Hillary wins the popular vote

Sour-Grape Libs contend that Hillary still won because she won the popular vote. I'm sorry to tell them, but NO, NO she DIDN'T.

The Electoral college elected Trump ...I get that ...now get this .. We the People did not vote for Trump nationally
sure you did, every state has a vote and you lost. How many fking states did ole hitlery win btw?
Only the states that typically go blue, while trump took some blue states kicking her arse.
David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, told the Atlantic that Clinton could lead by as many as 2 percentage points in the popular vote when all votes are counted.

The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

You're lying Hillarybot.

You are just bitter because you guys forced an unelectable candidate on the Democratic Party and refused to back anyone else, guaranteeing a loss.
Unelectable because of many months of Putin leaks and media making big news out of very little, and Comey idiocy- stupidest election anywhere- no issues!!!. Meanwhile, you believe ridiculous RW websites over every respected media in the country. Brainwashed functional MORON.
You are a disfunctinal moron.
No argument, just stupid RW propaganda and moronic insults.
59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. But it’s nearly certain that Hillary Clinton got more votes.

That will mean that for the second time in 16 years, Democrats will have lost the White House despite winning the popular vote.

With votes still trickling in, Clinton held about a 200,000-vote edge in the popular contest, even as Trump appeared headed for a stronger Electoral College win than George W. Bush secured in his first election ― when he lost the popular vote by 500,000 ballots.

How could that happen? The short answer is key Democratic voters didn’t bother to go vote, while white Republican voters in rural areas of swing states did.

Democrats Likely To Win Popular Vote And Lose Presidency For Second Time In Less Than 20 Years

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

First, STATES vote for President, not individuals. So, the people of more States voted for Trump. Second, your information is old. The most current count I have seen was Trump 62,972,226 while Clinton had 62,277,750.

In the electoral college, Trump has 306 while Clinto has 232

Actually, your PV numbers are ass backwards. BTW, if you had bothered to read this thread - you would have noticed that I periodically updated the PV numbers as new information became available. Hillary is still ahead.
WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER....In Barry's immortal childish, narcissistic words, "I won!" :p


President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.
-- President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.
Right. He never said it. DUHHHHHHH.

Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”

Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’
Actually, the repugs participated quite a bit in creating the ACA. They added 161 amendments to it. So they probably fucked it all up on purpose, then refused to vote for it.
Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform
Sorry, the ACA was Obama's Legacy Socialist 'Wet Dream'.

The week before the Libs rammed this in for a vote in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept, the American people called in and 'melted down' the Congressional phone lines making it clear they did NOT want it. So the vote was delayed....until the following week.

Transparency? BS!
1. As pointed out, Obama promised the entire ACA process would be on C-Span
-- Only 1 HOUR of the 1st Meeting was televised.

2. Obama promised the American people they would have a minimum of 24hrs to read any legislation before it was passed
-- The bill was brought to the Senate in 2 pieces, not even as a whole bill, because politicians were scrambling to try to read any portion of it. (One of the biggest parts of a politician's job is to read bills and understand what they were voting on - almost NO politician, certainly no Liberal in DC had read the ACA. Even later when they recessed and went back home to face their pissed-off constituents they either showed up still not having read it or some just did not go home t face their constituents during that break.

When the bill was voted on - again, on the wee hours of the morning to ram this minority-supported liberal / Obama-agenda-driven legislation into law against the will of the Majority of Americans who opposed it ("F* Representative govt', right libs?) NO American had been given the opportunity to read any of it, as promised, and NO politician had even read the entire bill.

The biggest 'F* YOU' moment given to the American people was when Nancy 'Empress-wannabe' Pelosi declared the American people do not have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation that will be imposed upon them until AFTER it has been forced into the law. THAT Bi@tch should have been dragged from Congress into the streets and tarred and feathered right then and there for that comment / attitude / crime that was being perpetrated against the American people - unfortunately I think people were in such shock at the betrayal Libs had committed that they missed her comment.

The ACA was a big fat liberal piece of socialist agenda-driven legislation that - despite their promises to the contrary - hid from the American people, LIED to the American people, and then rammed it into law despite the majority of Americans clearly opposing it...right before they Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from it.
A big ole yep and agree.
“Elections have consequences.” It’s the political way for winners to tell losers: “Tough luck, you lost. Get over it.”

