Hillary's biggest gaffe during the debate...It will come back to haunt her if she's the nominee

Hold on, Sallow

There are some Republicans that are willing to work with Democrats on the issue.

The problem is that they are called out, labeled RINO, and then politically hunted !! The GOP propaganda apparatus does not seem to be under the control of moderate Republicans, that is the key problem for all Republican politicians.
It's wrong if either side does it. Rs and Ds are suppose to balance each other out, bring different ideas to the table, compromise on what's best for this country. Neither side is much good at it. To call half the country 'enemy' is wrong and is especially wrong coming from one running for - or who is - potus.

Rachel Maddow did a pretty good summation of this the other night.

One of Obama's biggest mistakes in the first term was thinking that he could bridge the gap and work with Republicans. This is while he had a super majority in Congress. What happened? They gummed up every initiative that Obama put up and changed single payer into individual mandate, then tried to block passage. It's only fairly recently that he's realized what a huge error in judgement that was..

Hillary Clinton knows the score. And if she wants to rally the base and get folks excited, she's going to have to call republicans what they are..

The enemy.

Very true

The press has been too lenient on Republican antics and tries to spread the blame rather than hear Republicans whine about how "unfair" the press is to them

Can you imagine if it was the Democrats who were putting on the circus that the GOP candidates are?

They would be laughed out of town

Can you imagine if the Democrats refused to play golf with Ronald Reagan or whiffed at the chance to watch the game with George W. Bush?

Can you imagine if a member of Democratic congress member brought a person to the SOTU who openly pronounced he would like to kill the Republican President?

Can you imagine what would happen to a Democratic member of congress blurting out "You lie" in the middle of a Presidential speech?

The press has really been negligent here.

Republicans have found the presses prime vulnerabilty. A desire to be fair

You criticize us more than you criticize the Dems. But when it is the Republicans shutting down government or acting the clown...they deserve to be criticized

Instead the press plays the Congress is broken card while ignoring the reason it is broken
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I want a candidate who will deport our enemies to the Progressive mecca of their choice. A onetime expense to offload the slacker, low information underachievers, malcontents in exchange for peace and unprecedented prosperity at home.
Hillary found her stride during the debate. She was confident and well prepared

She showed the Republicans what being "Presidential" looks like
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
Yeah because Obama said republicans could get on the bus, but they would have to sit in the back. You are an idiot.
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
Yeah because Obama said republicans could get on the bus, but they would have to sit in the back. You are an idiot.

You misquote the President and I'm the idiot. Yeah, go with that one.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?

She nor Bernie will see any of their laundry list of increased taxes and free handouts see the light of day with a Republican majority in both houses of Congress. They will both go into office as the lamest of ducks. That little comment will come back at her a thousand times.
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
Yeah because Obama said republicans could get on the bus, but they would have to sit in the back. You are an idiot.

You misquote the President and I'm the idiot. Yeah, go with that one.
That quote proves he was never willing to work with republicans.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
I thought it was stupid too. She basically alienated half the nation.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
I thought it was stupid too. She basically alienated half the nation.
She (like Obama) considers those who disagree with her "the enemy". Not ISIS, not any terrorist organization, no foreign war mongering adversaries, but FELLOW AMERICANS. Hillary is a POS (like Obama).
Hillary has given notice that she will be taking off the gloves in her campaign against the Republicans

Given their 25 year crusade to try to pin bogus scandals on Hillary, it is long overdue
Hillary has given notice that she will be taking off the gloves in her campaign against the Republicans

Given their 25 year crusade to try to pin bogus scandals on Hillary, it is long overdue

It's wrong if either side does it. Rs and Ds are suppose to balance each other out, bring different ideas to the table, compromise on what's best for this country. Neither side is much good at it. To call half the country 'enemy' is wrong and is especially wrong coming from one running for - or who is - potus.

Rachel Maddow did a pretty good summation of this the other night.

One of Obama's biggest mistakes in the first term was thinking that he could bridge the gap and work with Republicans. This is while he had a super majority in Congress. What happened? They gummed up every initiative that Obama put up and changed single payer into individual mandate, then tried to block passage. It's only fairly recently that he's realized what a huge error in judgement that was..

Hillary Clinton knows the score. And if she wants to rally the base and get folks excited, she's going to have to call republicans what they are..

The enemy.

Very true

The press has been too lenient on Republican antics and tries to spread the blame rather than hear Republicans whine about how "unfair" the press is to them

Can you imagine if it was the Democrats who were putting on the circus that the GOP candidates are?

They would be laughed out of town

Can you imagine if the Democrats refused to play golf with Ronald Reagan or whiffed at the chance to watch the game with George W. Bush?

Can you imagine if a member of Democratic congress member brought a person to the SOTU who openly pronounced he would like to kill the Republican President?

Can you imagine what would happen to a Democratic member of congress blurting out "You lie" in the middle of a Presidential speech?

The press has really been negligent here.

Republicans have found the presses prime vulnerabilty. A desire to be fair

You criticize us more than you criticize the Dems. But when it is the Republicans shutting down government or acting the clown...they deserve to be criticized

Instead the press plays the Congress is broken card while ignoring the reason it is broken
And yet here you are applauding Hillary for making statements that reinforce that critical break.

And you will continue to blame republicans for it as well with congratulations for Hillary when she refuses to work with the 'enemy.' Cognitive dissonance indeed. It amazes me how someone can say that the republicans are so terrible because they refuse to compromise and then, in the same damn thought, state that Obama's worst quality is that he tried to compromise.
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
Yes, that is how to get government back to working. Go get those 'enemies' and refuse to cooperate. After all, it is all their fault when they refuse to cooperate and it is all their fault when you refuse to cooperate.
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
Yeah because Obama said republicans could get on the bus, but they would have to sit in the back. You are an idiot.

You misquote the President and I'm the idiot. Yeah, go with that one.
That quote proves he was never willing to work with republicans.

The "quote" you're claiming never happened. He showed repeatedly that he wanted to work with them.

We now KNOW they not only never intended to work with him, they had a meeting on the day he was inaugurated.

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President – Inside Obama’s Presidency - FRONTLINE
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
Yeah because Obama said republicans could get on the bus, but they would have to sit in the back. You are an idiot.

You misquote the President and I'm the idiot. Yeah, go with that one.
That quote proves he was never willing to work with republicans.

That and "I have a cell phone and I have a pen."

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