Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed

Ain't that a crying shame....... :cool:

As luck has it, it was just a house of sin.

More seriously, I'm far less concerned about some old, disused church than I am about people's houses and the families with no home left.
The OP doesn't give a fuck about them, just some stupid crap because it's Jewish.
A good example of the tolerance that the filth of Islam spreads through its followers.
The modern term "Zionism" was coined by Nathan Brinbaum in 1890 and refers to the sociopolitical / nationalistic efforts of both secular and religious Jews to occupy the land of Palestine.

Kinda sad that a Muslim has to teach a Juden about his own history. .. :cool:
Modern Zionism is based on ancient Biblical Zionism, you ignorant dufus. Go get an education other than the crap they teach you at the mosque.
It's pathetic how both sides can't seem to leave old historic buildings alone.

Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed

May 27, 2014 3:57pm
(JTA) — A historic synagogue on the outskirts of Damascus was destroyed amid fighting in Syria’s civil war.

Opposition leaders said Syrian army forces flattened the more than 400-year-old Eliyahu Hanabi Synagogue in an attack over the weekend — part of a months-long bombardment of the suburb of Jobar — and also may have destroyed thousands of Jewish artifacts, The Daily Beast reported.

The synagogue had been damaged by a mortar shell in 2013. It stopped functioning as a Jewish house of worship more than a century ago.

Before Syria’s civil war, the synagogue reportedly housed thousands of religious and cultural treasures, including century-old Torah scrolls, historical texts, dishes and ancient Judaica. It was not clear how many of those were in the building when it was destroyed.

According to the Daily Beast, the synagogue was a destination for Jewish pilgrims and was said to have been built atop the cave where the Prophet Elijah hid from his persecutors. Local Arab leaders took over the synagogue building in the 19th century.

Read more:

Historic Damascus synagogue destroyed | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Looks like they were taking lessons from the christians

History of the Jews and the Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews like you are such fucking morons. Whenever a Muslim commits atrocities IN MODERN TIMES, douche bags like you say look what the Christians did to the Jews near a 1000 years ago during the crusades! You know they did this before modern medicine, computers, modern science, TV etc. Look what they did in medieval times!

Only true mental midgets bring those weak red herrings!
Do you actually believe he's a Jew. Oh please.
I really wouldn't know, Herr George, but I do know that Israel put in the infrastructure for these Arabs when they started administering the disputed territories. Perhaps you would like them to go back to the time when Jordan and Egypt administered these territories. Meanwhile, since the thread is about an historic building being destroyed, perhaps you (being such a "brilliant" man) can tell us what other historic buildings and shrines have been destroyed in the Muslim world.

Guess it's a good thing your people stole that land in '67?

"JERUSALEM, Dec. 14 -- The contested Golan Heights formally became part of Israel today as Prime Minister Menachem Begin pushed a measure through Parliament to annex the strategic zone along the Syrian border.

"Officials said the new measure provided that ''the law, jurisdiction and administration of the state shall apply to the Golan Heights.''

"The area had been held under military occupation since Israel captured it from Syria in the 1967 war.


Yeah, Herr George really cares that the Arabs would fire down from the Golan Heights so that they could kill Jews or even come down from the Heights to steal into a kibbutz to kill people first hand. Hmm, I wonder if Herr George would vacate his apartment so that the Mexicans can take back Los Angeles. Are you will to do this, Herr George? You can always tell your new masters what a good Dhimmi you are, and maybe they would take you in.
Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"After the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War, the Golan Heights were partly demilitarised by the Israel-Syria Armistice Agreement. During the following years, the area along the border witnessed thousands of violent incidents; the armistice agreement was being violated by both sides.

What happened in 1948 that stoked tensions in the Golan Heights?
650,000 Jews stealing homes, businesses, and bank accounts, maybe?
Guess it's a good thing your people stole that land in '67?

"JERUSALEM, Dec. 14 -- The contested Golan Heights formally became part of Israel today as Prime Minister Menachem Begin pushed a measure through Parliament to annex the strategic zone along the Syrian border.

"Officials said the new measure provided that ''the law, jurisdiction and administration of the state shall apply to the Golan Heights.''

"The area had been held under military occupation since Israel captured it from Syria in the 1967 war.


