Historic Notre-Dame cathedral on fire

here is the PERFECT example of you nazis
....this NAZI bastard just murdered a bunch of innocent civilians and he tells Burt Lancaster he can never/can't understand the BEAUTY of the art treasures he's trying to steal --JUST like what you NAZIS are saying..Harmonica is an ignorant fool for not seeing the beauty ''''
....Burt looks at the dead, and then the jackass like ---''YOU are the bastard dumbass'''

The Nazis understood how valuable the artifacts were.

^ pro-Nazi

2 hours after the blaze was going, when building was fully engulfed... French officials were already saying they "believe it was an accident".
Now...how the hell could they possibly know anything before investigators were within 100 yards of it, let alone make claims to how it started??
This is all Macron’s doing.
The fire spread too fast and grew too big to be an accident.

So that leaves either Muslim terrorists who most likely would have done it before the renovations, or somebody connected to the failing French government desperate to defeat the yellow vests.
What expertise do you base that statement on?
here is the PERFECT example of you nazis
....this NAZI bastard just murdered a bunch of innocent civilians and he tells Burt Lancaster he can never/can't understand the BEAUTY of the art treasures he's trying to steal --JUST like what you NAZIS are saying..Harmonica is an ignorant fool for not seeing the beauty ''''
....Burt looks at the dead, and then the jackass like ---''YOU are the bastard dumbass'''

The Nazis understood how valuable the artifacts were.

^ pro-Nazi

What I am is pro European culture and identity.

And both the Nazis and the European allied forces were also pro European culture and identity.

2 hours after the blaze was going, when building was fully engulfed... French officials were already saying they "believe it was an accident".
Now...how the hell could they possibly know anything before investigators were within 100 yards of it, let alone make claims to how it started??
This is all Macron’s doing.
The fire spread too fast and grew too big to be an accident.

So that leaves either Muslim terrorists who most likely would have done it before the renovations, or somebody connected to the failing French government desperate to defeat the yellow vests.
What expertise do you base that statement on?
Start a fire in any building you want and watch as it fails to burn even an entire room.
You can’t be serious.

2 hours after the blaze was going, when building was fully engulfed... French officials were already saying they "believe it was an accident".
Now...how the hell could they possibly know anything before investigators were within 100 yards of it, let alone make claims to how it started??
This is all Macron’s doing.
The fire spread too fast and grew too big to be an accident.

So that leaves either Muslim terrorists who most likely would have done it before the renovations, or somebody connected to the failing French government desperate to defeat the yellow vests.
What expertise do you base that statement on?
Start a fire in any building you want and watch as it fails to burn even an entire room.

2 hours after the blaze was going, when building was fully engulfed... French officials were already saying they "believe it was an accident".
Now...how the hell could they possibly know anything before investigators were within 100 yards of it, let alone make claims to how it started??
This is all Macron’s doing.
The fire spread too fast and grew too big to be an accident.

So that leaves either Muslim terrorists who most likely would have done it before the renovations, or somebody connected to the failing French government desperate to defeat the yellow vests.
What expertise do you base that statement on?
Start a fire in any building you want and watch as it fails to burn even an entire room.
In an 800 year old building with 800 year old wood all around the inside and roof and spire?
You can’t be serious.
This is all Macron’s doing.
The fire spread too fast and grew too big to be an accident.

So that leaves either Muslim terrorists who most likely would have done it before the renovations, or somebody connected to the failing French government desperate to defeat the yellow vests.
What expertise do you base that statement on?
Start a fire in any building you want and watch as it fails to burn even an entire room.
It's a sad thing to see how the European race (race?) can breed such stupidity, eh?
This is heartbreaking. Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is on fire - and is likely beyond repair.

It's unclear how it started or what, exactly, is going on, but the historic Notre Dame cathedral caught fire on Monday, and photos and video circulating on social media suggest that conflagration has engulfed the historic monument.

Stunning Images Show France's Historic Notre Dame Cathedral Engulfed In Flames
shit happens--it's a building
I enjoy old buildings/architecture/etc --but it's just a building

It is NOT just a building, it is a symbol of something that MEANS something and also it was 850 years old, I understand that some in America cannot respect our European Heritage when your oldest buildings are only a few hundred years old, Notre Dame, Our Lady of Paris was there for nearly 1,000 years and it was for ALL that time a symbol of something that means A LOT to MANY MANY MILLIONS of peoples not ONLY Roman Catholic but our other Christian brothers and sisters.

Your comments the Islamists and those who are Anti-Christian would SUPPORT they are HAPPY but you are a MINORITY on this day, HUNDREDS of MILLIONS across the planet this day MOURN with we Europeans and share OUR GRIEF at this immense trauma to our collective soul. We will NEVER be the SAME after this, something will have departed from us.
Some old building burned down and no one (apparently) was hurt. So why the fuck should I give a shit? Mild interest is all it evokes from me.

People are murdered and raped today...no one gives a fuck.
Yet some old, religious building burns down - everyone freaks.

