believe what we hear from a pathological liar.
And never has been....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Which is, of course, why she deliberately mixed the two together, to give her plausible reason to delete those she didn't, for whatever reason, want seen. It's a moot point anyway, because her carelessness with national security won't get near the White House without a visitor's pass.
There is no reason. Except in hater dupe world...
You're saying there is no good reason for her to delete emails. Interesting.
No good reason not to. Personal. P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L. Duhhhh. IT'S not A CONSPIRACEE!!!!!

I'd love to comb through all of hadit's emails. Do you think he would delete the ones that expose him for being a bisexual?

Funny these guys are into freedom and privacy when it comes to Trump and Bush but not for Hillary.
The difference between Hillary and me is not that I know how to keep business and personal separate and she doesn't, because she does. The difference is that I deliberately keep them separate while she deliberately mingled them. So, which emails do you want to bore yourself to death looking at? Just get a Congressional subpoena and have at them. And stop hitting on me. I told you no, and no means no.
So then we can agree this is no victory for the middle class?

It is a victory for the middle class in that their voice was heard.
Sure, dupe. Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the double down on W shell games. Hillary wanted a tax hike on the bloated rich and investment in America and Americans. You got duped AGAIN by malevolent bs gossip and racist fear mongering...
And he says "I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump". Fact is if he didn't vote Hillary and he's not rich, he got duped. And he doesn't even know it.

Papa sounds like all the dumb ass blacks who say they didn't vote because it doesn't matter. Papa voted for Jill or Gary? What a fucking joke. Like they were credible/real candidates. LOL. Jill must be an idiot too who didn't think there was a difference. Now lets see how GREEN this country becomes, Jill stein, stupidest cUmT of the fucking year.

Nope, McMullun. Love how you assholes make fun of people that don't follow your agenda. I knew he wouldn't win but at least I didn't vote for one of the two worst candidates in the history of our nation and you have the nerve to make fun of me, you are a big joke! You don't even pay your fair share of taxes and then you complain about others? LOL!

Hillary was going to increase the separation between rich and poor, why vote for her, she long ago forgot about the middle class and poor and even called them deplorables. She is the deplorable one.
Ever heard of her POLICIES, dupe?

They were a lot like Obama's and his created the biggest gap in the history of the US, numbnuts.
It worked for Trump, he got the working class.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you agree in the last few decades all the raises have gone to upper management? So while profits and productivity are up, our wages are not keeping up. So why don't the corporations and CEO's just go back to paying us our fair share? This is why the middle class, especially blue collar, are hurting. Do you think the GOP or Trump are going to fix this?

And instead of giving workers wages, they give shareholders more. They used to take care of the workers first but since the 70's they've broke the social contract they used to have with workers. If you go to places like Germany you see the workers still have a social contract with the corporations that do business there. In America, since the 70's, corporations have said workers are worth less so we can give shareholders more. Do you think Trump is going to fix this problem?

These are the reasons why the middle class isn't doing as well as it should be. And you voted out the liberals and democrats expecting the Republicans to fix this?


Reid and Pelosi took over in 2005, Obama came in in 2008 and your precious Democrats did nothing. Nor did they do it in 1993 when the had the Presidency, the House and the Senate.

I think the idea the Dems would do anything is utter BS.
2007, 2009, actually. If you're party first a-holes like the new bs GOP, it's easy to obstruct unless the Dems have 60% of the Senate, like Obama had for 30 DAYS. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

If you really believe that then you know with certainty Trump will get nothing passed.
That's not the way Dems work, shyttehead dupe. They'll help with good stuff.

Ohhh, cool you spelled shit a different way. I'm proud of you, you get a cookie.
Reid and Pelosi took over in 2005, Obama came in in 2008 and your precious Democrats did nothing. Nor did they do it in 1993 when the had the Presidency, the House and the Senate.

I think the idea the Dems would do anything is utter BS.
2007, 2009, actually. If you're party first a-holes like the new bs GOP, it's easy to obstruct unless the Dems have 60% of the Senate, like Obama had for 30 DAYS. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

If you really believe that then you know with certainty Trump will get nothing passed.

Actually for some reason Bush was able to get more passed with less of a majority. One things for sure the Democrats only obstruct when the GOP try to push something that is unacceptable. But the GOP just obstructed EVERYTHING the Dems tried.