Yeah, Herr George really cares that the Arabs would fire down from the Golan Heights so that they could kill Jews or even come down from the Heights to steal into a kibbutz to kill people first hand. Hmm, I wonder if Herr George would vacate his apartment so that the Mexicans can take back Los Angeles. Are you will to do this, Herr George? You can always tell your new masters what a good Dhimmi you are, and maybe they would take you in.
Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"After the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War, the Golan Heights were partly demilitarised by the Israel-Syria Armistice Agreement. During the following years, the area along the border witnessed thousands of violent incidents; the armistice agreement was being violated by both sides.

What happened in 1948 that stoked tensions in the Golan Heights?
650,000 Jews stealing homes, businesses, and bank accounts, maybe?

Here goes Herr George with his spamming again with his "650,000 Jews" shtick. Perhaps it would have been great if Herr George could have been around to help those Arabs who told the other Arabs to leave so that they could get at the Jews and then when they killed all the Jews, the Arabs which left could come back and take over the property of the Jews. Maybe for his good work in helping them spread the message, they would even have given him a home which once belonged to a Jew. Meanwhile, the Arabs who stayed are now Israeli citizens and many are doing quite nicely with the businesses they own or the good jobs they have. If only Herr George could have done as well.
I have to wonder what the upcry would be if the Dome of the Rock were destroyed?
I have to wonder what the upcry would be if the Dome of the Rock were destroyed?

Please, keep your fingers crossed that the destruction isn't at the hands of man. You saw what happened when that trailer for the movie about Mohammed came to light, the one made by an Egyptian Copt. There were Muslims all over rioting.
I guess the Juden here do not realize that the "Rock" underneath the Golden Dome covering is venerated by the Jews as the sacred rock on which Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac.

And thus has great historical and religious symbolism in Judaism.

Yet the rabid zionist Juden keep talking about destroying the place. ... :cuckoo:
I guess the Juden here do not realize that the "Rock" underneath the Golden Dome covering is venerated by the Jews as the sacred rock on which Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac.

And thus has great historical and religious symbolism in Judaism.

Yet the rabid zionist Juden keep talking about destroying the place. ... :cuckoo:

Not trying to destroy the rock, just the institutionalism that keeps them from being allowed to pray on the mount. If the stone is holy, then it should be open to everyone that seeks to be close to god. If it is the navel of god, Abraham's alter, the holy of holies, etc., all those who believe in one god should be allowed on the mount to pray in their own way.
The pope can enter the dome and al aqsa on Al Isra' wal Miraj (night journey and assent up to the far mosque in a dream, Israel mirage), but jews can't visit the mount without the muslims throwing stones or at them or causing a riot
You and your language are part of the hate being created against the jews, not part of any solution for the PA and Israel, muslims and jews.
I guess the Juden here do not realize that the "Rock" underneath the Golden Dome covering is venerated by the Jews as the sacred rock on which Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac.

And thus has great historical and religious symbolism in Judaism.

Yet the rabid zionist Juden keep talking about destroying the place. ... :cuckoo:

Not trying to destroy the rock, just the institutionalism that keeps them from being allowed to pray on the mount. If the stone is holy, then it should be open to everyone that seeks to be close to god. If it is the navel of god, Abraham's alter, the holy of holies, etc., all those who believe in one god should be allowed on the mount to pray in their own way.
The pope can enter the dome and al aqsa on Al Isra' wal Miraj (night journey and assent up to the far mosque in a dream, Israel mirage), but jews can't visit the mount without the muslims throwing stones or at them or causing a riot
You and your language are part of the hate being created against the jews, not part of any solution for the PA and Israel, muslims and jews.
There are a couple of self proclaimed zionist juden here that said the Dome of the Rock should be bombed and totally demolished.

I was just pointing out the the "Rock" inside the Dome is a sacred relic of Judaism.

And that it was idiotic for them to call for it's destruction. ... :cuckoo:
I guess the Juden here do not realize that the "Rock" underneath the Golden Dome covering is venerated by the Jews as the sacred rock on which Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac.

And thus has great historical and religious symbolism in Judaism.

Yet the rabid zionist Juden keep talking about destroying the place. ... :cuckoo:

Not trying to destroy the rock, just the institutionalism that keeps them from being allowed to pray on the mount. If the stone is holy, then it should be open to everyone that seeks to be close to god. If it is the navel of god, Abraham's alter, the holy of holies, etc., all those who believe in one god should be allowed on the mount to pray in their own way.
The pope can enter the dome and al aqsa on Al Isra' wal Miraj (night journey and assent up to the far mosque in a dream, Israel mirage), but jews can't visit the mount without the muslims throwing stones or at them or causing a riot
You and your language are part of the hate being created against the jews, not part of any solution for the PA and Israel, muslims and jews.
There are a couple of self proclaimed zionist juden here that said the Dome of the Rock should be bombed and totally demolished.

