Hispanic population is now the largest demographic in Texas

Does Arizona have a lot of Progs that move into it? Escaping the areas, they helped to cause their reason for moving in the first place? Arizona and New Mexico have been infected a bit over the years.
The leftist Maoist have flooded Tucson

Phoenix has many from California
No surprise!

It is assumed that eventually Hispanic Americans will also be the largest ethnicity in the United States.

When it does happen (in the next century?), some folks (no need to be specific) are sure going to miss the days when Caucasians were still the majority!
No surprise!

It is assumed that eventually Hispanic Americans will also be the largest ethnicity in the United States.

When it does happen (in the next century?), some folks (no need to be specific) are sure going to miss the days when Caucasians were still the majority!
Well, our only hope is the Democrats get in and fix our problems so it isn't just a giveaway to the rich mess like it is now and the last 35 years. Also we might use some of those taxes from the rich to help Latin American countries for a change instead of screwing the hell out of them like we have in Venezuela Cuba and Nicaragua to the point where they're all trying to come here now. Great job!
SAN ANTONIO — Hispanic Texans have surpassed white Anglo Texans by over 230,000 people, becoming the state’s largest racial population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The total population of Texas reached over 29.5 million people in 2021 — a 1.8 percent increase from 2019. Statewide, 11.6 million people — or 39.4 percent — identified as white non-Hispanic in 2021, while 11.9 million — or 40.2 percent — were Hispanic.

The Census Bureau released its one-year American Community Survey this week, showing changes from 2019 to 2021. It didn’t release the survey for 2020 because of sampling problems owing to the pandemic.

In 2019, the Hispanic population in Texas was 11.5 million — or 39.7 percent. In two years, that total jumped by over 330,000 people — a 2.9 percent increase. Over the same period, the Anglo Texan population declined by about 300,000 people — a 2.5 percent drop.

The day Texas turns blue is the day we'll never see another GOP president. This is why the democrats are trying to do anything and everything to win as many latinx votes as possible. It may also be why the GOP in Texas is stridently anti-abortion; I daresay most latinx do not support abortion for religious reasons. And it does not help that so many California progressive liberals and those from other blue states are coming to Texas in big numbers.

Two of the state's largest latino counties swung to the GOP recently. LAtinios frown on kiddie raping and faggots sexually mutilating children, and they don't like criminal illegal aliens taking their jobs and driving their wages down either.
They don't even have to do that, many of these people are white and/or desperately want to be white, so they're more than willing to do your white supremacist bidding for you.

Given the violent racism blacks inflict on latinos, Asians, and everybody else it's only natural to identify with the civilized demographics against the feral hood rats.
More than just Texas.
We have produced the annual benefits books for one of Indiana's large employers for a good 20 years now.
That long ago we only printed a handful of Spanish versions.
Over the years that number kept climbing and climbing.
We finished this years and for the first time, Spanish versions are more than English.
Hey Pudwhistler..................did you know that at one time Mexico actually OWNED Texas? Did you also know that it was owned by Spain at one time? America didn't come into possession of the territory (later a state), until they took it from Mexico.

So what? If they hadn't welshed on the original deal with anglo settlers we would still be Mexican, and mostly white, since most Mexicans wouldn't have been caught dead north of Tampico back then, which why they wanted European colonists in the first place. Mexicans were terrified of Apaches and Comanches. Mexico also had 35 different govts. between their revolution and 1850, so they weren't going anywhere.
how many illegals does Texas have??

How can Texas even survive with so many

It won't. And it's not just Texas, it's also NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Florida, Illinois, California, etc., Nevada, Oklahoma, etc., etc. Employers rarely get prosecuted for hiring illegals. REpublicans never cared either , until it dawned on the sociopaths the illegals were voting for Democrats. Both PArties are encouraging illegal imigration at the same time they were outsourcing as many jobs as they could to Mexico and Red China.

What do you think happens to housing, utilities, and food prices when you almost double the population and pay them peanuts? You get permanent double digit inflation at the lower income levels and a lot of desperate people, same as we had when the big companies caused the Great Depression. The govt. has abandoned its citizens in favor of putting up criminal illegal aliens in hotels and handing out freebies while entire tent cities spring up all across the country. Commies are ecstatic, and so is Wall Street.
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It won't. And it's not just Texas, it's also NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Florida, Illinois, California, etc., Nevada, Oklahoma, etc., etc. Employers rarely get prosecuted for hiring illegals. REpublicans never cared either , until it dawned on the sociopaths the illegals were voting for Democrats. Both PArties are encouraging illegal imigration at the same time they were outsourcing as many jobs as they could to Mexico and Red China.

What do you think happens to housing, utilities, and food prices when you almost double the population and pay them peanuts? You get permanent double digit inflation at the lower income levels and a lot of desperate people, same as we had when the big companies caused the Great Depression. The govt. has abandoned its citizens in favor of putting up criminal illegal aliens in hotels and handing out freebies while entire tent cities spring up all across the country. Commies are ecstatic, and so is Wall Street.

I thought greedy stock speculators caused the G depression
What in the fuck are you talking about? People have been entering and leaving the land that is currently known as Texas since human first arrived in North America. It's the norm for that land.

In the 1800s' nobody made US taxpayers give them $50K annually to sit home and breed and bring in chain relatives.

That said many work very hard and are an asset conpared to tens of millions of Black criminals.
I wonder if Mudwhistle knows that at one time, Spain and Mexico (both Hispanic nations) owned Texas, and their flags were flown over that territory?

This is now not 1850. Its ok in Texas but dont let even 10,000 get near Connecticut say the irrational demwitted loons.
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Does Arizona have a lot of Progs that move into it? Escaping the areas, they helped to cause their reason for moving in the first place? Arizona and New Mexico have been infected a bit over the years.

Not really. Apparently they are all in GOVT (rigged vote) working with Mexican cartel to launder money, taking bribes.
Heres what AZ is allowing in. Hobbs and others favorite Mexican Cartel.

Thursday to discuss the massive narcotic seizures in the Phoenix area, including over four and a half million fentanyl pills and over 140 pounds of fentanyl powder.

These dangerous drugs primarily come from criminal illegal drug traffickers with the Sinaloa Cartel, says Cheri Oz.
I thought greedy stock speculators caused the G depression

They did. Many people never participated in the stock market boom, like farmers and laborers, and they were hit by inflation throughout the pre-WW I to 1929 years. the auto factories and other large employers were still having to give English classes to their workers until the 1930's, so many workers not being able to speak English years after immigration quotas had slowed down the numbers of immigrants. The economic slowdown hit the working class in 1927 or so, when construction started slowing down and other parts of the real economy began to slow down as well. Agriculture never got better after the depression following WW I.
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