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Hillary Will Win

By making laws that are in accordance with their political beliefs, prejudices and blindness.

I prefer Conservative Supreme Court justices who don't go for emotional law. Which means "any old thing I say is law because I want to make a point" laws liberal judges like to dish out. I try to avoid those at all costs.

If that means I have to put up with Guiliani's hideous mug, I'll still take that over Hillary's mug and vacated judicial seats filled by liberal psychotics, who are with us until they die.

That was an awful lot of words to answer a simple question.

You said liberal judges break your back. I asked how.

Cause all I see you say is that you like conservatives because they share your world view.

By the by... if you think liberals are psychotics, you're pretty messed up yourself.... and if you think all Democrats are liberals, you're pretty misinformed.
When you ask an explanation for a simple comment, you invite a lot of words. Remember...words mean something. It's a bit old missish to ask someone to go into detail, then complain about them going into detail.

Did I say liberals were psychotic? I believe I said I didn't want psychotic liberal judges.
Did I say dems and liberals were the same? I don't believe I did.

And why else would I like conservatives, except that I like the way they think...i.e., I share their world view. Hello?
When you ask an explanation for a simple comment, you invite a lot of words. Remember...words mean something. It's a bit old missish to ask someone to go into detail, then complain about them going into detail.

Did I say liberals were psychotic? I believe I said I didn't want psychotic liberal judges.
Did I say dems and liberals were the same? I don't believe I did.

And why else would I like conservatives, except that I like the way they think...i.e., I share their world view. Hello?

Do tell, pray, what Justices of the Supreme Court were psychotic.

I look forward to your answer. But at least you're not trying to pretend that your guys are brilliant jurists and it isn't just political with you. Have to give you a brownie point for that one.

But...for the third time... what decisions broke your back?

Off from work now. I can't wait to see your response to the actual question. ;)
Sandra Day O'Connor, for one.

Roe v. Wade.

Here's some more:

Racial Preferences in Admissions: Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
O'Connor wrote the majority opinion, joined by Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens, which held that the University of Michigan Law School could use racial preferences to include blacks, Latinos, and Indians in its incoming class because of educational benefits associated with having a "critical mass" of minorities in the student body. O’Connor predicted that in 25 years racial preferences would no longer be necessary.

Abortion: Stenberg v Carhart (2000)
O’Connor joined the liberal wing (Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens), providing the key vote allowing the Court to overturne a Nebraska law banning a procedure known as "partial birth abortion." Subsequently, Congress banned the procedure in the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003; that law is on track to be argued before the Supreme Court.
You don't laugh at us any harder than we laugh at YOU. The last elections in Spain come to mind where humor is concerned. Only I 'd say in their case it's
"some people are just too scared to vote their minds."

Or how about those "elections" in Iran? Real knee-slapper.

What has Spain got to do with NZ?? How come you guys seem to lump the rest of the world into one? I am talking specifically about the one-party state your country is...:cool:
Sandra Day O'Connor, for one.

Roe v. Wade.

Here's some more:

Racial Preferences in Admissions: Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
O'Connor wrote the majority opinion, joined by Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens, which held that the University of Michigan Law School could use racial preferences to include blacks, Latinos, and Indians in its incoming class because of educational benefits associated with having a "critical mass" of minorities in the student body. O’Connor predicted that in 25 years racial preferences would no longer be necessary.

Abortion: Stenberg v Carhart (2000)
O’Connor joined the liberal wing (Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens), providing the key vote allowing the Court to overturne a Nebraska law banning a procedure known as "partial birth abortion." Subsequently, Congress banned the procedure in the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003; that law is on track to be argued before the Supreme Court.

Sandra Day O'Connor? One of the most respected judges to ever sit on the bench. A true moderate.... SHE offends you? RAFLMAO!

Now *that* is psychotic. RAFLMAO! You chose the one person who has the respect of people of pretty much every political persuasion. I guess that doesn't include psychos who want to enact their own religious views into law.

I'm sure your understanding of those cases is about on par with your understanding of what makes a great jurist.

Actually, only the rabid right calls it "partial birth abortion" cause it sounds so bad. The actual medical terminology is dilation and extraction or D&E. Do you know why the Nebraska law was overturned? It was because it was written so vaguely as to be unenforceable, as I recall. Gee... how terrible. Legislators being required to make their legislation clear enough to be followed. *rolls eyes*

oh...and Sandy Day didn't decide Roe v Wade and wasn't on the bench at the time.

