Hillary's Final Disgrace


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Hillary's Final Disgrace
Just when you think she cannot sink any lower, she finds a way.
December 5, 2016


Bill Whittle is back with another Firewall commentary, this time about Hillary Clinton's final disgrace. Benghazi. Emails. Even leaving her supporters out in the cold on election night while she smashed things and hit people... Just when you think she cannot sink any lower, she finds a way. Video and transcript below:



Well, as I write this, the Clinton campaign has decided to join in the three-state election re-count launched by Jill Stein, who, like all communists, is eager to raise a lot of money – around seven million dollars, so far. That means that Jill Stein has raised twice as much money to RECOUNT votes as she did trying to get them in the first place.

Now of course, any ADDITIONAL money raised by Jill Stein she gets to keep; my guess is that will result in a few VERY well-paying jobs to keep these socialists rolling in the cash they didn’t earn.

This kind of petty money-grubbing and grandstanding is the left wing doing what it does best: childishly running around stomping and screaming for attention at a dinner party for intended for adults.

So why did Hillary Clinton decided to attach her name, her campaign’s name, and the Democratic party brand to this foolishness. Why?

Democrats call always be counted on to find a few hundred “missing” votes somewhere, but Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were won by significant margins and Hillary needs to overturn all three in order to crawl back into the Presidency. That’s not going to happen, and everybody knows it. So why is she battering the already-ruined Democrat party with this nonsense?


This is your final disgrace, Hillary. Go home. Take that rapist husband of yours, and your entitled, unpleasant, talent-free daughter with you. The three of you just go away and pray to God you do not get what you deserve. Drag your Saudi terrorism money, your Goldman-Sachs, “private-position” millions and that utterly corrupt, treasonous carcass off the stage and just fade away: a small, small person, getting tinier in front of our eyes. Go home and stay home, while the rest of America sits down and tries to stop shaking from the whizzing sound of that bullet we just dodged.

Bill Whittle's Firewall: Hillary's Final Disgrace
Hillary and Donald had agreed in advance that as soon as the AP calls the race, the loser is to concede within 15 minutes.

Hillary stuck to the agreement although she was expecting a fireworks show rather than a concession speech.

It was Stein that has figured out a way to make money out of all this recount business.

I particularly want to thank you for the....."whizzing sound of that bullet we just dodged".

It is so true. This is a malignant and depraved woman.

Life Story: Raised in Chicago (Answers a lot of questions about her character & inequities);

Met Southern Boy at elitist school "up East". Refused to marry Southern Boy because she couldn't bear the thought of living in the South;

Flunked D. C. Bar exam and decided to ride the Coat-Tails down South. Married Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and rode his coat-tails like a combination of the most scurrilous traits of Marie Antoinette and Evita Peron. Lucre. A Lust for Power. A morbid Self-Interest.

Guilty of gross breaches of the Citizen's trust vested in her as Secretary of State---a job her husband got for her....like he did every job she's ever had...all of which she Fucked Up.


Dodged a bullet indeed.

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