Remember you said Democrats are just as bad? Well, a few of them will prove you right when they cross over and vote with the Republicans. Perhaps they are promised something in return for going along? Perhaps they are threatened?

Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.

Ohhh, poor hater dupe is pouting.
It is a victory for the middle class in that their voice was heard.
Sure, dupe. Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the double down on W shell games. Hillary wanted a tax hike on the bloated rich and investment in America and Americans. You got duped AGAIN by malevolent bs gossip and racist fear mongering...
And he says "I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump". Fact is if he didn't vote Hillary and he's not rich, he got duped. And he doesn't even know it.

Papa sounds like all the dumb ass blacks who say they didn't vote because it doesn't matter. Papa voted for Jill or Gary? What a fucking joke. Like they were credible/real candidates. LOL. Jill must be an idiot too who didn't think there was a difference. Now lets see how GREEN this country becomes, Jill stein, stupidest cUmT of the fucking year.

Nope, McMullun. Love how you assholes make fun of people that don't follow your agenda. I knew he wouldn't win but at least I didn't vote for one of the two worst candidates in the history of our nation and you have the nerve to make fun of me, you are a big joke! You don't even pay your fair share of taxes and then you complain about others? LOL!

Hillary was going to increase the separation between rich and poor, why vote for her, she long ago forgot about the middle class and poor and even called them deplorables. She is the deplorable one.
Ever heard of her POLICIES, dupe?

They were a lot like Obama's and his created the biggest gap in the history of the US, numbnuts.
Since none of his policies PASSED, pretty funny. 80% plus were to end the meltdown, and help the victims- still 300 billion plus/year...
2007, 2009, actually. If you're party first a-holes like the new bs GOP, it's easy to obstruct unless the Dems have 60% of the Senate, like Obama had for 30 DAYS. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

If you really believe that then you know with certainty Trump will get nothing passed.

Actually for some reason Bush was able to get more passed with less of a majority. One things for sure the Democrats only obstruct when the GOP try to push something that is unacceptable. But the GOP just obstructed EVERYTHING the Dems tried.

Remember you said Democrats are just as bad? Well, a few of them will prove you right when they cross over and vote with the Republicans. Perhaps they are promised something in return for going along? Perhaps they are threatened?

Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.

Ohhh, poor hater dupe is pouting.
Silliest voters in the world. Fooled AGAIN...
Sure, dupe. Enjoy the tax cut for the rich and the double down on W shell games. Hillary wanted a tax hike on the bloated rich and investment in America and Americans. You got duped AGAIN by malevolent bs gossip and racist fear mongering...
And he says "I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump". Fact is if he didn't vote Hillary and he's not rich, he got duped. And he doesn't even know it.

Papa sounds like all the dumb ass blacks who say they didn't vote because it doesn't matter. Papa voted for Jill or Gary? What a fucking joke. Like they were credible/real candidates. LOL. Jill must be an idiot too who didn't think there was a difference. Now lets see how GREEN this country becomes, Jill stein, stupidest cUmT of the fucking year.

Nope, McMullun. Love how you assholes make fun of people that don't follow your agenda. I knew he wouldn't win but at least I didn't vote for one of the two worst candidates in the history of our nation and you have the nerve to make fun of me, you are a big joke! You don't even pay your fair share of taxes and then you complain about others? LOL!

Hillary was going to increase the separation between rich and poor, why vote for her, she long ago forgot about the middle class and poor and even called them deplorables. She is the deplorable one.
Ever heard of her POLICIES, dupe?

They were a lot like Obama's and his created the biggest gap in the history of the US, numbnuts.
Since none of his policies PASSED, pretty funny. 80% plus were to end the meltdown, and help the victims- still 300 billion plus/year...

Voodoo economics, I like it.
If you really believe that then you know with certainty Trump will get nothing passed.

Actually for some reason Bush was able to get more passed with less of a majority. One things for sure the Democrats only obstruct when the GOP try to push something that is unacceptable. But the GOP just obstructed EVERYTHING the Dems tried.

Remember you said Democrats are just as bad? Well, a few of them will prove you right when they cross over and vote with the Republicans. Perhaps they are promised something in return for going along? Perhaps they are threatened?

Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.

Ohhh, poor hater dupe is pouting.
Silliest voters in the world. Fooled AGAIN...

Yes you were fooled again, maybe one day you will get it right and not vote for a Republican or a Democrat, but you are a dupe....so.
And he says "I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump". Fact is if he didn't vote Hillary and he's not rich, he got duped. And he doesn't even know it.

Papa sounds like all the dumb ass blacks who say they didn't vote because it doesn't matter. Papa voted for Jill or Gary? What a fucking joke. Like they were credible/real candidates. LOL. Jill must be an idiot too who didn't think there was a difference. Now lets see how GREEN this country becomes, Jill stein, stupidest cUmT of the fucking year.

Nope, McMullun. Love how you assholes make fun of people that don't follow your agenda. I knew he wouldn't win but at least I didn't vote for one of the two worst candidates in the history of our nation and you have the nerve to make fun of me, you are a big joke! You don't even pay your fair share of taxes and then you complain about others? LOL!

Hillary was going to increase the separation between rich and poor, why vote for her, she long ago forgot about the middle class and poor and even called them deplorables. She is the deplorable one.
Ever heard of her POLICIES, dupe?

They were a lot like Obama's and his created the biggest gap in the history of the US, numbnuts.
Since none of his policies PASSED, pretty funny. 80% plus were to end the meltdown, and help the victims- still 300 billion plus/year...

Voodoo economics, I like it.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

I know- a tax cut for the richest!!! Dupes...
Actually for some reason Bush was able to get more passed with less of a majority. One things for sure the Democrats only obstruct when the GOP try to push something that is unacceptable. But the GOP just obstructed EVERYTHING the Dems tried.

Remember you said Democrats are just as bad? Well, a few of them will prove you right when they cross over and vote with the Republicans. Perhaps they are promised something in return for going along? Perhaps they are threatened?

Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.

Ohhh, poor hater dupe is pouting.
Silliest voters in the world. Fooled AGAIN...

Yes you were fooled again, maybe one day you will get it right and not vote for a Republican or a Democrat, but you are a dupe....so.
No you are. lol. Try policy some day. Not BS gossip..
Nope, McMullun. Love how you assholes make fun of people that don't follow your agenda. I knew he wouldn't win but at least I didn't vote for one of the two worst candidates in the history of our nation and you have the nerve to make fun of me, you are a big joke! You don't even pay your fair share of taxes and then you complain about others? LOL!

Hillary was going to increase the separation between rich and poor, why vote for her, she long ago forgot about the middle class and poor and even called them deplorables. She is the deplorable one.
Ever heard of her POLICIES, dupe?

They were a lot like Obama's and his created the biggest gap in the history of the US, numbnuts.
Since none of his policies PASSED, pretty funny. 80% plus were to end the meltdown, and help the victims- still 300 billion plus/year...

Voodoo economics, I like it.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

I know- a tax cut for the richest!!! Dupes...

What the hell is an "illegal work safeguard?"
Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.

Ohhh, poor hater dupe is pouting.
Silliest voters in the world. Fooled AGAIN...

Yes you were fooled again, maybe one day you will get it right and not vote for a Republican or a Democrat, but you are a dupe....so.
No you are. lol. Try policy some day. Not BS gossip..

Policy? For a person running for office? Lol! You are a real dupe.
Threatened? By who?

Bush got things passed because he worked with Congress, Obama told Republicans to take a back seat. That was arrogant and it hurt his ability to work with anyone, even fellow Democrats.
He used reconciliation to get tax cuts for the rich, the only thing the GOP cares about, dupe.

Ohhh, poor hater dupe is pouting.
Silliest voters in the world. Fooled AGAIN...

Yes you were fooled again, maybe one day you will get it right and not vote for a Republican or a Democrat, but you are a dupe....so.
No you are. lol. Try policy some day. Not BS gossip..
Here's the truth on why the middle class is struggling. In the 70s the rich broke the social contract with workers. Here's how it went.

Back in the 60s workers got 6 the CEO got 6 and the shareholders got 6. But then in the 70s the shareholders and ceo's got together and decided that they should get 7 each and workers should now get 4.

And trump ain't going to change that.

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