Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed

See what I mean?
I condemn all, she makes excuses for her pals.
Moan moan moan - but not a word about her Jewish pals who do the same thing

Israel admits destruction of mosques within the 1948 borders - Islam web - English

I condemn destruction of history; stupid sally only does so when there's an anti Muslim agenda to be pushed.

This is dedicated to Stupid Freddie who thinks he is pulling the wool over the readers' eyes. Meanwhile, if Israel ever tried to catch up with the destruction of the houses of worship that the Muslims have destroyed all over the Muslim world, it no doubt would take Israel hundreds and hundreds of years to catch up. Hmm, since Indonesia is in Southeast Asia, I would think the religion of those who were there before the Muslims would have been Buddhist or some other Asian religion. What happened to all the temples that undoubtedly were in Indonesia at one time, Freddie? Did they magically disappear? By the way, since Stupid Freddie evidently didn't like mention of an historic synagogue, where was he when historic Christian Churches and Monesteries were desecrated and/or destroyed? Very quiet then, wasn't he?

From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection
by Raheel Raza
May 29, 2014 at 5:00 am
From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection

Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.
As an historic preservationist, I consider it a crime against civilization to pull off such bullshit stunts.
I totally agree with you.

Assad is a crazed dictator and really doesn't care if he has to kill every Syrian citizen and destroy every building in the country in order to stay in power. .. :doubt:
Gee, you just described Islamists to the T. Except Islamists will kill and do more disgusting depraved things than even brutal Muslim dictators like Assad.

In other words, Muslim dictators like Assad and Islamists, are different sides of the same coin.
Moan moan moan - but not a word about her Jewish pals who do the same thing

Israel admits destruction of mosques within the 1948 borders - Islam web - English

I condemn destruction of history; stupid sally only does so when there's an anti Muslim agenda to be pushed.

This is dedicated to Stupid Freddie who thinks he is pulling the wool over the readers' eyes. Meanwhile, if Israel ever tried to catch up with the destruction of the houses of worship that the Muslims have destroyed all over the Muslim world, it no doubt would take Israel hundreds and hundreds of years to catch up. Hmm, since Indonesia is in Southeast Asia, I would think the religion of those who were there before the Muslims would have been Buddhist or some other Asian religion. What happened to all the temples that undoubtedly were in Indonesia at one time, Freddie? Did they magically disappear? By the way, since Stupid Freddie evidently didn't like mention of an historic synagogue, where was he when historic Christian Churches and Monesteries were desecrated and/or destroyed? Very quiet then, wasn't he?

From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection
by Raheel Raza
May 29, 2014 at 5:00 am
From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection

Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.
I think Jews and Christians should treat Muslims exactly the same way Muslims treat Jews and Christians that live in their countries. :clap2:
This is dedicated to Stupid Freddie who thinks he is pulling the wool over the readers' eyes. Meanwhile, if Israel ever tried to catch up with the destruction of the houses of worship that the Muslims have destroyed all over the Muslim world, it no doubt would take Israel hundreds and hundreds of years to catch up. Hmm, since Indonesia is in Southeast Asia, I would think the religion of those who were there before the Muslims would have been Buddhist or some other Asian religion. What happened to all the temples that undoubtedly were in Indonesia at one time, Freddie? Did they magically disappear? By the way, since Stupid Freddie evidently didn't like mention of an historic synagogue, where was he when historic Christian Churches and Monesteries were desecrated and/or destroyed? Very quiet then, wasn't he?

From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection
by Raheel Raza
May 29, 2014 at 5:00 am
From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection

Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.
I think Jews and Christians should treat Muslims exactly the same way Muslims treat Jews and Christians that live in their countries. :clap2:

I've a much better idea - go fuck yourself.
Jews, or at least the extremist ones, already mass murder Muslims and are guilty of ethnic cleansing in the illegal Palestinian lands they called Israel.

However, when BRICS does its job, the U.S. economy will no longer be able to support Israel and Israel's extremists will have caused the death of so many perfectly normal, innocent Jews.
All moderate, reasonable Jews should escape Israel now, so they're safe from the oncoming storm.
If only Israel had been reasonable, they total destruction of that country wouldn't happen. Sadly, the extremist Zionists have killed so many in the name of Jews, way too many people hate all Jews, not just the bastard Zionist extremists.
That'll, withing quite a short time, maybe about 10 years, see a massive war and Israel gone.
George of course is ignoring the fact that the Syrian attempts to dam the Litani constituted a causus belli ........but then he's like that.
After 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon twice as many Arabs in Palestine, driving thousands of refugees into Syria, remember? No Jewish state in Palestine, no problem with the Litani.
Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.
I think Jews and Christians should treat Muslims exactly the same way Muslims treat Jews and Christians that live in their countries. :clap2:

I've a much better idea - go fuck yourself.
Jews, or at least the extremist ones, already mass murder Muslims and are guilty of ethnic cleansing in the illegal Palestinian lands they called Israel.