Still wondering how those decisions broke your back....
I didn't say O'Connor ruled on Roe v. Wade.

But she's not a moderate. She swings every now and then. That doesn't make her a moderate. It may make her mildly psychotic.

Anyone in this day and age who supports the "right" to obtain a partial birth abortion has a screw loose. How we can prosecute murderers of pregnant women with two murders, and yet say it's okay for mothers to kill their unborn babies is beyond me.

Partial birth abortion is what the majority of US citizens calls it. I guess the majority of the US is "rabid right". It's called that because that's what it is. Delivering a murdered baby. I can't think of a better phrase than "partial birth". The mom still gets to go through labor....
By making laws that are in accordance with their political beliefs, prejudices and blindness.

You only seem to have a problem with this when its not in accordance with your political beliefs, prejudices, and blindness.

I prefer Conservative Supreme Court justices who don't go for emotional law. Which means "any old thing I say is law because I want to make a point" laws liberal judges like to dish out. I try to avoid those at all costs.

I find it amusing when people who have no idea what the law is or how to interpret it criticize other peoples interpretations of it. Its really quite fun.
You only seem to have a problem with this when its not in accordance with your political beliefs, prejudices, and blindness.

I find it amusing when people who have no idea what the law is or how to interpret it criticize other peoples interpretations of it. Its really quite fun.

Actually, it's more that they don't have a clue how decisions are made; They also don't understand that there are no pat answers to complex issues. Jurists, attorneys, students of the law, they argue these issues all the time. To say there is some divine fundamentalist reading of the Constitution simply isn't accurate and doesn't reflect the rich and complex history of our laws or the caseload by which we're bound.

It is kinda funny, though. I particularly loved the part where she had criticism for one of the most highly regarded justices ever to tke the bench. ;o)
Actually, it's more that they don't have a clue how decisions are made; They also don't understand that there are no pat answers to complex issues. Jurists, attorneys, students of the law, they argue these issues all the time. To say there is some divine fundamentalist reading of the Constitution simply isn't accurate and doesn't reflect the rich and complex history of our laws or the caseload by which we're bound.

It is kinda funny, though. I particularly loved the part where she had criticism for one of the most highly regarded justices ever to tke the bench. ;o)

Not highly regarded by me. Sorry to pop that little bubble you've got going. O'Connor's no saint, and her rulings prove it.

What you call "pat answers to complex issues" I call recognizing the difference between right and wrong, and not being bamboozled by liberal nambie-pambies.

All hail Sandra!!!! She must be a saint...Jillian says so!
Not highly regarded by me. Sorry to pop that little bubble you've got going. O'Connor's no saint, and her rulings prove it.

What you call "pat answers to complex issues" I call recognizing the difference between right and wrong, and not being bamboozled by liberal nambie-pambies.

All hail Sandra!!!! She must be a saint...Jillian says so!

Well, I take it you're not in law. Not that you're not entitled to your opinion, of course, but to people who are, she's considered pretty much as good as it gets.

A saint? No. She screwed up Bush v Gore. But brilliant? Moderate? Well-reasoned? Understanding of the constitution and it's meaning? Yes.. not perfect... but always tried to get it right.

Not me who says so. People do have reputations in their community.... in her community, she's very well respected and is deserving of respect...

And you'll forgive me, but the thought of you thinking that you understand the Constitution better than she does is pretty funny.
You only seem to have a problem with this when its not in accordance with your political beliefs, prejudices, and blindness.

Really?? No kidding? Why would I have a problem with people who have the same beliefs? You guys are great for reiterating the obvious and making it sound so baaaadddd. When somebody else does it, that is.

I find it amusing when people who have no idea what the law is or how to interpret it criticize other peoples interpretations of it. Its really quite fun.

How did you come to the conclusion I have no idea what the law is or how to interpret it....and isn't that statement in and of itself criticizing another person's interpretation? Which is exactly what you're whining about...???
Not highly regarded by me. Sorry to pop that little bubble you've got going. O'Connor's no saint, and her rulings prove it.

And we all know what an expert on jurisprudence you are, right?

