Hillary wears a catheter.

So what! Most 70 year olds do.

Matty, you are seriously eat up with the dumb ass...

Yes. He is. We all know it.

Now....what kind of credibility do you have? You directed your comment at Matthew.....a retard and rare fiscally liberal, socially conservative racist. But....you said nothing to the OP........a retard and common fiscally and socially conservative racist.

Do you think this OP is reasonable....or retarded?

I don't believe the OP is a conservative, addressing the lies in what is stated before dwelling into any sot of hypotheticals may be beneficial.

he has absolutely defined himself as a "conservative" for as long as he's been on this board. he's never taken any position that deviated from the most vile and extreme musings of the radical right.

talking about "lies" isn't the issue the extreme right makes it either.

talking about issues and qualifications and competence and demeanor are what should be discussed.

and there is nothing, no matter how much loons like the o/p make up things out of desperation, no matter how much you try to run down clinton's numbers, which are going to make donald fit to be president.

and that is your problem. had kasich or rubio been your nominee, you probably would be 5 to 7 points ahead right now.....instead of georgia being a swing state.

Right, because the Clinton campaign is focusing on "qualifications and competence." The OP doesn't "make up things." It examines the evidence.

You're utterly hilarious, dingbat.
So what! Most 70 year olds do.

Matty, you are seriously eat up with the dumb ass...

Yes. He is. We all know it.

Now....what kind of credibility do you have? You directed your comment at Matthew.....a retard and rare fiscally liberal, socially conservative racist. But....you said nothing to the OP........a retard and common fiscally and socially conservative racist.

Do you think this OP is reasonable....or retarded?

I don't believe the OP is a conservative, addressing the lies lies in what is stated before dwelling into any sot of hypotheticals may be beneficial.

You don't believe that the OP is conservative? You might be a retard too.

The lies? Do you think photo presented is evidence that Clinton is sporting a catheter? Are you that stupid?

Of course it's evidence. Why do you think it's not, because you refuse to believe what's right before your eyes?
There's definitely something wrong. She does have serious health problems. But it's not gonna stop the usual suspects from voting for her. It's pretty much a non-issue.
If she can't do the job Tim Kaine will

The Wall Street Leprechaun, you have to be kidding....:lmao:


Dude, you guys nominated a Trumpster Fire as a candidate.

Awesome general election campaign he's running.

But he's going to stop being the real Donald Trump until the election is over. Who the real don trump is we're going to have to wait for the finaly. Omg is this a reality show? If it is, the bad guy never wins in the end. Don is the Richard hatch of this reality show or amorossa.

But wait, didn't they win? Lol.

He's hiring a bunch of dark people to tell us how great he is.

I think we've been seeing the real trump. What we see now is a bunch of handlers rebranding a bad product

We already now what the real Hillary is: the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office. She's a pathological liar and a crook.
as one who has had a foley cath.....you do not have a tube around your leg...you wear the bag just above your knee ...its strapped on....the tubing simply goes from the cath in front of your twat.....down the side of your leg to the bag...no excess tubing...no tubing in the front of the leg....

its a fucking wrinkle....
Look at the drawing, moron. I'm sure there are variations in the way it can be worn, and placing it below the knee would do a better job of hiding it.
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!

Well, good point. Let them ridicule and mock a voting bloc that Romney won by 12 points...

...Seniors over 65.
No one is mocking seniors other than douche bags like you.
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omg are you really this desperate? sure there are a lot of ways for a man to wear the bag...not so much for a woman....if you put it below the knee as it fills it will be to slip downward...as you calve is not big enough to hold it.....you are a fucking idiot who would rather grasp to this bullshit than discuss the real issues
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!

Well, good point. Let them ridicule and mock a voting bloc that Romney won by 12 points...

...Seniors over 65.

a voting block--------------catheter users? the vast majority of seniors don't use catheters and the ones that do are not offended by pointing out that Hillary may have to use one.

BTW, why is she taking a few weeks off with no scheduled appearances? Seems strange at a time when Trump's numbers are rising and hers are falling. Rehab?

That is innuendo, not evidence. You nor I may not know why but that is not solid evidence she should not run for president due to some serious health issue.

Until someone can post solid evidence like her MRIs or the medicine she takes for a fatal disease, can we declare this thread deficient in proof?

There is no need to argue if the point of the op can't be sufficiently made.
No we can't. The photos are evidence. Perhaps not enough to clinch the deal, they are sufficient to demand that Hillary come clean.
omg are you really this desperate? sure there are a lot of ways for a man to wear the bag...not so much for a woman....if you put it below the knee as it fills it will be to slip downward...as you calve is not big enough to hold it.....you are a fucking idiot who would rather grasp to this bullshit than discuss the real issues

The diagram shows it being worn below the knee, moron.
Can't believe America is considering electing someone who wets her pants...
Even if it doesn't indicate a serious health problem, it is a handicap for a president. What if she's at some international meeting where she can't go to a restroom for hours?
yes it does and its wrong...why in the hell would you wear it below your knee where its gonna show.....you wear the damned thing inside your leg....and you would wear a long dress or jammie pants like i did....you do not wear anything that might 'pull' on it....it wont come out but its uncomfortable at best
Can't believe America is considering electing someone who wets her pants...
Even if it doesn't indicate a serious health problem, it is a handicap for a president. What if she's at some international meeting where she can't go to a restroom for hours?

I am having difficulty figuring out how a person wetting her pants can deal with the ilks of ISIS.

Oh wait, her plan was to build a bridge for them to come in...
By the way

I think Hillary could take the rest of the month off and outperform Trump in the polls.

All she has to do is let the press know where she is. Trump has a lot of catching up to do.

Why doesnt she go golfing with Obama? She is going to need to learn how.....:confused:

She always does better if she doesn't show her face to the public. The more they see of her the less they like her.
yes it does and its wrong...why in the hell would you wear it below your knee where its gonna show.....you wear the damned thing inside your leg....and you would wear a long dress or jammie pants like i did....you do not wear anything that might 'pull' on it....it wont come out but its uncomfortable at best
Hillary is not going to wear a long dress or Jammie pants. You're a complete fucking moron.
no you are ....believing any woman would wear a pantsuit while wearing a cath......you make this shit up and then convince yourself its true....how sad and they say ignorant people are happy....smh

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