However, when BRICS does its job, the U.S. economy will no longer be able to support Israel and Israel's extremists will have caused the death of so many perfectly normal, innocent Jews.
All moderate, reasonable Jews should escape Israel now, so they're safe from the oncoming storm.
If only Israel had been reasonable, they total destruction of that country wouldn't happen. Sadly, the extremist Zionists have killed so many in the name of Jews, way too many people hate all Jews, not just the bastard Zionist extremists.
That'll, withing quite a short time, maybe about 10 years, see a massive war and Israel gone.
Is that how they talk around your mosque? Keep dreaming, Fred. Ha ha ha.

The cult of Islam spread through invasions, raping and looting of other people's and lands.

And today, the word Islam and Muslim are synonymous with savagery, barbarism, terrorism, and intolerance. There is not a day that goes by that we are not reminded of this in the news.

Israel is just one of many nations that is defending itself against these savages, and it is going nowhere. Palestine on the other hand is slowly fading away. :clap2:
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The cult of Islam spread through invasions, raping and looting of other people's and lands.
LOL......you just described the cult of Zionism and it's abortion Israel. ... :lol: :lol:
Wrong again. Zionism is a 3000 year old concept endorsed even by the Koran.

Islam's record of invasions, genocide, and barbarism speaks for itself.
LOL......you just described the cult of Zionism and it's abortion Israel. ... :lol: :lol:
Wrong again. Zionism is a 3000 year old concept endorsed even by the Koran.
Zionism is a relatively modern concept based on apartheid and genocide of the goyim. .. :doubt:
How long did it take for you to memorize that BS line?

Zionism began 3000 years ago when Moses led the children of Israel from Egypt into the Promised land of Zion. This story is repeated in the The Old and New Testaments, as well as the Koran. Would you like me to cite the verse in the Koran that gives Israel to the Jews?

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."
[Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104]

"And [remember] when Moses said to his people: 'O my people, call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when he produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave to you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.'" [Qur'an 5:20-21]
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The modern term "Zionism" was coined by Nathan Brinbaum in 1890 and refers to the sociopolitical / nationalistic efforts of both secular and religious Jews to occupy the land of Palestine.

Kinda sad that a Muslim has to teach a Juden about his own history. .. :cool:
Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.
I think Jews and Christians should treat Muslims exactly the same way Muslims treat Jews and Christians that live in their countries. :clap2:

I've a much better idea - go fuck yourself.
Jews, or at least the extremist ones, already mass murder Muslims and are guilty of ethnic cleansing in the illegal Palestinian lands they called Israel.

However, when BRICS does its job, the U.S. economy will no longer be able to support Israel and Israel's extremists will have caused the death of so many perfectly normal, innocent Jews.
All moderate, reasonable Jews should escape Israel now, so they're safe from the oncoming storm.
If only Israel had been reasonable, they total destruction of that country wouldn't happen. Sadly, the extremist Zionists have killed so many in the name of Jews, way too many people hate all Jews, not just the bastard Zionist extremists.
That'll, withing quite a short time, maybe about 10 years, see a massive war and Israel gone.

I think people like Freddie must learn this from the Imams at their mosques. Freddie's "bastard" brethren have murdered thousands and thousands of innocent people in the last ten years in the name of Islam; however, all the Muslims like Freddie just ignore this fact and want to concentrate on the Israelis. It certainly must kill them that there is one tiny piece of real estate in the Middle East which is not governed by the Muslims.

Meanwhile, while Freddie blabbers about the Israelis, his own sect is busy suicide and car bombing other sects all over the place. Hmm, I wonder how many Shia and Aymadiyya have been taken out by those "bastard" Sunnis in just the last few years. Maybe Freddie is keeping a tally of this.
What percentage of Israel's fresh water comes from the Golan Heights?

I really wouldn't know, Herr George, but I do know that Israel put in the infrastructure for these Arabs when they started administering the disputed territories. Perhaps you would like them to go back to the time when Jordan and Egypt administered these territories. Meanwhile, since the thread is about an historic building being destroyed, perhaps you (being such a "brilliant" man) can tell us what other historic buildings and shrines have been destroyed in the Muslim world.

