Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed

Sunni Troll and Mohamed Indofreds posts in this thread are prime examples of the hatred and dementia that Islam brings upon its followers.

But if course, what can you expect from a religion who's followers try to emulate the life of the pig prophet Mohamed, who married and had sex with a little girl :lol:

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Sunni Troll and Mohamed Indofreds posts in this thread are prime examples of the hatred and dementia that Islam brings upon its followers.

But if course, what can you expect from a religion who's followers try to emulate the life of the pig prophet Mohamed, who married and had sex with a little girl :lol:


Yes, I can see you have absolutely no hate and no wish to spread it around.
You accuse others of hate, but post shit designed to be extremely offensive.
I think we can see where the real problem is here.
Sunni Troll and Mohamed Indofreds posts in this thread are prime examples of the hatred and dementia that Islam brings upon its followers.

But if course, what can you expect from a religion who's followers try to emulate the life of the pig prophet Mohamed, who married and had sex with a little girl :lol:


Yes, I can see you have absolutely no hate and no wish to spread it around.
You accuse others of hate, but post shit designed to be extremely offensive.
I think we can see where the real problem is here.
So did Mohammad get engaged to a six year old and had sex when she was eight or not? Inquiring minds wants to know.

And why is it offensive to Muslims to talk about the truth? It is what it is.
The above posts show the insane hatred displayed by zionist Juden like Toastman and Ropey.

Israel is ruled by psychotics who think exactly like these two posters.

And is why there will never be peace in the Holy Land until Israel no longer exists as a state. ... :cool:
The above posts show the insane hatred displayed by zionist Juden like Toastman and Ropey.

Israel is ruled by psychotics who think exactly like these two posters.

And is why there will never be peace in the Holy Land until Israel no longer exists as a state. ... :cool:

This is clearly true.
It's a pity so many innocent Jews are going to get hurt when the American money runs out and Israel is crushed.
BRICS will see the end of the Dollar as the reserve currency, that'll mean the massive American national debt will default, foreign aid will stop,including Israel's gun money.
It won't be long before Israel becomes weak and dies.
Moderate, normal Israelis should leave the country before the Zionist extremists cause their deaths.
The above posts show the insane hatred displayed by zionist Juden like Toastman and Ropey.

Israel is ruled by psychotics who think exactly like these two posters.

And is why there will never be peace in the Holy Land until Israel no longer exists as a state. ... :cool:
So you won't discuss why your prophet had sex with an eight year old, nor will you admit the piece of Shiite Dome of Crock was intentionally built on a Jewish Holy site.

No more questions, your honor.
The above posts show the insane hatred displayed by zionist Juden like Toastman and Ropey.

Israel is ruled by psychotics who think exactly like these two posters.

And is why there will never be peace in the Holy Land until Israel no longer exists as a state. ... :cool:

This is clearly true.
It's a pity so many innocent Jews are going to get hurt when the American money runs out and Israel is crushed.
BRICS will see the end of the Dollar as the reserve currency, that'll mean the massive American national debt will default, foreign aid will stop,including Israel's gun money.
It won't be long before Israel becomes weak and dies.
Moderate, normal Israelis should leave the country before the Zionist extremists cause their deaths.
Another day, another Mooooooslem masturbating to the destruction of Israel. What else is new.
Ain't that a crying shame....... :cool:

How would you like the carbuncles on top of the Temple mount raising to the ground, or better yet the black rock at mecca made into plasma.

Now that would be a crying shame as you muslims would not have anything to worship.
Ain't that a crying shame....... :cool:

It's ok because hundreds of mosques were destroyed too in the Syrian Civil War.
Which is good news because Mosques are a waste of space :cool:
And then you have haters like Toastman agreeing with Assad's destruction of mosques throughout Syria. ... :cuckoo:

While haters like you who agree with his destruction of Synagogues throughout Syria. And the destruction of other religious artefacts all over the world because they are an insult to islam.
Ain't that a crying shame....... :cool:

As luck has it, it was just a house of sin.

More seriously, I'm far less concerned about some old, disused church than I am about people's houses and the families with no home left.
The OP doesn't give a fuck about them, just some stupid crap because it's Jewish.

So what if a few houses get destroyed, it stops the filth from breeding even more brainless terrorists
Destruction of antiquities is vile. Only a subhuman would destroy irreplaceable objects and it doesn't matter who made them.

