Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

And no Democrat is going to change that, they won't even try.
No but Gary Johnson would have.
Nothing good will happen until the GOP is below 40% of the senate. Like under FDR, LBJ, and Obama for 30 days...or if Trump proves to be an under cover Dem.
I just can't believe Republicans got rewarded for basically 24 years of bad behavior. Reminds me of 2000. No reason gore should have lost. The economy was fine under Clinton and Obama got us out of the bush recession.

Here's the truth I want to sink in. The executives are doing great and the corporations are doing great. The only ones not doing great are the workers. The middle class is the working poor. 1/3rd aren't saving.

But productivity is up. So why aren't employees wages going up? Is trump going to get the corporations to start paying employees their fair share? Is he going to make them hire the unemployed? I think not.

Clinton was a crappy candidate. I told you that months ago and you thought she would waltz into the WH, you don't disparage half the voters and win. Romney should have taught you that.

Clinton disparaged 20% of the Trump support calling them deplorable's, and she hit the nail on the head. They are. They are the most hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, ignorant group of people to walk the earth. They are the White Supremacists that Trump attracted through his own hateful divisive comments. But that had absolutely nothing to do with her losing.

When Democrats take over the house & Senate in 2018 there will most certainly be an investigation in FBI director, James Comey's malfeasance. In July, (and out of order) he gave a detailed description of the offense, then stated no charges which started all the arm chair FBI quarterbacks on FOX NEWS. His only statement should have been, we have found no reason for filing charges, and he should have walked away without explanation. Then going against long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election, AND (after being warned not to send a letter to congress by the DOJ) but ignoring those warnings, and doing it anyway within 11 days of an election. (Millions of people voted during those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton.) Then Comey giving birth to a nothing burger 7 days later. He is most certainly going to be investigated, and possibly charged with violating the Hatch Act of 1939. There will be others that will be involved in this investigation, most notably Rudy Guiliani, former mayor of New York, with close ties to the New York FBI office, and Trump's campaign adviser, and James Kallstrom, former FBI assistant director of the FBI office in New York where Anthony Weiner was being investigated. Kallstrom being a big recipient of Trump money. Both are frequent flyers on FOX NEWS and both had information that they shouldn't have had. Democrats are going to make Comey and anyone else involved in this, an example, so no others do it in the future.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Hillary Clinton is now leading by 1.7 million popular votes. Most of these ballots are coming in from overseas, and were probably mailed before Comey made his announcement, which clarifies the damage he did. It was FBI director James Comey that turned a national election topsy tervy and it cost Hillary Clinton the Presidency. There is no doubt about that.

Over 100 former DOJ officials, (both Republican & Democrat) sent James Comey an excruciating condemnation letter over his actions.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Dems STILL won't do anything. They never do. GOP never stops...
And no Democrat is going to change that, they won't even try.
No but Gary Johnson would have.
Nothing good will happen until the GOP is below 40% of the senate. Like under FDR, LBJ, and Obama for 30 days...or if Trump proves to be an under cover Dem.
I just can't believe Republicans got rewarded for basically 24 years of bad behavior. Reminds me of 2000. No reason gore should have lost. The economy was fine under Clinton and Obama got us out of the bush recession.

Here's the truth I want to sink in. The executives are doing great and the corporations are doing great. The only ones not doing great are the workers. The middle class is the working poor. 1/3rd aren't saving.

But productivity is up. So why aren't employees wages going up? Is trump going to get the corporations to start paying employees their fair share? Is he going to make them hire the unemployed? I think not.

Clinton was a crappy candidate. I told you that months ago and you thought she would waltz into the WH, you don't disparage half the voters and win. Romney should have taught you that.
She only disparidged people already voting for trump. Fuck those deplorables. They were never gonna vote for her anyways. Trump sold himself as the real deal and hillary as a typical politician. It was brilliant and I can't believe it worked

Those deplorables beat her.
And no Democrat is going to change that, they won't even try.
No but Gary Johnson would have.
Nothing good will happen until the GOP is below 40% of the senate. Like under FDR, LBJ, and Obama for 30 days...or if Trump proves to be an under cover Dem.
I just can't believe Republicans got rewarded for basically 24 years of bad behavior. Reminds me of 2000. No reason gore should have lost. The economy was fine under Clinton and Obama got us out of the bush recession.

