Hillary wins the popular vote

David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

You're lying Hillarybot.

You are just bitter because you guys forced an unelectable candidate on the Democratic Party and refused to back anyone else, guaranteeing a loss.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

First, STATES vote for President, not individuals. So, the people of more States voted for Trump. Second, your information is old. The most current count I have seen was Trump 62,972,226 while Clinton had 62,277,750.

In the electoral college, Trump has 306 while Clinto has 232
If you believe RW crap propaganda, as you usually do...I'm sure a big tax cut for the rich will help the middle class and the country....So many HUGE ISSUES and we and the media spent the whole campaign arguing malicious personal gossip and bs...
David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

You're lying Hillarybot.

You are just bitter because you guys forced an unelectable candidate on the Democratic Party and refused to back anyone else, guaranteeing a loss.
Unelectable because of many months of Putin leaks and media making big news out of very little, and Comey idiocy- stupidest election anywhere- no issues!!!. Meanwhile, you believe ridiculous RW websites over every respected media in the country. Brainwashed functional MORON.
Why didn't any Republicans participate in the ACA to help make it better?
Let’s recall why the Affordable Care Act is so messed up

Democrats wanted nothing from the GOP in drafting this disaster, which they rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it as they slept.

"Congress ultimately passed a Senate bill that nobody wanted, and, indeed, that likely no one had read in its entirety when the Senate passed it, and that certainly no one fully understood. Senator Max Baucus, one of Obamacare’s chief architects, not only acknowledged not reading the bill, but opined that it would have been a “waste of time” to do so, because only experts could understand it….

Remember how Obama, 'Mr. Transparency', promised EVERY meeting to be held on the ACA would be televised....yeah, he LIED. Surprise, surprise. The 1st meeting was televised on CSPAN, and the Liberals sequestered themselves behind closed doors, where the GOP was not allowed to go and where the American people could not see what they were doing, to create 'Frankenstein's monster'. (Remember, Despite Obama's promise of Transparency Nancy Pelosi declared to the American people that they had no RIGHT to know what was in the massive law that would be imposed upon them until it was rammed into law!)

- C-SPAN chief: We’ve been allowed to cover exactly one hour of ObamaCare negotiations - Hot Air

- Democrats Reid, Pelosi ponder crafting Obama's final healthcare bill behind closed doors
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

You realize that the margin you're excited about is LESS than the number of votes that Gary Johnson got in some states. It's not really a convincing "win".. Especially when you look at the electoral results.. Just means California is too far gone..

It means Hillary got more popular votes. That's what it means...

No, that means you didn't wait for all votes to be counted before you made that post OR you merely used old numbers because they fit your narrative better.

It's all speculation. Designed to create the urban legend that people will be fighting over for the next 12 years.

She got LESS votes than ALL of her competition. To exclude that fact, you'd have to be one of cold-hearted Cons who are ready to disenfranchise the "marginal voters".. Like the ones that voted Stein, Johnson, McMullin.

Funny how the most ardent of the lefties has no problem "disenfranching" 3rd party voters.. :rolleyes: MAYBE we should apply for official "minority status"... :happy-1:
She won the popular vote and it will be four years of treating Trump the way Obama was treated...

@moshekasher on Twitter
Sour-Grape Libs contend that Hillary still won because she won the popular vote. I'm sorry to tell them, but NO, NO she DIDN'T.

AGAIN, do the Math:

I have heard liberals claim Hillary won by as many as 2 MILLION votes. Ok, Fine...

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

It is being reported that approx. 3 million illegals voted in the election.....subtract the 3 million from Hillary's Popular vote count, and SHE LOSES!

Electoral College.....Popular Vote - either way it does not matter -- HILLARY STILL LOST THE ELECTION!

Liberals just need to face it - America REJECTED Hillary Clinton....AGAIN...for the 2nd and FINAL time!
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

First, STATES vote for President, not individuals. So, the people of more States voted for Trump. Second, your information is old. The most current count I have seen was Trump 62,972,226 while Clinton had 62,277,750.

In the electoral college, Trump has 306 while Clinto has 232
If you believe RW crap propaganda, as you usually do...I'm sure a big tax cut for the rich will help the middle class and the country....So many HUGE ISSUES and we and the media spent the whole campaign arguing malicious personal gossip and bs...
eight years, why hasn't the middle class recovered?
Sour-Grape Libs contend that Hillary still won because she won the popular vote. I'm sorry to tell them, but NO, NO she DIDN'T.

