Hillary's team lost a laptop in the mail...

daily beast ^ | 9-2-16 | Shane Harris
A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The Donald Trump campaign has already called for Clinton to be “locked up” for her carelessness handling sensitive information. The missing laptop and thumb drive raise a new possibility that Clinton’s emails could have been obtained by people for whom they weren’t intended. The FBI director has already said it’s possible Clinton’s email system could have been remotely accessed by foreign hackers.

The revelation of the two archives is contained in a detailed report about the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s private email account. The report contained new information about how the archives were handled, as well as how a private company deleted emails in its possession, at the same time that congressional investigators were demanding copies.....

...and she's a loopy kunt
daily beast ^ | 9-2-16 | Shane Harris
A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The Donald Trump campaign has already called for Clinton to be “locked up” for her carelessness handling sensitive information. The missing laptop and thumb drive raise a new possibility that Clinton’s emails could have been obtained by people for whom they weren’t intended. The FBI director has already said it’s possible Clinton’s email system could have been remotely accessed by foreign hackers.

The revelation of the two archives is contained in a detailed report about the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s private email account. The report contained new information about how the archives were handled, as well as how a private company deleted emails in its possession, at the same time that congressional investigators were demanding copies.....

A bit of supplementary material:

The "Oh Shit" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena | Zero Hedge
Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail

A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’sprivate server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The Donald Trump campaign has already called for Clinton to be “locked up” for her carelessness handling sensitive information. The missing laptop and thumb drive raise a new possibility that Clinton’s emails could have been obtained by people for whom they weren’t intended. The FBI director has already said it’s possible Clinton’s email system could have been remotely accessed by foreign hackers.

I really want to dislike to dislike Trump more. I honestly do. How the FUCK do you lose a laptop containing sensitive information? My laptop contains nothing more sensitive than gay porn,and it doesn't leave my sight.
Come on brother join the Trump train with us! It's like the movie Braveheart. I'll get you your own horse and sword and we'll ride into Washington and wreak havoc. It's us against them.


I won't support either. Can I still have the horse?
no horse for you
Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail

A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’sprivate server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The Donald Trump campaign has already called for Clinton to be “locked up” for her carelessness handling sensitive information. The missing laptop and thumb drive raise a new possibility that Clinton’s emails could have been obtained by people for whom they weren’t intended. The FBI director has already said it’s possible Clinton’s email system could have been remotely accessed by foreign hackers.

I really want to dislike to dislike Trump more. I honestly do. How the FUCK do you lose a laptop containing sensitive information? My laptop contains nothing more sensitive than gay porn,and it doesn't leave my sight.

Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail

A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’sprivate server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The Donald Trump campaign has already called for Clinton to be “locked up” for her carelessness handling sensitive information. The missing laptop and thumb drive raise a new possibility that Clinton’s emails could have been obtained by people for whom they weren’t intended. The FBI director has already said it’s possible Clinton’s email system could have been remotely accessed by foreign hackers.

I really want to dislike to dislike Trump more. I honestly do. How the FUCK do you lose a laptop containing sensitive information? My laptop contains nothing more sensitive than gay porn,and it doesn't leave my sight.


Is that what your stomach does when food is brought up?
Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail

A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’sprivate server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The Donald Trump campaign has already called for Clinton to be “locked up” for her carelessness handling sensitive information. The missing laptop and thumb drive raise a new possibility that Clinton’s emails could have been obtained by people for whom they weren’t intended. The FBI director has already said it’s possible Clinton’s email system could have been remotely accessed by foreign hackers.

I really want to dislike to dislike Trump more. I honestly do. How the FUCK do you lose a laptop containing sensitive information? My laptop contains nothing more sensitive than gay porn,and it doesn't leave my sight.


Is that what your stomach does when food is brought up?

No, when it goes down.
Somebody found the devices she threw out. Unless she went into the memory chip with needlenose pliers and broke it half, all the components are easily replaceable. This is like when you read about an unclaimed lottery ticket. My guess is Wikileaks has her entire catalog of bleached emails, but still, it would be entertaining if others helped out in exposing Crooked Hillary, the most fucking corrupt, demented candidate in world history.
I'm certain every nation worth its salt has all of the emails. You can be certain Russia, China, North Korea, and Israel have them because they have highly trained intelligence people. There's no telling who else has them. I'll bet you there are some undercover CIA spooks who are really scared for their lives.
And Bill lost the launch codes... those two are unmitigated disasters. Utter fuckups.
I'm certain every nation worth its salt has all of the emails. You can be certain Russia, China, North Korea, and Israel have them because they have highly trained intelligence people. There's no telling who else has them.
I am certain that this laptop has just as many secrets on it, and or emails to make further contacts with as the laptop that Edward Snowden took to Moscow...................Not reporting this was and is a CRIME.
I'm certain every nation worth its salt has all of the emails. You can be certain Russia, China, North Korea, and Israel have them because they have highly trained intelligence people. There's no telling who else has them.
I am certain that this laptop has just as many secrets on it, and or emails to make further contacts with as the laptop that Edward Snowden took to Moscow...................Not reporting this was and is a CRIME.

Actually, having classified information on one's personal unsecured computer is a crime. I will give Hillary credit though. She is using the old standard excuse of insanity to cover herself. She has yet to take the 5th.

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