Guess it's a good thing your people stole that land in '67?

"JERUSALEM, Dec. 14 -- The contested Golan Heights formally became part of Israel today as Prime Minister Menachem Begin pushed a measure through Parliament to annex the strategic zone along the Syrian border.

"Officials said the new measure provided that ''the law, jurisdiction and administration of the state shall apply to the Golan Heights.''

"The area had been held under military occupation since Israel captured it from Syria in the 1967 war.


Yeah, Herr George really cares that the Arabs would fire down from the Golan Heights so that they could kill Jews or even come down from the Heights to steal into a kibbutz to kill people first hand. Hmm, I wonder if Herr George would vacate his apartment so that the Mexicans can take back Los Angeles. Are you will to do this, Herr George? You can always tell your new masters what a good Dhimmi you are, and maybe they would take you in.
Moan moan moan - but not a word about her Jewish pals who do the same thing

Israel admits destruction of mosques within the 1948 borders - Islam web - English

I condemn destruction of history; stupid sally only does so when there's an anti Muslim agenda to be pushed.

Yeah, we all have seen Freddie condemn destruction of history. Has anyone seen him condemning the destruction of old monesteries in the Middle East? He has been very, very silent about this. Perhaps I have missed his posts condemning this and someone can pull it up for me.
See what I mean?
I condemn all, she makes excuses for her pals.

Pull up your posts where you show that you have condemned all. If Freddie needs help, maybe some of his buddies can assist him in pulling up the posts where Freddie has condemned all.
Moan moan moan - but not a word about her Jewish pals who do the same thing

Israel admits destruction of mosques within the 1948 borders - Islam web - English

I condemn destruction of history; stupid sally only does so when there's an anti Muslim agenda to be pushed.

This is dedicated to Stupid Freddie who thinks he is pulling the wool over the readers' eyes. Meanwhile, if Israel ever tried to catch up with the destruction of the houses of worship that the Muslims have destroyed all over the Muslim world, it no doubt would take Israel hundreds and hundreds of years to catch up. Hmm, since Indonesia is in Southeast Asia, I would think the religion of those who were there before the Muslims would have been Buddhist or some other Asian religion. What happened to all the temples that undoubtedly were in Indonesia at one time, Freddie? Did they magically disappear? By the way, since Stupid Freddie evidently didn't like mention of an historic synagogue, where was he when historic Christian Churches and Monesteries were desecrated and/or destroyed? Very quiet then, wasn't he?

From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection
by Raheel Raza
May 29, 2014 at 5:00 am
From Brunei to Boko Haram: Merely Deflection

Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.

Perhaps Freddie can tell us why his fellow Sunnis had such a problem when a Protestant church was being renovated. Just what do your brethren have against the Protestants -- as well as the Shia, Ahmadiyya plus all the other non Muslims in Indonesia?
As an historic preservationist, I consider it a crime against civilization to pull off such bullshit stunts.
I totally agree with you.

Assad is a crazed dictator and really doesn't care if he has to kill every Syrian citizen and destroy every building in the country in order to stay in power. .. :doubt:

God willing he does! I hope he fights to his last breath and kills millions of Muslims before then!
It's pathetic how both sides can't seem to leave old historic buildings alone.

Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed

May 27, 2014 3:57pm
(JTA) — A historic synagogue on the outskirts of Damascus was destroyed amid fighting in Syria’s civil war.

Opposition leaders said Syrian army forces flattened the more than 400-year-old Eliyahu Hanabi Synagogue in an attack over the weekend — part of a months-long bombardment of the suburb of Jobar — and also may have destroyed thousands of Jewish artifacts, The Daily Beast reported.

The synagogue had been damaged by a mortar shell in 2013. It stopped functioning as a Jewish house of worship more than a century ago.

Before Syria’s civil war, the synagogue reportedly housed thousands of religious and cultural treasures, including century-old Torah scrolls, historical texts, dishes and ancient Judaica. It was not clear how many of those were in the building when it was destroyed.

According to the Daily Beast, the synagogue was a destination for Jewish pilgrims and was said to have been built atop the cave where the Prophet Elijah hid from his persecutors. Local Arab leaders took over the synagogue building in the 19th century.

Read more:

Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Looks like they were taking lessons from the christians

History of the Jews and the Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews like you are such fucking morons. Whenever a Muslim commits atrocities IN MODERN TIMES, douche bags like you say look what the Christians did to the Jews near a 1000 years ago during the crusades! You know they did this before modern medicine, computers, modern science, TV etc. Look what they did in medieval times!

Only true mental midgets bring those weak red herrings!

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