President Obama infamously espoused this view shortly after his 2009 inauguration, during a meeting with congressional Republicans about his economic proposals. Mr. Obama was later quoted as telling GOP leaders that “elections have consequences,” and, in case there was any doubt, “I won.”

'Elections have consequences': Does Obama regret saying that now?
Actually, the repugs participated quite a bit in creating the ACA. They added 161 amendments to it. So they probably fucked it all up on purpose, then refused to vote for it.
Fact-checking the GOP on healthcare reform
Sorry, the ACA was Obama's Legacy Socialist 'Wet Dream'.

The week before the Libs rammed this in for a vote in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept, the American people called in and 'melted down' the Congressional phone lines making it clear they did NOT want it. So the vote was delayed....until the following week.

Transparency? BS!
1. As pointed out, Obama promised the entire ACA process would be on C-Span
-- Only 1 HOUR of the 1st Meeting was televised.

2. Obama promised the American people they would have a minimum of 24hrs to read any legislation before it was passed
-- The bill was brought to the Senate in 2 pieces, not even as a whole bill, because politicians were scrambling to try to read any portion of it. (One of the biggest parts of a politician's job is to read bills and understand what they were voting on - almost NO politician, certainly no Liberal in DC had read the ACA. Even later when they recessed and went back home to face their pissed-off constituents they either showed up still not having read it or some just did not go home t face their constituents during that break.

When the bill was voted on - again, on the wee hours of the morning to ram this minority-supported liberal / Obama-agenda-driven legislation into law against the will of the Majority of Americans who opposed it ("F* Representative govt', right libs?) NO American had been given the opportunity to read any of it, as promised, and NO politician had even read the entire bill.

The biggest 'F* YOU' moment given to the American people was when Nancy 'Empress-wannabe' Pelosi declared the American people do not have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation that will be imposed upon them until AFTER it has been forced into the law. THAT Bi@tch should have been dragged from Congress into the streets and tarred and feathered right then and there for that comment / attitude / crime that was being perpetrated against the American people - unfortunately I think people were in such shock at the betrayal Libs had committed that they missed her comment.

The ACA was a big fat liberal piece of socialist agenda-driven legislation that - despite their promises to the contrary - hid from the American people, LIED to the American people, and then rammed it into law despite the majority of Americans clearly opposing it...right before they Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from it.
If the ACA was truly liberal, they would have just extended Medicare for all or at least added a public option for Medicare. That was taken off the table right away. Instead, we got an insurance company giveaway mandating we buy their products.
and no she didn't. How many states did she win? President is elected by the number of votes for electoral votes. who won? you should tell all of the rioters.
See OP, fool.

Very few rioters, and almost no Hilary supporters, dupe. A few Portland anarchist punks and some ghetto crackheads...
The Atlantic.....lololololololololol!!!!
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

It's nowhere near done, there are almost 4 million in Calif.alone, you subversive asshole!
mostly absentee ballots and the repubs usually are 60% to 40.
Shhhhh....don't let the anti-Americans know. let it be a surprise, so the protesters really look like the violent, criminal shit that they are!
99% are peaceful. The violent ones are mainly anarchist punks and crackheads, hater dupe. lol

Yep! Only the liberals were violent. Glad you realize it.
Counting is almost done- Hillary leads by 600k...So many RW lies...a disgrace.

It's nowhere near done, there are almost 4 million in Calif.alone, you subversive asshole!
mostly absentee ballots and the repubs usually are 60% to 40.
Shhhhh....don't let the anti-Americans know. let it be a surprise, so the protesters really look like the violent, criminal shit that they are!
99% are peaceful. The violent ones are mainly anarchist punks and crackheads, hater dupe. lol

Yep! Only the liberals were violent. Glad you realize it.
There are over 200 RW examples spread across the country, and they WON. If RW propaganda would stop covering these BS LW "riots", they'd stop.
It is being reported that aliens from Venus were voting for Hillary LOL
Hillary is an alien from Venus.
Trump is an alien from Uranus.
I'm hoping he's a genius savant dea maker who just parroted some RW talking points to get elected. The dupes are so easy to win. Thanks Fox, Rush, Savage, Beck, Murdoch WSJ/Post, Koch Heritage etc etc...Adelson Examiner, Moonie Wash Times ...

I agree. Don't forget Alex Jones from Infowars.


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