I was just pointing out the the "Rock" inside the Dome is a sacred relic of Judaism.

And that it was idiotic for them to call for it's destruction. ... :cuckoo:
Yeah, why build a Moooslem Dome of Crock on Jewish site then? I say let's tear it down and build something deserving.
Yeah, why build a Moooslem Dome of Crock on Jewish site then? I say let's tear it down and build something deserving.
The "Rock" inside the Dome is also a sacred relic of Islam. .. :cool:
We'll keep the rock and smash the Dome, how's that? If all else fails we always have that black toilet Muslims circle jerk around in Mecca to bomb.
I have to wonder what the upcry would be if the Dome of the Rock were destroyed?
I think any site Muslim invading animals built on Jewish or Christian sites should be either destroyed or cleansed from the filth of Islam. That includes the Sofia Church in Turkey which arrogant Muslim bastards converted into a mosque. They always take credit for things that were never Islamic.
The Dome of the Rock is considered one of the worlds most beautiful ancient structures.

And is listed as a UN Heritage site.

But zionist juden savages like Roudy want to destroy it just out of pure hate.. .. :doubt:
The Dome of the Rock is considered one of the worlds most beautiful ancient structures.

And is listed as a UN Heritage site.

But zionist juden savages like Roudy want to destroy it just out of pure hate.. .. :doubt:
Invading Muslim animals built it on a Jewish Holy site. It doesn't belong there. Bulldoze the fucker. :clap2:

And what about all the other religious holy sites and temples that Muslim savages blow up? This is the respect Muslims have for other religions, and what the animals are capable of, Islam is truly a cancer upon humanity:

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dome is not the problem, the people running the waqf and not allowing any one that wants to enter and pray anywhere on the mount.
If they want to restrict Islamic prayer time so others have to wait quietly behind roped area for the 15 min of salat, is reasonable, also the hour of Friday sermon. The rest of the time anyone should be allowed to enter and pray respectfully in a low volume or quietly to themselves. Nobody needs to display ten foot cross, but a crucifix on their neck or on a rosary should not be prohibited.
An all purpose pavilion or tent for saturday services for jews and sunday services or christian might be an option somewhere on the mount. At those times larger symbols, within 3'-4' might be used or displayed. So many muslims already lay their rugs and pray outside not just on the mount but on many streets, other faiths don't need a walled building.

Islam should be a tolerant faith, but sadly in fact it has rarely been, even or differing sect within Islam. Muslims should set the example of tolerance and peace for the rest of the world, not narrow minded hateful intolerance or anyone that is not of their particular sect or those who disagree with or leave Islam. With or without religion there are good moral caring people in the world and that should be just fine. Just being understanding and kind towards others should be a beginning for everyone.

do what you want but harm none
Temples in Indonesia.
Tut tut, sally, you really must keep up.
Just for the thick and/or eneducated - most indonesian temples fell into disuse but some were found and restored.
Try a simple google for Borobudur.
I think Jews and Christians should treat Muslims exactly the same way Muslims treat Jews and Christians that live in their countries. :clap2:

I've a much better idea - go fuck yourself.
Jews, or at least the extremist ones, already mass murder Muslims and are guilty of ethnic cleansing in the illegal Palestinian lands they called Israel.

However, when BRICS does its job, the U.S. economy will no longer be able to support Israel and Israel's extremists will have caused the death of so many perfectly normal, innocent Jews.
All moderate, reasonable Jews should escape Israel now, so they're safe from the oncoming storm.
If only Israel had been reasonable, they total destruction of that country wouldn't happen. Sadly, the extremist Zionists have killed so many in the name of Jews, way too many people hate all Jews, not just the bastard Zionist extremists.
That'll, withing quite a short time, maybe about 10 years, see a massive war and Israel gone.

Hahahahaha :lol: :lol:

Holy fuck you are more delirious than I thought !

You and your disgusting, vile, scum of the earth MUSLIM ilk have been talking about Israels destruction for almost 7 decades now, Mohamed.
You can cry, whine or even beg Allah all you want, but Israel is not going anywhere. Now excuse me while I go shopping for some toilet paper AKA The Quran :cool:

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