Historic Notre-Dame cathedral on fire

somebody did something on Friday....

but ...probably just another coincidence.....right? :dunno:

April 15, 2019
BREAKING: ON FRIDAY Female Jihadi Jailed Over Attempted Car Bombing Outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be. I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian, we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
somebody did something on Friday....

but ...probably just another coincidence.....right? :dunno:

April 15, 2019
BREAKING: ON FRIDAY Female Jihadi Jailed Over Attempted Car Bombing Outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be. I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian, we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be.
That is exactly what has been happening...
God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He has planned
I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian,
we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
Darling, the harlot of Revelation is the Catholic Church
and a Pope will be an anti christ

"Darling, the harlot of Revelation is the Catholic Church
and a Pope will be an anti christ"

I respectfully disagree, but I think the Anti-Pope Francis a good candidate for The False Prophet, I do not think the next Pope or ANY Pope will be The Anti-Christ, that character as I read Our Bible will be a political-military leader, he is very probably with us NOW but has NOT yet announced himself for the variety of reasons Our Bible says. Our Lord also forewarned us about this time that there would many MANY false prophets and MANY anti-christs, I myself feel that many of those false prophets are in the American Evangelical Church. There is to be though only ONE False Prophet and ONE Anti-Christ note capitals I am using there. I myself am waiting for the next BIG BIG SIGN that will be The Fall of Damascus which is specifically mentioned as THE catalyst in Our Bible, when that occur ALL the other Prophecies begin to happen pretty rapidly.
What has happened to Notre Dame is a BIG SIGN, it is an Omen of what is to come.
Why though do you think it is a BIG SIGN?

What do you see as an omen, of things to come?

You first, then I'll answer

I will have to respond to this post sleep, I am emotionally exhausted and I am getting a migraine this TRAUMATISING event of Notre Dame has affected me in a way I never thought I would ever be affected.
Our Lord also forewarned us about this time that there would many MANY false prophets and MANY anti-christs, I myself feel that many of those false prophets are in the American Evangelical Church.
Why the Evangelical Church?

The Catholic hierarchy has placed themselves
above God and made the sacrifice of Jesus insufficient
What has happened to Notre Dame is a BIG SIGN, it is an Omen of what is to come.
Why though do you think it is a BIG SIGN?

What do you see as an omen, of things to come?

You first, then I'll answer

Well in brief here is ANOTHER BIG SIGN, at the SAME time the inferno got to Notre Dame a fire got into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The Man of Sin is among us my Christian brother, he is among us:

Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque burns at the same time as fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Another weird happening is that Skye has just posted a thread about this as I was getting ready to post my comment about it to you in this thread. Here is Skye's thread:

A fire broke out also, at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.

Now I go to the bed, to sleep, I will say another three Hail Mary's before sleep this for Notre Dame and for our European Soul that has been so terribly wounded last night.
Now I go to the bed, to sleep, I will say another three Hail Mary's
Pray then like this: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'"

Luke 11:2-4
somebody did something on Friday....

but ...probably just another coincidence.....right? :dunno:

April 15, 2019
BREAKING: ON FRIDAY Female Jihadi Jailed Over Attempted Car Bombing Outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be. I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian, we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
somebody did something on Friday....

but ...probably just another coincidence.....right? :dunno:

April 15, 2019
BREAKING: ON FRIDAY Female Jihadi Jailed Over Attempted Car Bombing Outside Notre Dame Cathedral

Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be. I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian, we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
Skye sometimes things happen for a reason to act as a catalyst for something that is destined to be.
That is exactly what has been happening...
God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He has planned
I personally PRAY for the DEATH of The Anti-Pope Francis who is Anti-Christian,
we NEED a new Pope a Holy Pope a Holy Father, the Pope after Francis will be OUR Pope and that would be a good time to resurrect for one FINAL time OUR Glorious Holy Roman Empire and one FINAL Crusade against the forces of Satan HIMSELF.
Darling, the harlot of Revelation is the Catholic Church
and a Pope will be an anti christ

"Darling, the harlot of Revelation is the Catholic Church
and a Pope will be an anti christ"

I respectfully disagree, but I think the Anti-Pope Francis a good candidate for The False Prophet, I do not think the next Pope or ANY Pope will be The Anti-Christ, that character as I read Our Bible will be a political-military leader, he is very probably with us NOW but has NOT yet announced himself for the variety of reasons Our Bible says. Our Lord also forewarned us about this time that there would many MANY false prophets and MANY anti-christs, I myself feel that many of those false prophets are in the American Evangelical Church. There is to be though only ONE False Prophet and ONE Anti-Christ note capitals I am using there. I myself am waiting for the next BIG BIG SIGN that will be The Fall of Damascus which is specifically mentioned as THE catalyst in Our Bible, when that occur ALL the other Prophecies begin to happen pretty rapidly.
Vicarius filii dei :rock:
Unfortunately, President Macron failed to act quickly with flying water tankers that President Trump suggested, so the building will probably have to be razed.