History is important, more so than using it as a pretext to hate any given group of people, or justify the demands of others.
The problem here is simple enough; a small local fight has turned into a long war because of outside interference.
Blame the deaths, misery and loss of this building on everyone who supplies arms to these violent idiots.

Mostly islamic sources for the arms and interference, just as it has been for the past 1400 years
The cult of Islam spread through invasions, raping and looting of other people's and lands.
LOL......you just described the cult of Zionism and it's abortion Israel. ... :lol: :lol:

IDF don't rape, and call racist for not doing so.
All armies rape

"In Israel and Its Army: From Cohesion to Confusion, Stuart A. Cohen has argued that prior to the 1990s, there had existed a general consensus in the IDF that 'sexual prowess goes hand in hand with military accomplishment.'

"Even when social attitudes were changing in the 1980s, the IDF was still inclined towards tolerance and a senior army official warned of not blowing the 'topic out of all proportion.'[34]

"In 1993, the Maariv reported that only 10% of around 1,000 reported cases of sexual harassment each year are investigated.[35]

"Reports of sexual harassment against women in the Israeli army reached an average of one a day in 1999, an increase on the 280 complainants received in 1997. In 1998-99, 54 officers were expelled from the army on such charges, others faced demotion or prison.

"In one high-profile case, General Yitzchak Mordechai was charged with sexual assault and harassment. Another case involved the promotion of General Nir Galili after being accused of grooming a young female recruit for intimate relations.

"This issue has led the Israeli military being described by the feminist American writer Laura Sjoberg as a 'hothouse for exploitive sexual relationships' and a force whose fighting culture is based on 'rampant licentiousness.'[36]

"While the army has since tried to curb sexual harassment, it remains a problem.

"In 2004, it was reported that 1 in 5 women soldiers suffer sexual harassment.[37]"

Women in the Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Two stories about IDF not raping palestinian women.

The most ridiculous shit I?ve heard this year..

The abstract of the paper, authored by doctoral candidate Tal
Nitzan, notes that the paper shows that "the lack of organized military
rape is an alternate way of realizing [particular] political goals."

next sentence delineates the particular goals that are realized in this
manner: "In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the
lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and
clarifies the inter-ethnic differences – just as organized military
rape would have done."

The paper further theorizes that Arab women in Judea and Samaria are
not raped by IDF soldiers because the women are de-humanized in the
soldiers' eyes.

Ex-Israeli Soldier Denounced on US Campus for Not Raping Palestinian Women | FrontPage Magazine

>> On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none.

She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, &#8220;You IDF soldiers don&#8217;t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won&#8217;t touch them.&#8221;<<
Two stories about IDF not raping palestinian women.

The most ridiculous shit I?ve heard this year..

The abstract of the paper, authored by doctoral candidate Tal
Nitzan, notes that the paper shows that "the lack of organized military
rape is an alternate way of realizing [particular] political goals."

next sentence delineates the particular goals that are realized in this
manner: "In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the
lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and
clarifies the inter-ethnic differences – just as organized military
rape would have done."

The paper further theorizes that Arab women in Judea and Samaria are
not raped by IDF soldiers because the women are de-humanized in the
soldiers' eyes.

Ex-Israeli Soldier Denounced on US Campus for Not Raping Palestinian Women | FrontPage Magazine

>> On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none.

She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”<<
Jews raping Jews is not a problem?

"In 2004, it was reported that 1 in 5 women (IDF) soldiers suffer sexual harassment.[37]"

Women in the Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Two stories about IDF not raping palestinian women.

The most ridiculous shit I?ve heard this year..

The abstract of the paper, authored by doctoral candidate Tal
Nitzan, notes that the paper shows that "the lack of organized military
rape is an alternate way of realizing [particular] political goals."

next sentence delineates the particular goals that are realized in this
manner: "In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the
lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and
clarifies the inter-ethnic differences &#8211; just as organized military
rape would have done."

The paper further theorizes that Arab women in Judea and Samaria are
not raped by IDF soldiers because the women are de-humanized in the
soldiers' eyes.

Ex-Israeli Soldier Denounced on US Campus for Not Raping Palestinian Women | FrontPage Magazine

>> On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd &#8211; in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none.

She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, &#8220;You IDF soldiers don&#8217;t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won&#8217;t touch them.&#8221;<<
Jews raping Jews is not a problem?

