Hillary will stand up to male sex predators... except Bill, Weiner, Packwood etc


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Honestly, is this Hillary's new slogan, that she stands up to male sex predators???
You forgot Al Gore.....he has also been revealed to be a sexual predator......he has made sexual advances on at least 3 massage therapists .......that we know of....
Let's see.....how long has it been since she has walked down the street or gone to a bar or anything close to what women actually do?
Senator Bob Packwood was a great example...

Hillary Clinton and the “Whiny Women”

"n 1993, Hillary Clinton derided a group of women who made claims of sexual harassment against Republican senator Bob Packwood, according to Blair. “HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,” wrote Blair"

When Hillary was trying to socialize health care, the women accusing Bob Packwood were just "whiney" and Hillary was "tired" of them....

STANDING UP to sex predators.... that's Hillary.
Hillary has not had an original thought in her life. The emails confirm that she memorizes and regurgitates focus group tested one liners that mean nothing.
Hillary has not had an original thought in her life. The emails confirm that she memorized and regurgitates focus group tested one liners that mean nothing.

It extends to her policies too... where she is sure most people favor her policies she does favor them, when it's not clear she just tells:

"I favor tax rate that is not too low or too high", or "the problem needs to be addressed", or some other meaningless garbage.
Her "policy" is always driven by.... who donates more to the Clinton Foundation.

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