The Electoral college elected Trump ...I get that ...now get this .. We the People did not vote for Trump nationally
sure you did, every state has a vote and you lost. How many fking states did ole hitlery win btw?
Sour-Grape Libs contend that Hillary still won because she won the popular vote. I'm sorry to tell them, but NO, NO she DIDN'T.

The Electoral college elected Trump ...I get that ...now get this .. We the People did not vote for Trump nationally
sure you did, every state has a vote and you lost. How many fking states did ole hitlery win btw?
I am saying something mathematical so it is confusing you ...the number of votes that Hillary got Nationally is a larger number than the number of votes Trump received ...its a math thing why do you react to it ...?
Sour-Grape Libs contend that Hillary still won because she won the popular vote. I'm sorry to tell them, but NO, NO she DIDN'T.

The Electoral college elected Trump ...I get that ...now get this .. We the People did not vote for Trump nationally
Got it...we, the American citizens who have a LEGAL right to vote, elect Presidents. Hillary and Libs are counting those 3 Million ILLEGAL votes as part of the total number of votes that give her the Popular Vote 'win'...so strike the 3 million illegals who can not LEGALLY vote and thus can not legally help determine a US President...and Hillary loses the LEGAL Popular vote by approx. 1 MILLION votes.

YOU do the math.

2 million vote 'win' for Hillary minus the 3 million illegal votes = Hillary LOSS by approx. 1 million votes.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

First, STATES vote for President, not individuals. So, the people of more States voted for Trump. Second, your information is old. The most current count I have seen was Trump 62,972,226 while Clinton had 62,277,750.

In the electoral college, Trump has 306 while Clinto has 232
If you believe RW crap propaganda, as you usually do...I'm sure a big tax cut for the rich will help the middle class and the country....So many HUGE ISSUES and we and the media spent the whole campaign arguing malicious personal gossip and bs...

You continue to show you're a moron. You deflect to tax cuts as if I have said I support them and then lament the "malicious personal gossip and bs" that your people heaped upon the heads of Bernie's supporters as if you are virtuous. You supported a lying corporate whore who is the ONLY person on the face of the Earth who couldn't beat Trump and think you have the standing to continue to lie and moralize.

Feel free to pound salt.
Suppose it's fixed in 2 years. THEN will you criticize barack obama for his inability to "fix" it? What would it take for you to admit that obama was a disaster?
Two years? You must be swimming in the kool-aide. Republicans have been blocking every attempt to address problems for the past six years. I expect that Democrats will now become the party of obstruction unless they are more pragmatic than the republicans were and can find areas of agreement. I really think that you are about to see how hard it is to get anything done in the face of opposition. Unless of course, the republicans decide to do away with the filibuster and then force everything through. Then they can have the fascist dictatorship they so desire.
"Unless of course, the republicans decide to do away with the filibuster and then force everything through."

You mean like the way Democrats passed ACA? THAT shit is going to come back and bite your silly asses.

I thought 60 Democrats passed the ACA.
Well, technically, you are correct, but the ACA left out a couple of provisions that Democrats knew would sink the ship, so a week later they pushed through the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (56-43) with the Budget Reconciliation Rule.

Technically correct? Actually, I'm just plain correct. Why didn't any Republicans participate in the ACA to help make it better?
Actually, the repugs participated quite a bit in creating the ACA. They added 161 amendments to it. So they probably fucked it all up on purpose, then refused to vote for it.
Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform
David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

You're lying Hillarybot.

You are just bitter because you guys forced an unelectable candidate on the Democratic Party and refused to back anyone else, guaranteeing a loss.
Unelectable because of many months of Putin leaks and media making big news out of very little, and Comey idiocy- stupidest election anywhere- no issues!!!. Meanwhile, you believe ridiculous RW websites over every respected media in the country. Brainwashed functional MORON.

Blah, blah, blah. It's the fault of people like you that we're stuck with Trump, so shut up.
Sour-Grape Libs contend that Hillary still won because she won the popular vote. I'm sorry to tell them, but NO, NO she DIDN'T.

The Electoral college elected Trump ...I get that ...now get this .. We the People did not vote for Trump nationally
sure you did, every state has a vote and you lost. How many fking states did ole hitlery win btw?
I am saying something mathematical so it is confusing you ...the number of votes that Hillary got Nationally is a larger number than the number of votes Trump received ...its a math thing why do you react to it ...?
how do you know this if all of the red states aren't counting their absentee ballots? They stop counting once the number of ballots can't overturn the vote. How many states would that be for Mr. President elect?
David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

It's nowhere near done, there are almost 4 million in Calif.alone, you subversive asshole!

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