"In 2004, it was reported that 1 in 5 women (IDF) soldiers suffer sexual harassment.[37]"

Women in the Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aw and you're such a defender of women's rights aren't you? The same rights THAT ARE TOTALLY NONEXISTENT IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES.

Get lost.
The above posts show the insane hatred displayed by zionist Juden like Toastman and Ropey.

Israel is ruled by psychotics who think exactly like these two posters.

And is why there will never be peace in the Holy Land until Israel no longer exists as a state. ... :cool:

This is clearly true.
It's a pity so many innocent Jews are going to get hurt when the American money runs out and Israel is crushed.
BRICS will see the end of the Dollar as the reserve currency, that'll mean the massive American national debt will default, foreign aid will stop,including Israel's gun money.
It won't be long before Israel becomes weak and dies.
Moderate, normal Israelis should leave the country before the Zionist extremists cause their deaths.

It's obvious that Muhamed Indofred has been hurt by the truth about his religion because he is starting with his usual 'Israel will be destroyed crap' that Muslims have been saying for the last 66 years :lol:

Ever notice how every time scumbags of the lowest form, like Fred always talk about what's GOING to happen to Israel. It's always the same 'oh you'll see, Israel will soon get weak and blah blah blah'. But none of those projections ever happen :lol:
The simple explanation is that they simply cannot stand that Israel exists and is growing and thriving, so they try to come up with bullshit reasons as to why Israel will be destroyed.

Oh, and Sunni Troll calling other people hateful. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The same Muslim scumbag who mocks the Holocaust, calls Jews the cancer of the world, suggests that all Jews be put on an Island and makes fun if Jews praying at the wall, calls ack people 'negros' and Jews 'juden' (and much much more) calls other people hateful. Now THAT'S funny :cool:
Two stories about IDF not raping palestinian women.

The most ridiculous shit I?ve heard this year..

The abstract of the paper, authored by doctoral candidate Tal
Nitzan, notes that the paper shows that "the lack of organized military
rape is an alternate way of realizing [particular] political goals."

next sentence delineates the particular goals that are realized in this
manner: "In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the
lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and
clarifies the inter-ethnic differences – just as organized military
rape would have done."

The paper further theorizes that Arab women in Judea and Samaria are
not raped by IDF soldiers because the women are de-humanized in the
soldiers' eyes.

Ex-Israeli Soldier Denounced on US Campus for Not Raping Palestinian Women | FrontPage Magazine

>> On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none.

She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”<<
Jews raping Jews is not a problem?

"In 2004, it was reported that 1 in 5 women (IDF) soldiers suffer sexual harassment.[37]"

Women in the Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aw and you're such a defender of women's rights aren't you? The same rights THAT ARE TOTALLY NONEXISTENT IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES.

Get lost.
I've never raped, murdered, maimed, or displaced a woman.
How about you, Hasbara?
Jews raping Jews is not a problem?

"In 2004, it was reported that 1 in 5 women (IDF) soldiers suffer sexual harassment.[37]"

Women in the Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aw and you're such a defender of women's rights aren't you? The same rights THAT ARE TOTALLY NONEXISTENT IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES.

Get lost.
I've never raped, murdered, maimed, or displaced a woman.
How about you, Hasbara?

I didn't notice that he said that you raped, murdered, maimed or displaced a woman, Herr George. However, with so much news coming out of the Muslim world about how the women are treated, you actually have been very, very quiet about what is going on when it does come to women.
Aw and you're such a defender of women's rights aren't you? The same rights THAT ARE TOTALLY NONEXISTENT IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES.

Get lost.
I've never raped, murdered, maimed, or displaced a woman.
How about you, Hasbara?

I didn't notice that he said that you raped, murdered, maimed or displaced a woman, Herr George. However, with so much news coming out of the Muslim world about how the women are treated, you actually have been very, very quiet about what is going on when it does come to women.
Are you paid by the number of inane posts you make every day or by the number of tasteless threads you initiate?
I've never raped, murdered, maimed, or displaced a woman.
How about you, Hasbara?

I didn't notice that he said that you raped, murdered, maimed or displaced a woman, Herr George. However, with so much news coming out of the Muslim world about how the women are treated, you actually have been very, very quiet about what is going on when it does come to women.
Are you paid by the number of inane posts you make every day or by the number of tasteless threads you initiate?

Poor Georgie the coward commie! He's been crying in his beer ever since he cut and run from the military.........

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