What you call "pat answers to complex issues" I call recognizing the difference between right and wrong, and not being bamboozled by liberal nambie-pambies.

Just curious...if a statute says "No man shall commit murder" do you think that it reads "No male shall commit murder" or "no person shall commit murder"? By the way...the law isn't about "recognizing the difference between right and wrong". It needs to be consistent and sometimes that has crappy results. But generally everyone agrees that crappy results sometimes are better than an unpredictable legal system where large segments of the population have no idea if they are committing crimes or not.

All hail Sandra!!!! She must be a saint...Jillian says so!

For someone who criticized someone else for allegedly twisting words, you really should avoid twisting others words.
Really?? No kidding? Why would I have a problem with people who have the same beliefs? You guys are great for reiterating the obvious and making it sound so baaaadddd. When somebody else does it, that is.

Because it makes you incredibly hypocritical.

How did you come to the conclusion I have no idea what the law is or how to interpret it

From your statements in this thread. Its obvious to anyone who even a basic understand of law that you lack any knowledge whatsoever in the field.

....and isn't that statement in and of itself criticizing another person's interpretation? Which is exactly what you're whining about...???

I happen to have some knowledge on the subject. Not as much as Jillian and nowhere near as much as anyone on the USSC, but I do have a bit.
Hmmm..where did I accuse somebody of twisting words?

No, I don't think you know if I'm an expert on jurisprudence or not. Does one have to be an expert anything to voice a negative opinion about St. O'Connor?

And the law is very much about recognizing the difference between right and wrong. And this is why I don't want any more liberal elitists on the Supreme Court.
No, I don't think you know if I'm an expert on jurisprudence or not. Does one have to be an expert anything to voice a negative opinion about St. O'Connor?

Its quite clear that you not only are not an expert, but you know nothing about the subject. It has nothing to do with your opinions about O'Connor, it has to do with your statements about law, such as the below one included below. PS...no anwser to my question about murder? Which interpretation of the statute do YOU favor mr. expert in jursiprudence?

And the law is very much about recognizing the difference between right and wrong. And this is why I don't want any more liberal elitists on the Supreme Court.
I could have sworn we were discussing my opinion about O'Connor. I probably thought that because that's what we were discussing.

Psst...I know judges (personally) who aren't crazy about O'Connor, either. She's not the guru of law, for Pete's sakes.

So..where were we actually discussing law? Because I sure haven't seen any legal arguments here.
What has Spain got to do with NZ?? How come you guys seem to lump the rest of the world into one? I am talking specifically about the one-party state your country is...:cool:

Is not Spain part of the world? I believe you said "the world", not NZ, right?

Which one party would you be referring to?
I could have sworn we were discussing my opinion about O'Connor. I probably thought that because that's what we were discussing.

Actually we were discussing Hillary Clinton until you decided to bring up O'Connor.

Psst...I know judges (personally) who aren't crazy about O'Connor, either. She's not the guru of law, for Pete's sakes.

Of course she isn't, but there is a middle ground between "guru" and having "a screw loose".

So..where were we actually discussing law? Because I sure haven't seen any legal arguments here.

Umm maybe here:

And the law is very much about recognizing the difference between right and wrong. And this is why I don't want any more liberal elitists on the Supreme Court.

And we all know what an expert on jurisprudence you are, right?

Not highly regarded by me. Sorry to pop that little bubble you've got going. O'Connor's no saint, and her rulings prove it.

Shall I go on? Besides the fact that we are talking about the USSC who make and interpret law. If you don't think O'Connor and the law are intimately related, then you've just gone down from "not having a clue about matters of jurisprudence" to "not having a clue about basic tenets of the Americal legal system".
Actually we were discussing Hillary Clinton until you decided to bring up O'Connor.

Of course she isn't, but there is a middle ground between "guru" and having "a screw loose".

Umm maybe here:

Shall I go on? Besides the fact that we are talking about the USSC who make and interpret law. If you don't think O'Connor and the law are intimately related, then you've just gone down from "not having a clue about matters of jurisprudence" to "not having a clue about basic tenets of the Americal legal system".

Why on earth would I not think O'Connor and the law are intimately related? Where did that come from?

All the drive-by inanity is making me dizzy....
Presidents get to choose justices. I don't want Hillary appointing any more liberal justices. Sorry you got sidetracked trying to shoot me down.

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