Hire an illegal, lose your business license

You don't know that.

By the way, it's "illegal aliens."

I do know that. We all know that.

And...it's undocumented immigrants. Unless you suddenly don't care about the way words can impact the discussion. .

You DON'T know that.

I do care. It's "illegal aliens."

I do know that. It's been investigated. It's a non issue. Try learning.

You want to call people "aliens". It's fun for you...

Wrong again. There is nothing "fun" about it, nor do I use it for gratuitous denigration. Don't make a fool of yourself by pressing that lie any further.

Of course you use it to denigrate. If you were just using it as a matter of course, you wouldn't have made a point of correcting the term I used.....which is every bit as accurate. You think my term is incorrect.....because it doesn't denigrate.

lol, and 'illegal withdrawals' instead of 'bank robbery'?

There is nothing denigrating about using accurate phrases as 'undocumented immigrant' completely fails to communicate the criminality of the illicit entry into our country of uninvited or unwelcome immigrants.

Thank God Trump is putting PC bullshit like yours into history's septic tank where it belongs.
I've been saying for years that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem. We have an illegal employer problem.

where are all these illegal workers residing..?

landlords are taking their monthly paychecks earned and paid for by American employers.

so why isn't anyone trying to hold landlords accountable for their illegal tenants?
.... How did we wrestle so many matches in one Saturday? How many matches does a high school wrestler wrestle on one Saturday. Assuming you reach the finals. 4 or 5 matches? I remember worrying when matches went the distance and I'd go sleep between matches.

Downtime between matches - endless.
So you advocate that criminals don't get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You do realize that it's a state and federal crime to hire an undocumented worker.

When a person violates the law they're a criminal. Those employers are criminals and should face real consequences for their crimes.

employers should be required to file forms and make reasonable inquiries of employee applicants in order to file forms.

employers filing proper tax forms is a sufficient demonstration of following government legal requirements regarding employee applicants. that standard already exists and harsh tax penalties for failure to file already exist.

policy that aims to put American employers flat out of business is just reckless misguided policy.

this indiana proposal is redundant and led by emotional pandering to paranoid fear and loathing, which would only create more legal problems than it proposes to resolve...

“We’re certainly not trying to target any specific group, we’re trying to go after those that financially benefit from intentionally breaking the law.”

The bill would require violators to terminate all illegal aliens in their employ and submit reports on new hires with the Indiana Attorney General for a period of three years. Second time violators would be required to file for ten years, with a third offense potentially resulting in the loss of their business license.

Investigations would be conducted by the Indiana Attorney General based upon complaints filed against the businesses. Country prosecutors would then file civil complaints based upon the Attorney General’s findings.

Hire Illegals, Lose Your Business License - State Bill Puts Americans First, Illegals In A Moving Van ⋆ UFP NEWS
And...it's undocumented immigrants. Unless you suddenly don't care about the way words can impact the discussion. Let me know if that's the case.

NO! It is NOT your phony euphemism > "undocumented immigrants", you filthy, lying, worthless, pond scum. Unkotare is 100% correct, The correct term is illegal aliens. The stinking invaders coming here by way of lawbreaking, are ILLEGAL, and they are ALIENS. They are illegal because they break our laws (while disrespecting those laws, and us). They are aliens because they are foreign born people, who are in a country in which they have not become a naturalized citizen. They belong to another country, not the USA.

As for the :bsflag:word "undocumented", FALSE! They have plenty of documents. Stolen Social Security cards. Fake photo IDs, etc.

As for the word "immigrants", not hardly. In the USA, an immigrant is one who has passed through a legal immigration process, having been checked and authorized for such immigration by US immigration authorities. Obviously, illegal aliens don't fit the bill.

The term "undocumented immigrants" is a low-down lie, intended to falsely legitimize the illegal invaders, for the purpose of vested interests, who gain something from them. YOU maybe ? Hire any illegal aliens lately Mr small business owner ? Got any phone calls from ICE ?

To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent"
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You proved nothing.

There are no undocumented immigrants voting. The idea that you want voter ID to stop undocumented immigrants from voting is a crock of shit. If I were as dumb as you, I'd believe anything too.

Liberals always wanted fair immigration laws. We value the contribution that immigrants make to this nation. Dumb shit.

1. YOU are the dumb shit (or a cheap 2-bit liar). Of course illegal aliens vote. They've been voting by the millions for decades. In some states, ID isn't even required . An illegal alien just steps right up, registers and votes. Nobody knows if he's here legally or not. In states were some ID is required , so what ? You think illegal aliens don't have any ID, you moron ? They have false IDs. And they vote ILLEGALLY, just as they do everything else illegally > own cars, drive cars. get jobs, hire other illegal aliens (knowingly), etc. Everything they do, they do illegally. It's a way of life for them.

2. "Contribution" ? Here's what they contribute >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion/year). *

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists.

* Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012
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Seeing all the misinformation posted by airhead liberals, one wonders if these blockheads will ever get the heads screwed on straight. It's especially bad with the subjects of Islam and immigration.

These information-deprived lost souls are programmed to not pay attention to conservative media, which is their only hope to get informed of all the things that their liberal OMISSION-media hold back from them.

Thus, they avoid the conservative media, turns their eyes and ears away, and never learn all the things they have been deprived of, and then walk around not knowing how much they don't know.

Of course you use it to denigrate....

No, you lying sack of crap, I do not.
Oh yes we all saw you denigrate you denigrated.

Hey, I thought about vision quest and I wanted to ask you if you love that movie. We use to watch it back in high school before tournaments. .....

I never saw that cheesy movie until I was well out of HS. Entertaining for campy value.
I haven't seen it since highschool. I remember it being very inspiring. Probably wouldn't be nearly as good as I remember.
Look at this! The nutbags want to take credit for a liberal idea. Isn't that cute.

The first guy to lose his license would be Trump.
what liberal idea?


Liberals have been suggesting that we penalize those who hire undocumented immigrants for years. The idea has been met with opposition from conservatives.

Go ahead....pretend that isn't true.
Not this liberal. I am not paid to enforce federal immigration law.
Penalize businesses and their managements fiercely, and many of the illegal alien undocumented workers will leave. More though will stay.
what could possibly go wrong...?

Q. A worker has presented an employer with a document that looks fake. Can an employer refuse to accept it without violating the anti-discrimination provision?

A. You may reject a document if it does not reasonably appear to be genuine or to relate to the person. However, you should not apply different levels of scrutiny to documents based on a worker's citizenship status or national origin. In this instance, the employer may ask the worker for different documentation if the request is based on the fact that the first document presented does not reasonably appear to be genuine. If a document is rejected, and the worker is not offered an opportunity to produce a different document, the worker may allege discriminatory document abuse. For further guidance, contact OSC.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | CRT | Department of Justice
Just funny how fast you right wingers start defending the source of the problem when we change the argument from illegal immigrants to illegal employers?

So don't say you want to solve our illegal immigration problem if you don't want to attack the root of our problem you disingenuous fuck
The real solution would be take take the house or apartment from the owners. Then the problem would go away.

So you advocate that criminals don't get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You do realize that it's a state and federal crime to hire an undocumented worker.

When a person violates the law they're a criminal. Those employers are criminals and should face real consequences for their crimes.
They don't.

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