Hillary wears a catheter.

So what you're saying is that Helly Rotten is an old fruitbat with a fucked up bladder who leaks urine.. Got it.. that makes it much better..:blowup:
No, what I'm saying is that 70 year old women often have bladder issues and still are perfectly fine. But lovely sentiments anyway dear. I'm also saying Trump is an old man who may have a typically swollen prostate and needing to "go" frequently...so frequently that he too may wear Depends or a catheter as much time as he spends blathering on stage.

Here's the difference, "Dear." We don't elect old fucking leaky BAGLADIES to the most powerful office in the world.
yes it does and its wrong...why in the hell would you wear it below your knee where its gonna show.....you wear the damned thing inside your leg....and you would wear a long dress or jammie pants like i did....you do not wear anything that might 'pull' on it....it wont come out but its uncomfortable at best
Hillary is not going to wear a long dress or Jammie pants. You're a complete fucking moron.

She prefers her Mao Jackets and Burlap Sacks.

Trump likes his suits off the rack from Moscow, all he needs is a plastic red nose and size 35 bowling shoes to complement the picture..
WaPo: Over Half of Clinton Foundation Donors ‘Ineligible’ to Donate Under Foreign Cash Ban
Clinton Foundation Donors 'Ineligible' Under Foreign Cash Ban

Ouch ouch
foreign donor and former head of Russia’s Uranium One Ian Telfer gave a total of $2.35 million to the foundation while Hillary Clinton was at the State Department.

"We wanted to vet this charge of Clinton engaging in pay-to-play politics.

Trump’s claim is a reductive version of his source material’s findings and runs into several problems.

First, the State Department did approve of Russia’s gradual takeover of a company with significant U.S. uranium assets, but it didn’t act unilaterally. State was one of nine government agencies, not to mention independent federal and state nuclear regulators, that had to sign off on the deal.

Second, while nine people related to the company did donate to the Clinton Foundation, it’s unclear whether they were still involved in the company by the time of the Russian deal and stood to benefit from it.

Third, most of their Clinton Foundation donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, before she could have known she would become secretary of state.

The bottom line: While the connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Russian deal may appear fishy, there’s simply no proof of any quid pro quo." Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

Politifact is a Soros funded propaganda mill. No one but leftwing douche bags take it seriously.
Where's "RC Penelope?" Helly left a carbon footprint over your fatazz for 20 miles!? Let's hear your outrage?!
I really don't think that Pantsuit is wearing a catheter. I think that is Pantsuits pantsuit wrinkling as she is walking.
I do, however, think that the bus stop rat bag old hag lying incompetent power-hungry socialist piece of shit is having seizures and should be in a nursing home.
Hillary is not going to wear a long dress or Jammie pants. You're a complete fucking moron.

She prefers her Mao Jackets and Burlap Sacks.

Trump likes his suits off the rack from Moscow, all he needs is a plastic red nose and size 35 bowling shoes to complement the picture..
WaPo: Over Half of Clinton Foundation Donors ‘Ineligible’ to Donate Under Foreign Cash Ban
Clinton Foundation Donors 'Ineligible' Under Foreign Cash Ban

Ouch ouch
foreign donor and former head of Russia’s Uranium One Ian Telfer gave a total of $2.35 million to the foundation while Hillary Clinton was at the State Department.

"We wanted to vet this charge of Clinton engaging in pay-to-play politics.

Trump’s claim is a reductive version of his source material’s findings and runs into several problems.

First, the State Department did approve of Russia’s gradual takeover of a company with significant U.S. uranium assets, but it didn’t act unilaterally. State was one of nine government agencies, not to mention independent federal and state nuclear regulators, that had to sign off on the deal.

Second, while nine people related to the company did donate to the Clinton Foundation, it’s unclear whether they were still involved in the company by the time of the Russian deal and stood to benefit from it.

Third, most of their Clinton Foundation donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, before she could have known she would become secretary of state.

The bottom line: While the connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Russian deal may appear fishy, there’s simply no proof of any quid pro quo." Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

Politifact is a Soros funded propaganda mill. No one but leftwing douche bags take it seriously.

No. Anyone with common sense takes knows that Soros has nothing to do with Politifact but keep on churning your spin.
Helly Rotten left the campaign trail on WEDNESDAY to "rest" and won't be back until tomorrow.. This fruitbat can't even go an entire day working.
So now Trump is losing to a woman with Parkinson's disease, who can't climb stairs, and now wears a catheter. Trump must REALLY suck since he's losing to this woman: and it's not even as close as you losers hope
Even Dr. Drew chimed in

And made a fool of himself:

"During a radio interview yesterday, Dr. Drew Pinsky made some strong accusations about Hillary Clinton’s health care, referring to her medical treatment as “bizarre,” “very unconventional,” and “old-fashioned.” Astonishingly, the “records” Dr. Pinsky chose to comment on have been making the rounds for months and have been proved to be fake."

Fact Checking Dr. Drew on Hillary Clinton’s ‘Medical Records’

Give a right winger an inch..... This thread just turned into a Hillary pees herself thread.
So now Trump is losing to a woman with Parkinson's disease, who can't climb stairs, and now wears a catheter. Trump must REALLY suck since he's losing to this woman: and it's not even as close as you losers hope
People don't know yet, that's why we are getting the word out.
So now Trump is losing to a woman with Parkinson's disease, who can't climb stairs, and now wears a catheter. Trump must REALLY suck since he's losing to this woman: and it's not even as close as you losers hope
No, that's just the result of $5 billion in free media Hillary has received.

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