But the good news is that there outstanding contractors out there who can build a tremendous new cathedral and it will be a net positive for the Catholic Church. The old Notre Dame building was old and drafty, and was clearly in need of replacement.
The good news is no lives were lost and all of the priceless art and scared relics were saved.
The Church will be rebuilt.
The different colors burning is a clue that it might have been some type of chemical fire.
Makes since for it to burn so hot and quick as it did.
The good news is no lives were lost and all of the priceless art and scared relics were saved.
The Church will be rebuilt.

The church will definitely be rebuilt. I think the new Notre Dame Cathedral will make the one lost today look pathetic in comparison. This is an excellent opportunity to install a state of the art video and sound system, first class seating to provide more room for 21st Century rear ends. People were a lot skinnier when ND was originally built with the regular famines and that they had. An automated bell ringing system will eliminate the need to hire bell ringers. The HVAC system can be upgraded, as well as building a nice driveway and entrance so that worshippers can be dropped off at the front door and not get wet.
The good news is no lives were lost and all of the priceless art and scared relics were saved.
The Church will be rebuilt.

The church will definitely be rebuilt. I think the new Notre Dame Cathedral will make the one lost today look pathetic in comparison. This is an excellent opportunity to install a state of the art video and sound system, first class seating to provide more room for 21st Century rear ends. People were a lot skinnier when ND was originally built with the regular famines and that they had. An automated bell ringing system will eliminate the need to hire bell ringers. The HVAC system can be upgraded, as well as building a nice driveway and entrance so that worshippers can be dropped off at the front door and not get wet.

For me, the 800 year old wood carved pews was a great loss.
I really loved the carvings and how thick and beautiful the wood was.
What has happened to Notre Dame is a BIG SIGN, it is an Omen of what is to come.
Why though do you think it is a BIG SIGN?

What do you see as an omen, of things to come?

You first, then I'll answer

Well in brief here is ANOTHER BIG SIGN, at the SAME time the inferno got to Notre Dame a fire got into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The Man of Sin is among us my Christian brother, he is among us:

Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque burns at the same time as fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Another weird happening is that Skye has just posted a thread about this as I was getting ready to post my comment about it to you in this thread. Here is Skye's thread:

A fire broke out also, at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.

Now I go to the bed, to sleep, I will say another three Hail Mary's before sleep this for Notre Dame and for our European Soul that has been so terribly wounded last night.

Totally agree with you.
Satan has made his arrival today with the church burning and the mosque .
What has happened to Notre Dame is a BIG SIGN, it is an Omen of what is to come.
Why though do you think it is a BIG SIGN?

What do you see as an omen, of things to come?

You first, then I'll answer

Well in brief here is ANOTHER BIG SIGN, at the SAME time the inferno got to Notre Dame a fire got into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The Man of Sin is among us my Christian brother, he is among us:

Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque burns at the same time as fire engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Another weird happening is that Skye has just posted a thread about this as I was getting ready to post my comment about it to you in this thread. Here is Skye's thread:

A fire broke out also, at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.

Now I go to the bed, to sleep, I will say another three Hail Mary's before sleep this for Notre Dame and for our European Soul that has been so terribly wounded last night.

Totally agree with you.
Satan has made his arrival today with the church burning and the mosque .
Totally agree with you.
Satan has made his arrival today with the church burning and the mosque .
Why would satan create a situation
that, in one form or another, draws people to God?

He wouldn't

As far as a mosque goes...those are his houses of worship
What's the latest? (I don't have a TV, and the clips I'm seeing online are not recent.)

This thread is disappointing.... trolls who wouldn't give it a rest, and people quickly trying to politicize it.
The good news is no lives were lost and all of the priceless art and scared relics were saved.
The Church will be rebuilt.

The church will definitely be rebuilt. I think the new Notre Dame Cathedral will make the one lost today look pathetic in comparison. This is an excellent opportunity to install a state of the art video and sound system, first class seating to provide more room for 21st Century rear ends. People were a lot skinnier when ND was originally built with the regular famines and that they had. An automated bell ringing system will eliminate the need to hire bell ringers. The HVAC system can be upgraded, as well as building a nice driveway and entrance so that worshippers can be dropped off at the front door and not get wet.

For me, the 800 year old wood carved pews was a great loss.
I really loved the carvings and how thick and beautiful the wood was.
For me, the 800 year old wood carved pews was a great loss.
I really loved the carvings and how thick and beautiful the wood was.
How many homeless people slept on them every night?
Reports are that the major stained glass windows were saved, as well as the "treasure". In doubt are the paintings and other interior appointments.
France is determined to rebuild.
Reports are that the major stained glass windows were saved, as well as the "treasure". In doubt are the paintings and other interior appointments.
France is determined to rebuild.
The stained glass windows were saved...awesome

Unfortunately, stained glass windows
don't need to be concerned with eternity
Just saw a headline on google news page...

Investigation begins into Notre Dame Cathedral fire

Ummm, why did they already rule out
arson or terrorists?
So tragic. Think about a building for which construction starting in the 1100s. The mind boggles. And I hesitate to admit this but, I was in Paris in 1987 in my late teens and have vivid memories of the Louvre, the parks, the Seine, the cafes, the Tuilleries--but I do not remember visiting Notre Dame. I know we DID, but we had just come off a two week trip in England in which we visited cathedral after cathedral and so....yeah. In my defense I wasn't even twenty yet so.....

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