Here's the truth I want to sink in. The executives are doing great and the corporations are doing great. The only ones not doing great are the workers. The middle class is the working poor. 1/3rd aren't saving.

But productivity is up. So why aren't employees wages going up? Is trump going to get the corporations to start paying employees their fair share? Is he going to make them hire the unemployed? I think not.

Clinton was a crappy candidate. I told you that months ago and you thought she would waltz into the WH, you don't disparage half the voters and win. Romney should have taught you that.

Clinton disparaged 20% of the Trump support calling them deplorable's, and she hit the nail on the head. They are. They are the most hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, ignorant group of people to walk the earth. They are the White Supremacists that Trump attracted through his own hateful divisive comments. But that had absolutely nothing to do with her losing.

When Democrats take over the house & Senate in 2018 there will most certainly be an investigation in FBI director, James Comey's malfeasance. In July, (and out of order) he gave a detailed description of the offense, then stated no charges which started all the arm chair FBI quarterbacks on FOX NEWS. His only statement should have been, we have found no reason for filing charges, and he should have walked away without explanation. Then going against long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election, AND (after being warned not to send a letter to congress by the DOJ) but ignoring those warnings, and doing it anyway within 11 days of an election. (Millions of people voted during those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton.) Then Comey giving birth to a nothing burger 7 days later. He is most certainly going to be investigated, and possibly charged with violating the Hatch Act of 1939. There will be others that will be involved in this investigation, most notably Rudy Guiliani, former mayor of New York, with close ties to the New York FBI office, and Trump's campaign adviser, and James Kallstrom, former FBI assistant director of the FBI office in New York where Anthony Weiner was being investigated. Kallstrom being a big recipient of Trump money. Both are frequent flyers on FOX NEWS and both had information that they shouldn't have had. Democrats are going to make Comey and anyone else involved in this, an example, so no others do it in the future.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Hillary Clinton is now leading by 1.7 million popular votes. Most of these ballots are coming in from overseas, and were probably mailed before Comey made his announcement, which clarifies the damage he did. It was FBI director James Comey that turned a national election topsy tervy and it cost Hillary Clinton the Presidency. There is no doubt about that.

Over 100 former DOJ officials, (both Republican & Democrat) sent James Comey an excruciating condemnation letter over his actions.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’


More butt hurt.
And no Democrat is going to change that, they won't even try.
No but Gary Johnson would have.
Nothing good will happen until the GOP is below 40% of the senate. Like under FDR, LBJ, and Obama for 30 days...or if Trump proves to be an under cover Dem.
I just can't believe Republicans got rewarded for basically 24 years of bad behavior. Reminds me of 2000. No reason gore should have lost. The economy was fine under Clinton and Obama got us out of the bush recession.

Here's the truth I want to sink in. The executives are doing great and the corporations are doing great. The only ones not doing great are the workers. The middle class is the working poor. 1/3rd aren't saving.

But productivity is up. So why aren't employees wages going up? Is trump going to get the corporations to start paying employees their fair share? Is he going to make them hire the unemployed? I think not.

Clinton was a crappy candidate. I told you that months ago and you thought she would waltz into the WH, you don't disparage half the voters and win. Romney should have taught you that.
Im starting to think trumps going to pleasantly surprised me. I won't go into all the reasons but I'm getting optimistic. I've just been freaking out before anything has even happened.

All those that voted for Hillary have been freaking out. Pretty funny watching, listening and reading about the silly people.
Clinton disparaged 20% of the Trump support calling them deplorable's, and she hit the nail on the head. They are. They are the most hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, ignorant group of people to walk the earth. They are the White Supremacists that Trump attracted through his own hateful divisive comments. But that had absolutely nothing to do with her losing.
Clearly someone doesn't know how to lose... You'll be ok 'lil buddy :itsok:
U.S. Total Popular Votes
Clinton 64,223,958
a 2,016,000 popular vote lead for Clinton
U of M professor believes presidential election may have been rigged in 3 states

A University of Michigan professor is among a group of computer scientists and election lawyers urging Hillary Clinton to seek a recount because of evidence that the election results may have been manipulated or hacked in three states.

