Hire an illegal, lose your business license

Most housekeepers, farmers & small construction / landscaping subcontractors do not have a business license. They are the ones who employ most of the illegals. This law will have no effect. There must be a fine or jail time, or they will continue to hire illegals.
Here is a link to bill for those interested in reading the language:

Senate Bill 285 - Employment of unauthorized aliens

It could be tricky having the state prove that the business 'knowingly' employed an illegal alien.

Set an objective standard then, a requirement of due dilligence: E-verify. If they don't everify their employees and the employee turns out to be illegal.......bye bye business license!

If they do everify, then they are covered. Even if the employee is later demonstrated to be an illegal.

Sound reasonable?

Liberals have been suggesting that we penalize those who hire undocumented immigrants for years. The idea has been met with opposition from conservatives.

Go ahead....pretend that isn't true.
Obama has given wrist slaps to employers "for years" "Penalize" ? Not under the Obama administration. More like talk the talk, but no walk the walk. Illegal aliens are the Obama administration's favorite folks. WIthout them, he wold have never been elected president.

ICE records indicate that after an initial flurry of activity from 2010 to 2013, even these half-a-loaf worksite auditing efforts have been curtailed significantly, with a very sharp drop in recent years. The number of audits conducted has fallen from a high of 3,127 in 2013 to 1,320 in 2014. This year, ICE is on track to complete fewer than 500 audits.

Now Hillary Clinton;s banking on illegal aliens.. She said she would expand Obama's amnesty executive order even further. Go ahead....pretend that isn't true
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it would criminalize employers who earnestly wish to hire private individuals...

the employer's only burden should be clerical and the rest should be up to the state agencies, well paid for by taxpayers, to do their job in verifying the status of individuals residing in their state...
This would be good with the illegal immigration friendly Obama administration still in power. It would give some states (most) power to enforce immigraton law without being stopped by the Obamans.

If however. an immigration non-friendly administration takes power (ex. Trump), then taking power away from the federal govt would hinder enforcement.
Set an objective standard then, a requirement of due dilligence: E-verify. If they don't everify their employees and the employee turns out to be illegal.......bye bye business license!

If they do everify, then they are covered. Even if the employee is later demonstrated to be an illegal.

Sound reasonable?
It already is only illegal for employers to KNOWINGLY hire illegal aliens. EVerify should be nationally mandatory and would be a big help to keep employers in line with the law.
Set an objective standard then, a requirement of due dilligence: E-verify. If they don't everify their employees and the employee turns out to be illegal.......bye bye business license!

If they do everify, then they are covered. Even if the employee is later demonstrated to be an illegal.

Sound reasonable?
It already is only illegal for employers to KNOWINGLY hire illegal aliens. EVerify should be nationally mandatory and would be a big help to keep employers in line with the law.

E-verify would be a due dillegence requirement. Its not enough to be ignorant of the legal status of your employee. You have to take reasonable steps to verify it.

And E-verify takes maybe 3 minutes per employee. Put in a mandatory 1 year in federal prison for violators, include hiring managers for companies in that law......and you'd only need a few dozen high profile examples before employers get the message.

Plus, 1 year is illustrative without being life destroying.
oh I agree. I was just implying they are usually full of shit.
What makes you say that ?
Reagans amnesty
Bushs immigration act
Doing nothing about immigration..
Just their actions..
Hell after Paul Ryan got the speaker position, he hired a lobbyist from the chamber of commerce..
Globalists like illegals. They like stagnate wages. They like unfair trade.
oh I agree. I was just implying they are usually full of shit.
What makes you say that ?

Because republicans take no actions to actually prevent more illlegals from working. This is one of those instances where the Republican base and the Republican leadership don't see eye to eye.

As the base wants an end to illegal immigration. While the business interests that largely own the GOP love illegals. They push down wages, are disposable, have few if any rights and are easily replaced. Plus, you can abuse them and they rarely complain.
Reagans amnesty
Bushs immigration act
Doing nothing about immigration..
Just their actions..
Hell after Paul Ryan got the speaker position, he hired a lobbyist from the chamber of commerce..
Globalists like illegals. They like stagnate wages. They like unfair trade.
You're right. There sure have been some Republicans who have been downright illegal alien ass-kissers, and still are some now too (Lindsey Graham, Ryan, Kirk) But there also have been most Republicans against illegal immigration.

But overall, it is Republicans who have opposed illegal immigration and Democrsts who have supported it. A good example is the Kate's Law bill, Senate 2146, to penalize sanctuary cities, which was defeated by Democrats. Out of 54 votes in favor of the bill, there were only 2 Democrats (Donelley of Indiana, and Manchin of West Virginia) Only 1 Republican (Kirk of Illinois) voted against it.

.See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities


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