Zone1 Hispanics officially make up the biggest share of Texas’ population, new census numbers show


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
TexMex Uber Alles! I wonder how this will impact Texas politics in the next decade.

Hispanics officially make up the biggest share of Texas’ population, new census numbers show​

White people had been the state’s largest population group since at least 1850. Sometime in 2022, the Hispanic population surpassed them, new data shows.
Luisa and Antonio Perez danced to the band Tigrillos at the Festival Viva Mexico in Corpus Christi on Sept 8, 2013.

Luisa and Antonio Perez dance to the band Tigrillos at the Festival Viva Mexico in Corpus Christi on Sept. 8, 2013. Credit: Eddie Seal for The Texas Tribune
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The point at which Latinos would outnumber white residents to make up the biggest share of the Texas population has been on the state’s demographic horizon for years.
It seemed that long-awaited milestone was reached in 2021 when a closely watched data release last year was the first to reflect the culmination of decades of transformative growth.
But confirmation did not come until this week, when the U.S. Census Bureau updated its official population estimates. In new figures released Thursday, the bureau confirmed Latinos have made up the largest share of the state’s population since at least July 2022. The new population figures show Hispanic Texans made up 40.2% of the state’s population last summer, barely edging out non-Hispanic white Texans, who made up 39.8%.
TexMex Uber Alles! I wonder how this will impact Texas politics in the next decade.
You have a vested interest, don't you? How will it affect you and what do you think it means for Texas politics. I'm up here in the hinterland and you are no doubt more familiar. Are we still talking aliens and don't get to vote? Or are you saying many naturalized and born in this country, and by rights are voters?
TexMex Uber Alles! I wonder how this will impact Texas politics in the next decade.

Hard to say. Hispanics tend to mirror the politics of where they live. In Florida, they are heavily Republican. In California, not so much. I suspect Texas is no different. A lot more conservative Hispanics there, but Dems probably have an edge overall among the demographic.
You have a vested interest, don't you? How will it affect you and what do you think it means for Texas politics. I'm up here in the hinterland and you are no doubt more familiar. Are we still talking aliens and don't get to vote? Or are you saying many naturalized and born in this country, and by rights are voters?
Both I think, but even if just everyone thats one gen away.

Texas Hispanics tend to be more conservative, but old school conservative and not ChristoMAGA. They also tend to be more working class. but again we need to remember when we say "Texas Hispanic" we mean a wide range, from people who have been here before Columbus, to middle class immigrants from all of Central America. They speak Spanish but thats equivalanet to saying the Balkans or Batlic States. They have different cultures and flavors to make TexMex even more perfect. And Da Wimminz!
TexMex Uber Alles! I wonder how this will impact Texas politics in the next decade.

Texas has been a 'blue state' for many decades, but if the commies and faggots think replacing white people with latinos is going to make them support kiddie raping drag queens grooming their kids they're in for a very big shock, and so are all those black hood rats who think latinos are going to support that 'reparations' scam. lol I'm looking forward to watching Democrats eat each other alive over the next decade. That 'open borders' ploy is about to blow up in their faces.
Texas is a great example of the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats.
The worst parts of Texas are Democrat, and the best parts of Texas are Republican.
Democrats = crime, corruption, bad schools, poverty, racist politicians.......
TexMex Uber Alles! I wonder how this will impact Texas politics in the next decade.
I wonder how accurate that Census was. I remember the old man in charge for the Trump admin was trying to sabotage it.
The amount of Hispanic totals was only 130,000 over the Non Hispanic white total. Seems like a low number considering many were scared to answer Census takers.
Texas is a great example of the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats.
The worst parts of Texas are Democrat, and the best parts of Texas are Republican.
Democrats = crime, corruption, bad schools, poverty, racist politicians.......
What's so great about any of it when it's ran by only 3% of the State Legislature?
This has been a political strategy of the Democrats for a while now. This is why we have open boarders and Democrat run sanctuary cities. Remember a few years ago when the media was making a big deal about some white Supremacists believing in something call “replacement theory”? Well, the media switched gears rather quickly after it came out “Replacement theory“ was something leftists had been writing about the virtues of for a long time.

“Here’s Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy in 1998:

The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”

“Then in 2002, Democrats Ruy Teixeira and John Judis wrote “The Emerging Democratic Majority,” arguing that demographic changes, mostly by immigration, were putting Democrats on a glide path to an insuperable majority. After Obama’s reelection in 2012, Teixeira crowed in The Atlantic (which was then a magazine that people read, as opposed to a billionaire widow’s charity) that “ten years farther down this road,” Obama lost the white vote outright, but won the election with the minority vote — African-Americans (93-6), Hispanics (71-27) and Asian-Americans (73-26).”

Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg’s 2019 book, RIP GOP, explains the coming death of the Republican Party as a result of … sucking up to Wall Street? Pushing pointless wars? Endlessly cutting taxes? NO! The GOP’s demise would come from the fact that “our country is hurtling toward a New America that is ever more racially and culturally diverse … more immigrant and foreign born.”

the plan, globalism, less whites. look at every white country- mass immigration.

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