J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, and other experts presented the findings to Clinton’s campaign team, according to New York Magazine.

They said the findings suggest vote tampering in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
U.S. Total Popular Votes
Clinton 64,223,958
a 2,016,000 popular vote lead for Clinton
U of M professor believes presidential election may have been rigged in 3 states

A University of Michigan professor is among a group of computer scientists and election lawyers urging Hillary Clinton to seek a recount because of evidence that the election results may have been manipulated or hacked in three states.

J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, and other experts presented the findings to Clinton’s campaign team, according to New York Magazine.

They said the findings suggest vote tampering in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
I agree. I think 2000 2004 and this election were shady.

Its all theater.
It is unprecedented in US political history that someone with 2 million plus votes and whose lead is 1.5 % of all votes is not going to be President ...its rigged ...
It is unprecedented in US political history that someone with 2 million plus votes and whose lead is 1.5 % of all votes is not going to be President ...its rigged ...

More poor loser BS, my candidate didn't win either, I just go on with my life.
More poor loser BS, my candidate didn't win either, I just go on with my life.

Not so ... a candidate with the kind of popular vote lead that Clinton has [ currently 1.5 percent lead seems headed for a 2 percent lead] has never before in our political history lost with such a popular vote lead...this is definitely an ANOMALY something not normal and as such it needs to be investigated thoroughly like Benghazi...
More poor loser BS, my candidate didn't win either, I just go on with my life.

Not so ... a candidate with the kind of popular vote lead that Clinton has [ currently 1.5 percent lead seems headed for a 2 percent lead] has never before in our political history lost with such a popular vote lead...this is definitely an ANOMALY something not normal and as such it needs to be investigated thoroughly like Benghazi...

You're obviously incapable of grasping how the EC works....and it worked perfectly
a candidate with the kind of popular vote lead that Clinton has [ currently 1.5 percent lead seems headed for a 2 percent lead] has never before in our political history lost having such a popular vote lead...this is definitely an ANOMALY something not normal and as such it needs to be investigated thoroughly like Benghazi...
One can only imagine what the Trump mob would be doing if Trump led the popular vote by 1.5 % nationally and was denied the Presidency in the Electoral college ... it would be "Pitchforks and torches" time
Controversial Trump-Supporting Sheriff Calls for 'Pitchforks and Torches'
Last edited:
More poor loser BS, my candidate didn't win either, I just go on with my life.

Not so ... a candidate with the kind of popular vote lead that Clinton has [ currently 1.5 percent lead seems headed for a 2 percent lead] has never before in our political history lost with such a popular vote lead...this is definitely an ANOMALY something not normal and as such it needs to be investigated thoroughly like Benghazi...

You go ahead and do that, they investigated Benghazi to death and found nothing. They wanted to impeach Obama and he got a second term. Waste your time like the right wing nutters did, if that helps you sleep and I will laugh at you as I laughed at them.
More poor loser BS, my candidate didn't win either, I just go on with my life.

Not so ... a candidate with the kind of popular vote lead that Clinton has [ currently 1.5 percent lead seems headed for a 2 percent lead] has never before in our political history lost with such a popular vote lead...this is definitely an ANOMALY something not normal and as such it needs to be investigated thoroughly like Benghazi...

You're obviously incapable of grasping how the EC works....and it worked perfectly

He is a moron, just let the loser vent, he changes nothing and shows what an idiot he really is.
a candidate with the kind of popular vote lead that Clinton has [ currently 1.5 percent lead seems headed for a 2 percent lead] has never before in our political history lost having such a popular vote lead...this is definitely an ANOMALY something not normal and as such it needs to be investigated thoroughly like Benghazi...
One can only imagine what the Trump mob would be doing if Trump led the popular vote by 1.5 % nationally and was denied the Presidency in the Electoral college ... it would be "Pitchforks and torches" time
Controversial Trump-Supporting Sheriff Calls for 'Pitchforks and Torches'

They'd go back to work, just as they did when Obama won. Just as they did when Bush and 43 other Presidents were elected. It's called life, you suck it up and move on. Only silly stupid people riot. Time to put on your big boy pants.

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