Hillary's Wall Street Donors Shock Young People [VIDEO]...

You rant and rave against "Evil Corporations" on a regular basis! In fact, I can't think of anyone else on this forum who rants against corporations more than you do, and we are overflowing with far left losers on this forum.

Your favorite two topics to rant against are cops and corporations. You are a textbook Occupier.

Stop living in denial, paulitician. The first step toward healing is admitting you have a problem.

You are a closet socialist.

Whereas you are out of the closet, G-Tard. :thup:
Sadly, follow the money. Whichever Candidate receives the most Corporate cash, usually becomes President. It's all about the Corporatism now.

And who defends the Super PACS... Sorry but the GOP has their nose firmly in the trough....

This is freedom of speech gone too far... Corporations have too much power now...

Can't disagree with ya too much on that. But Hillary Clinton represents the worst of the worst in that regard. She's completely bought and paid for. Trump's goin it alone. I respect that.

Hillery might be more of the same, but she might have enough support to reverse Citizens United decision...

Public campaign financing and restricting the PAC and Super PAC... Get politicians working for the voter... You and me might disagree which way that is but at least your congressman is not spending 6 hours a day on the phone raising money for the next election...
Think of it logically, your congressman spends 4-6 hours a day on the phone raising money so he can keep his job... If you had an employee who rang around to your special customers and get paid directly by them (and spends 4-6 hours a day doing that) and then says works for you and not his special customers, you would fire him..

These are conditions of employment that has been created to suit corporations or super wealthy donors.

So my suggestions are:
Public Campaign Finance (no PAC ads)
Alternative Vote

Single Transferable Voting system (need more choice)

This would change America... The country would have a more representative politics... Divisive politics is not rewarded...
I bet the news about her Wall Street ties would shock nearly all libs and Ds. They generally get all their news from left wing outlets, so naturally they are uninformed.

They know a lot about Donald Trump's many failings.

Yeah, where did all those 'Occupy Wall Street' wingnuts go? Was it ever really a legit movement? Or was it just a bogus election-time scam? Not hearing much from those folks these days, huh?

OWS was a Soros funded joke
Sadly, follow the money. Whichever Candidate receives the most Corporate cash, usually becomes President. It's all about the Corporatism now.

And who defends the Super PACS... Sorry but the GOP has their nose firmly in the trough....

This is freedom of speech gone too far... Corporations have too much power now...

Can't disagree with ya too much on that. But Hillary Clinton represents the worst of the worst in that regard. She's completely bought and paid for. Trump's goin it alone. I respect that.

Hillery might be more of the same, but she might have enough support to reverse Citizens United decision...

Public campaign financing and restricting the PAC and Super PAC... Get politicians working for the voter... You and me might disagree which way that is but at least your congressman is not spending 6 hours a day on the phone raising money for the next election...
Think of it logically, your congressman spends 4-6 hours a day on the phone raising money so he can keep his job... If you had an employee who rang around to your special customers and get paid directly by them (and spends 4-6 hours a day doing that) and then says works for you and not his special customers, you would fire him..

These are conditions of employment that has been created to suit corporations or super wealthy donors.

So my suggestions are:
Public Campaign Finance (no PAC ads)
Alternative Vote

Single Transferable Voting system (need more choice)

This would change America... The country would have a more representative politics... Divisive politics is not rewarded...

I'm actually with ya a bit on what you're saying. The Corporations have been given too much power and control. They've become one with Government. They're one entity now. Just look at the Media. Just about all information Americans receive, comes from just a handful of large Corporations. And those Corporations are in bed with Government. But i still say, Hillary Clinton is the worst of the worst in that regard. At least Trump is goin it alone. He's not bought and paid for.
I bet the news about her Wall Street ties would shock nearly all libs and Ds. They generally get all their news from left wing outlets, so naturally they are uninformed.

They know a lot about Donald Trump's many failings.

Yeah, where did all those 'Occupy Wall Street' wingnuts go? Was it ever really a legit movement? Or was it just a bogus election-time scam? Not hearing much from those folks these days, huh?

OWS was a Soros funded joke

Yeah, the fact they've disappeared says it all. It was a manufactured Election-time farce. All those supposed 'Anti-Wall Street' folks are marching in lockstep to support the most Corporate-owned Candidate of all. It was a scam.
Quite a few fools who thought they were Libertarians have discovered they have more affinity with the beliefs of Ralph Nader and the Green Party than with the Libertarian Party.

paulitician has yet to discover he is one of them.
You rant and rave against "Evil Corporations" on a regular basis! In fact, I can't think of anyone else on this forum who rants against corporations more than you do, and we are overflowing with far left losers on this forum.

Your favorite two topics to rant against are cops and corporations. You are a textbook Occupier.

Stop living in denial, paulitician. The first step toward healing is admitting you have a problem.

You are a closet socialist.

Whereas you are out of the closet, G-Tard. :thup:
I'm a pro-life, pro gun, small government, smart government, anti-bigot, anti-Trump, anti tax expenditure, Reagan Republican.

Yep. That sure sounds like a socialist to me! :lol:
I'm a pro-life, pro gun, small government, smart government, anti-bigot, anti-Trump, anti tax expenditure, Reagan Republican.


Sure, and I'm the queen of England...

You DO grasp that when people read your big government, pro-tax, pro-Hillary rants that you lose credibility for claiming to be a conservative, right?

Yep. That sure sounds like a socialist to me! :lol:

You are one of the biggest DNC hacks on the board. Other than ShittingBull and Puddly Pillowbite, you are the most partisan, leftist dim on USMB.


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