Hillary wins the popular vote

The votes come from New York and California. The Founding Fathers forsaw this and that is why we are a Republic composed of Soverign States. We cannot simply habe two of the most populous states control the election results of the other 48 states, thus the requirement for an Electorial College.
Poor California.

CA has become a 1-party state. There were almost ZERO candidates "other" than big Dem on the 2016 ballot. None..........Senator: Sanchez D vs. Harris D. no write-in line was available.

CA had 17 Propositions worded so Complex any normal person could not understand.
One Proposition for legalized dope, and to force condoms on porn were almost clear.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

You realize that the margin you're excited about is LESS than the number of votes that Gary Johnson got in some states. It's not really a convincing "win".. Especially when you look at the electoral results.. Just means California is too far gone..
had Gary Johnson not been on state ballots the point of this thread would have been moot.

Correct, because Hillary would be president. Thanks Johnson voters, you helped elect Trump.
Incorrect. If the rules were changed, the game would be played differently. Both camps would have different strategies, so you're comparing apples and rocks.
The votes come from New York and California. The Founding Fathers forsaw this and that is why we are a Republic composed of Soverign States. We cannot simply habe two of the most populous states control the election results of the other 48 states, thus the requirement for an Electorial College.
One has to remember that at the time of the Constitution, people identified more readily with their state. It is a non-starter to suggest that the Constitution be changed today. Smaller states, which get disproportional representation, would never consent.
The votes come from New York and California. The Founding Fathers forsaw this and that is why we are a Republic composed of Soverign States. We cannot simply habe two of the most populous states control the election results of the other 48 states, thus the requirement for an Electorial College.
One has to remember that at the time of the Constitution, people identified more readily with their state. It is a non-starter to suggest that the Constitution be changed today. Smaller states, which get disproportional representation, would never consent.
And that's the way it should be. It SHOULD be hard to change the constitution. If it were easy, we'd be changing it every time there's a new adminstration.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

You realize that the margin you're excited about is LESS than the number of votes that Gary Johnson got in some states. It's not really a convincing "win".. Especially when you look at the electoral results.. Just means California is too far gone..
had Gary Johnson not been on state ballots the point of this thread would have been moot.

Correct, because Hillary would be president. Thanks Johnson voters, you helped elect Trump.

Boy are YOU missing the big picture or what?? This election was the rise of Independents, which INCLUDES 3rd party supporters. Your little tribes are about to COLLECTIVELY become the minority in the voting pool. Which means that ANY ole polling techniques are obsolete and TURNOUT simply depends on how badly you 2 jerk-off dynasties screw up. And you've BOTH screwed us up royally. All indications are that the LParty drew fairly equally from Ds and Rs. But the BULK of our votes now -- well they don't "belong" to you anymore. And if anything, polling (as inaccurate as it is now and will continue to become useless) showed a slighter higher draw from Hillary when the other choices were removed. But it was more like 20% from each brand name party and the REST from that larger group of people who don't want either of your parties.

You should be pissed at Jill Stein. Who managed to pretty much equal Ralph Nader in this one. That's 1% --- ALL from Hillary across the states. MORE than the margin of victory by itself in about 5 or 6 states..

You SHOULD be worried. Very worried.
I'd like to take this moment to congratulate Chillary and the Demonicrats for winning a super popular vote. Additionally, I propose we amend our Constitution run the country the way California see fitting. Most specifically, Southern California.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

You realize that the margin you're excited about is LESS than the number of votes that Gary Johnson got in some states. It's not really a convincing "win".. Especially when you look at the electoral results.. Just means California is too far gone..
had Gary Johnson not been on state ballots the point of this thread would have been moot.

Correct, because Hillary would be president. Thanks Johnson voters, you helped elect Trump.

Boy are YOU missing the big picture or what?? This election was the rise of Independents, which INCLUDES 3rd party supporters. Your little tribes are about to COLLECTIVELY become the minority in the voting pool. Which means that ANY ole polling techniques are obsolete and TURNOUT simply depends on how badly you 2 jerk-off dynasties screw up. And you've BOTH screwed us up royally. All indications are that the LParty drew fairly equally from Ds and Rs. But the BULK of our votes now -- well they don't "belong" to you anymore. And if anything, polling (as inaccurate as it is now and will continue to become useless) showed a slighter higher draw from Hillary when the other choices were removed. But it was more like 20% from each brand name party and the REST from that larger group of people who don't want either of your parties.

You should be pissed at Jill Stein. Who managed to pretty much equal Ralph Nader in this one. That's 1% --- ALL from Hillary across the states. MORE than the margin of victory by itself in about 5 or 6 states..

You SHOULD be worried. Very worried.

Hillary didn't win the women vote either as she proclaimed she would. White women, both undereducated and college educated voted for Trump. Her stance on late term abortions didn't fly that well with white women.
Hillary is still over 200,000 ahead.

This is why.
Let's see, VA. just gave 60,000 convicted felons the right to vote. and it's estimated that 13% of all illegals in America vote...depending on who's estimate you take that makes 1.4 to over 4 million illegals voting......and how many vote Republican?
Hillary is still over 200,000 ahead.


HOw does that convert into EV?

Democratic government starts to look a bit weird once you start having elections where the guy who loses the vote wins.

This is the second time in 16 years, after only about 2 in 200.

Unlike Australia, we give the people in our 'Outback' a voice in how the government is run

One person one vote gives everyone the same voice.
Hillary is still over 200,000 ahead.


HOw does that convert into EV?

Democratic government starts to look a bit weird once you start having elections where the guy who loses the vote wins.

This is the second time in 16 years, after only about 2 in 200.

Unlike Australia, we give the people in our 'Outback' a voice in how the government is run
Yeah, kind of quirky that Someone's vote in Podunkville, Nebraska carries more weight than somone who lives in a more populous state.

Hey, why give those uninformed, unrefined aborigines ANY rights?

Here's an idea, lets just allow the states with the top populations voting rights?

after all, they're so much more important
They have the right to vote just like everyone else. I just find it odd that my vote counts for more than someone from say Texas or Florida. Shouldn't everyone have the same impact? All men are created equal and all that?

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