Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance

Check this out, this is how much free air time Fox gave Trump during the election.


Now look at this, this is how much free air time CNN gave to trump:


That's right, CNN gave more time to Trump than Fox did. And MSNBC was closer to CNN than Fox.

The information for this chart was months ago:


Another report I read said by the time of the election, Trump received closer to 3.5 billion in free air time.

Trump can say he hates the media and doesn't trust it, but it was the media that got him elected. Playing his speeches from beginning to end. Chuck Todd, Anderson Cooper, Andrea Mitchell, Chris Mathews couldn't say Hillary's name without saying "untrustworthy, unlikeable and dishonest" every single time. When they asked people on the street what they thought of Hillary, it would be "untrustworthy, unlikeable and dishonest" exactly the same way Chuck Todd would say it.

Then the endless investigations. Gen Petraeus is on probation. He was court martialed. Trump is thinking of him for SOS, but he can't handle classified info. But it's OK. It's not Hillary. Colin and an AOL account. You know, the AOL that's been hacked like a thousand times? And his account is probably still on an AOL server. Colin and Condi were ordered to turn over their emails but never did. Who cares? The law only applies to Hillary. But if you ask most people, they think Hillary was convicted of something. No one knows all the laws broken by the Trump Foundation and only a single reporter investigated it.
And in spite of being pounded with all that every day and with the FBI coming out the way they did and with Russian Hacking, still she has more than 2.5 million votes over Trump.

So she did a remarkable job. Trump is who he is. The same racist loudmouth that he was during the election, he's still that guy. Anyone see him on that rally tonight? I thought it was a meeting of the Third Reich.
CNN also publicly declarex they did everything posdible to help Hillary win, including ignore her scandals...

...and of course CNN gave more time to Trump - like in the midst of tne Benghazi attack, no one could FIND Hillary - she refused to hold a press conference for almost (or over) a year and was always 'resting' :p
CNN also publicly declarex they did everything posdible to help Hillary win, including ignore her scandals...

...and of course CNN gave more time to Trump - like in the midst of tne Benghazi attack, no one could FIND Hillary - she refused to hold a press conference for almost (or over) a year and was always 'resting' :p
Don't lie. It's unbecoming.
Check this out, this is how much free air time Fox gave Trump during the election.


Now look at this, this is how much free air time CNN gave to trump:


That's right, CNN gave more time to Trump than Fox did. And MSNBC was closer to CNN than Fox.

The information for this chart was months ago:


Another report I read said by the time of the election, Trump received closer to 3.5 billion in free air time.

Trump can say he hates the media and doesn't trust it, but it was the media that got him elected. Playing his speeches from beginning to end. Chuck Todd, Anderson Cooper, Andrea Mitchell, Chris Mathews couldn't say Hillary's name without saying "untrustworthy, unlikeable and dishonest" every single time. When they asked people on the street what they thought of Hillary, it would be "untrustworthy, unlikeable and dishonest" exactly the same way Chuck Todd would say it.

Then the endless investigations. Gen Petraeus is on probation. He was court martialed. Trump is thinking of him for SOS, but he can't handle classified info. But it's OK. It's not Hillary. Colin and an AOL account. You know, the AOL that's been hacked like a thousand times? And his account is probably still on an AOL server. Colin and Condi were ordered to turn over their emails but never did. Who cares? The law only applies to Hillary. But if you ask most people, they think Hillary was convicted of something. No one knows all the laws broken by the Trump Foundation and only a single reporter investigated it.
And in spite of being pounded with all that every day and with the FBI coming out the way they did and with Russian Hacking, still she has more than 2.5 million votes over Trump.

So she did a remarkable job. Trump is who he is. The same racist loudmouth that he was during the election, he's still that guy. Anyone see him on that rally tonight? I thought it was a meeting of the Third Reich.

Wow, still trying to justify your candidate's failure. I want you to believe this theory of yours. It is why the Democrats lost. That is why they lost in 2014 and 2010. Keep believing brother!
CNN also publicly declarex they did everything posdible to help Hillary win, including ignore her scandals...

...and of course CNN gave more time to Trump - like in the midst of tne Benghazi attack, no one could FIND Hillary - she refused to hold a press conference for almost (or over) a year and was always 'resting' :p
Don't lie. It's unbecoming.
I'm not...

...but YOU would know.
The perpetrators of this atrocity must be held accountable!
CNN also publicly declarex they did everything posdible to help Hillary win, including ignore her scandals...

...and of course CNN gave more time to Trump - like in the midst of tne Benghazi attack, no one could FIND Hillary - she refused to hold a press conference for almost (or over) a year and was always 'resting' :p
Don't lie. It's unbecoming.

CNN admits to wanting and helping Hillary. You are very bright are you?
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.


Trump was swiftboated even worse. Say, what happened to all those bimbos that came out and claimed he sexually harassed them 15 years ago? Surely charges will be pressed against Trump?
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

So did FBI Director Comey lie when he testified before Congress that classified emails were found on Hillary's private server (a felony offense under federal law) and debunked the numerous lies Hillary told to the public and news media! You may not have seen this, but you can Goggle it, Bill Clinton himself said Hillary didn't lose because of Comey, but lost because she was out of touch with the voters! Bill said he has cautioned her and the campaign early own that they needed to focus on the economy and creating godd paying jobs, but Hillary told him he was out of touch!
This cannot go unchallenged. Justice must be served. What goes around comes around...
The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watching him do it.
The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watching him do it.

You just swiftboated the official definition of swiftboating by making up more lies.
The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.
Swiftboating: The act of pointing out what a political candidate has actually done, backed up by bringing in dozens or even hundreds of witnesses who were actually there and watching him do it.

You just swiftboated the official definition of swiftboating by making up more lies.
What lie was that?

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