Hire an illegal, lose your business license

Reagans amnesty
Bushs immigration act
Doing nothing about immigration..
Just their actions..
Hell after Paul Ryan got the speaker position, he hired a lobbyist from the chamber of commerce..
Globalists like illegals. They like stagnate wages. They like unfair trade.
You're right. There sure have been some Republicans who have been downright illegal alien ass-kissers, and still are some now too (Lindsey Graham, Ryan, Kirk) But there also have been most Republicans against illegal immigration.

But overall, it is Republicans who have opposed illegal immigration and Democrsts who have supported it. A good example is the Kate's Law bill, Senate 2146, to penalize sanctuary cities, which was defeated by Democrats. Out of 54 votes in favor of the bill, there were only 2 Democrats (Donelley of Indiana, and Manchin of West Virginia) Only 1 Republican (Kirk of Illinois) voted against it.

.See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities


And how many voted to penalize employers who don't use E-verify......a system that already exists, already works, and can be used by a monkey with a coconut in 5 minutes or less.

"Kates law' does jack shit to substantially address the issue of illegal immigration. Its window dressing. A way of keeping the Republican base docile while the business interests that actually own the GOP revel in the status quo. Which provides them with depressed wages, a disposable workforce they can abuse with little consequence, who have very little rights. And best of all......can be threatened.

The GOP leadership want exactly what we have. An ineffective enforcement strategy that does little to lower the availability of illegal labor. But also grants the workers no protections nor rights. And one scared and desperate enough to work for far less than their American counterpart.

Its the conservative wet dream for the ideal employee.
when i hire someone, they fill out the W4 form, then i pay them as well as their payroll taxes.

employers are not immigration agencies...

Recordkeeping Requirements

After the employee completes and signs the Form W-4, you must keep it in your records for at least 4 years (See Publication 15, (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide)). This form serves as verification that you are withholding federal income tax according to the employee's instructions and needs to be available for inspection should the IRS ever request it. Form W-4 is still subject to review. You may be directed (in a written notice or in future published guidance) to send certain Forms W-4 to the IRS. You must be able to supply a hardcopy of an electronic Form W-4.

Tax Topics - Topic 753 Form W-4 – Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate

They will be in Indiana...it's easy to confirm a social, my mom has done it for years

What happens when the business does all the checks, everything comes back OK...and the dude is STILL AN ILLEGAL ALIEN?! I worked for a bus company...they hired an illegal alien. Everything checked out...social security number checked, he had a valid CDL and even a valid school bus license. Eight months later, he headed back to Ecuador just ahead of ICE.
About the same time people will bemoan a $7 hamburger due to increased minimum wages

Increasing the minimum wage lowers prices!

Paying workers below poverty increases government dependency & government spending causing inflation.

The McDouble is considered the best value in the restaurant industry. The price of the McDouble has been on the rise to $1.69 a year ago. Then McDonalds increased wages & now they are selling 2 McDouble for $2. That's a 69% price decrease.

The US dollar is getting stronger!

Republicans believe in High Inflation. They want government to support workers instead of the employer. They cut taxes to increase deficits & inflation to tax working people. Inflation subsidizes the rich making the value of all their assets rise.
I've been saying for years that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem. We have an illegal employer problem.

where are all these illegal workers residing..?

landlords are taking their monthly paychecks earned and paid for by American employers.

so why isn't anyone trying to hold landlords accountable for their illegal tenants?

If they don't have a job they won't be able to pay their rent. As a result they won't have a place to live.

All that needs to be done is cut off the jobs and undocumented workers won't come here or stay here.
About the same time people will bemoan a $7 hamburger due to increased minimum wages

Hey you, a double half pounder with onion rings and a large drink already tops out at better than ten bucks. Add bacon and youre 12 bucks.

So then you're not against undocumented workers taking American jobs?

Got it.

Where'd did you come up with that you fucken dumbass.

If you make assertions that have not been proven just to rationalize undocumented workers staying here and taking American jobs, you're not against undocumented workers taking American jobs.
what could possibly go wrong...?

Q. A worker has presented an employer with a document that looks fake. Can an employer refuse to accept it without violating the anti-discrimination provision?

A. You may reject a document if it does not reasonably appear to be genuine or to relate to the person. However, you should not apply different levels of scrutiny to documents based on a worker's citizenship status or national origin. In this instance, the employer may ask the worker for different documentation if the request is based on the fact that the first document presented does not reasonably appear to be genuine. If a document is rejected, and the worker is not offered an opportunity to produce a different document, the worker may allege discriminatory document abuse. For further guidance, contact OSC.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | CRT | Department of Justice
Just funny how fast you right wingers start defending the source of the problem when we change the argument from illegal immigrants to illegal employers?

So don't say you want to solve our illegal immigration problem if you don't want to attack the root of our problem you disingenuous fuck
The real solution would be take take the house or apartment from the owners. Then the problem would go away.

So you advocate that criminals don't get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You do realize that it's a state and federal crime to hire an undocumented worker.

When a person violates the law they're a criminal. Those employers are criminals and should face real consequences for their crimes.
They don't.

Yes they don't.

But they should.

Change the laws so that any employer who is found to have undocumented workers loses their business and goes to jail then we will see employers going out of their way to not break the law.

It's very simple.

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