I listened to NPR in my car and the two lead stories were this pile of junk burning down and Lori Loughlin pleading not guilty to that college nonsense.
I barely care about the building burning and don't care AT ALL about Loughlin's plea.

No wonder the world is so fucked up. Humanity's sense of priorities are all screwed up. And if you don't at least partially agree with me on this...so are yours.
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Actually, a firefighter was seriously hurt.

You don’t have to, and you don’t have to post it here that you don’t. That is done only to be vicious.
Some old building burned down and no one (apparently) was hurt. So why the fuck should I give a shit?

People are murdered and raped today...no one gives a fuck.

Some old, religious building burns down - everyone freaks.

No wonder the world is so fucked up. A religious building means more to most people than great, human suffering.
This is heartbreaking. Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is on fire - and is likely beyond repair.

It's unclear how it started or what, exactly, is going on, but the historic Notre Dame cathedral caught fire on Monday, and photos and video circulating on social media suggest that conflagration has engulfed the historic monument.

Stunning Images Show France's Historic Notre Dame Cathedral Engulfed In Flames
I saw on CNN with Gloria Vanderbilt's son what's his name that the damage is not that bad the roof is gone but they said it turned to ashes -it didn't hit the floor hard and the fire took everything up we'll see-there is a great picture of the interior with the statues and the altar and the stonework not damaged-just a lot of ash on the floor -weird the fireman expert said and was very appreciative of the Paris fire men who turn out to be military -good way of doing things. I am crazy about Paris and Notre Dame.... Franco stands for Francophile- Vive La France the other great Republic. They will rebuild but maybe this time with metal No doubt.
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This is heartbreaking. Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is on fire - and is likely beyond repair.

It's unclear how it started or what, exactly, is going on, but the historic Notre Dame cathedral caught fire on Monday, and photos and video circulating on social media suggest that conflagration has engulfed the historic monument.

Stunning Images Show France's Historic Notre Dame Cathedral Engulfed In Flames
shit happens--it's a building
I enjoy old buildings/architecture/etc --but it's just a building

How sad that you don't grok it as more than just a building.
I love the "grok" reference. Who else might understand?

It's a code word for intelligent, well-read people.


Picture from INSIDE Notre Dame first with BRAVE firefighter in view, so it seem to look TERRIBLE outside but NOT that terrible inside:


But LOOK what they FAIL to DESTROY, they fail to destroy OUR Christian Cross:


They will NEVER DESTROY Christianity. It and WE are 1000% STRONG it and we cannot ever be destroyed.

FEAR this symbol of our Christian Heritage:

We almost lost a world treasure today. I am so pleased many artifacts, items, and the main structure of the cathedral were saved.
We almost lost a world treasure today. I am so pleased many artifacts, items, and the main structure of the cathedral were saved.

As you are a very cultured man who appreciates Beauty and Art I knew you would comment something like that.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mdk
I'm watching what's going on there.....are you? But please DO keep digging....:dig:

You sad hag. I watched it live. The building was allowed to burn for two hours before equipment arrived that enabled applying water. If you think that's efficient, you must go to the DMV for entertainment.

The Fallen Souls are already claimed by Satan they are on this earth doing Satan's Work, TRASHING Jesus Christ, TRASHING Christianity, but we who have faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ will NOT be forsaken by Him in our time of need, we have some HEAVY HITTERS on Our Team as ALL Practicing Christians know we have:


Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle
Be our protection against the malice
and snares of the Devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the Divine Power,
Cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
What religion are you?

I am Roman Catholic, but I accept ALL other Christians as my brothers and sisters.
I am Roman Catholic, but I accept ALL other Christians as my brothers and sisters.
Do not deal with seeds of satan

It's okay I do not.
We are facing spiritual warfare people
Let those with eyes, see

Yes we are facing spiritual warfare the type of which has NOT been experienced for perhaps 1,000 years.
That's because we are living in the end times

I think we are also, there have been so many things that have happened across perhaps 15 years now, signs that if you know Our Bible they do seem to be the little signs and some big signs that Our Lord forewarned us about to look out for. I am ready though for whatever happens, I have my Faith in Our Lord and I will NEVER RENOUNCE Him, I will NEVER turn AGAINST Him, He is my Light and my Saviour and I put my trust in Him. What has happened to Notre Dame is a BIG SIGN, it is an Omen of what is to come. We must be brave, we must reaffirm our Faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord and STAY STRONG and STAY TOGETHER.
somebody did something on Friday....

but ...probably just another coincidence.....right? :dunno:

April 15, 2019
BREAKING: ON FRIDAY Female Jihadi Jailed Over Attempted Car Bombing Outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be. I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian, we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
somebody did something on Friday....

but ...probably just another coincidence.....right? :dunno:

April 15, 2019
BREAKING: ON FRIDAY Female Jihadi Jailed Over Attempted Car Bombing Outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be. I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian, we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be.
That is exactly what has been happening...
God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He has planned
I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian,
we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
Darling, the harlot of Revelation is the Catholic Church
and a Pope will be an anti christ

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