Historic Notre-Dame cathedral on fire

What's the latest? (I don't have a TV, and the clips I'm seeing online are not recent.)

This thread is disappointing.... trolls who wouldn't give it a rest, and people quickly trying to politicize it.

Hey, buttercup, france24 online is reporting on it. I just found this info-

"Now we're in the phase of investigating," fire service spokesman Gabriel Plus told reporters, declaring only at around 10am on Tuesday that the fire had finally been extinguished.

And this-

Regarding the precious artwork inside, Culture Minister Franck Riester said no one had yet been able to fully inspect the extent of the fire and water damage inside.

"We'll have to wait for a while to do a full inventory," he said, adding that the organ appeared to have been "badly damaged" as had many paintings and frescos.

The Holy Crown of Thorns and a sacred tunic worn by 13th-century French king Louis, two irreplaceable artefacts, had been rescued along with the church's main crucifix, and placed with others at the Paris town hall.

Notre-Dame Cathedral - FRANCE24
French are way to quick to call it an accident. Arson investigation takes weeks, sometimes months to determine cause.
If the fire started high in the ceiling, it is difficult for an arsonist to access

It was difficult for the fire fighters to access, also.
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Grateful I went in the late 80s to be honest. I surely would not want to go to Europe now.

Why? I go to Europe for work all the time. In fact, I'm here right now. Never had a problem with anyone

Well since you asked: in a word, terrorism. I don't feel it's safe anymore.

I live in Europe; and we feel safe (relatively) because we are on the whole well protected. Concrete road blocks and armed police presence have become the norm. Can you imagine that? Getting used to it? They even get the American MP's in as backup sometimes.

Parts of Berlin are too dangerous to venture out in. Some areas of the city, even the police won't go there.

There was a truck ramming into pedestrians incident in Sweden the other week.
What's the latest? (I don't have a TV, and the clips I'm seeing online are not recent.)

This thread is disappointing.... trolls who wouldn't give it a rest, and people quickly trying to politicize it.

Hey, buttercup, france24 online is reporting on it. I just found this info-

"Now we're in the phase of investigating," fire service spokesman Gabriel Plus told reporters, declaring only at around 10am on Tuesday that the fire had finally been extinguished.

And this-

Regarding the precious artwork inside, Culture Minister Franck Riester said no one had yet been able to fully inspect the extent of the fire and water damage inside.

"We'll have to wait for a while to do a full inventory," he said, adding that the organ appeared to have been "badly damaged" as had many paintings and frescos.

The Holy Crown of Thorns and a sacred tunic worn by 13th-century French king Louis, two irreplaceable artefacts, had been rescued along with the church's main crucifix, and placed with others at the Paris town hall.

Notre-Dame Cathedral - FRANCE24

Well that's something to be thankful for.
French are way to quick to call it an accident. Arson investigation takes weeks, sometimes months to determine cause.
If the fire started high in the ceiling, it is difficult for an arsonist to access

It was difficult for the fire fighters to access, also.
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
French are way to quick to call it an accident. Arson investigation takes weeks, sometimes months to determine cause.
If the fire started high in the ceiling, it is difficult for an arsonist to access

It was difficult for the fire fighters to access, also.
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
Yes, pointing out a cause of a failure is hate in Leftardia.
Just saw a headline on google news page...

Investigation begins into Notre Dame Cathedral fire

Ummm, why did they already rule out
arson or terrorists?
What has happened to Notre Dame is a BIG SIGN, it is an Omen of what is to come.
Why though do you think it is a BIG SIGN?

What do you see as an omen, of things to come?

You first, then I'll answer

I will have to respond to this post sleep, I am emotionally exhausted and I am getting a migraine this TRAUMATISING event of Notre Dame has affected me in a way I never thought I would ever be affected.
Lucy, we are all mourning the destruction of Notre Dame, no matter what our religion. It was a beauty of a church and so historic. But remember it is only a building, however precious, and not the real Church.
Matthew 18-20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
French are way to quick to call it an accident. Arson investigation takes weeks, sometimes months to determine cause.
If the fire started high in the ceiling, it is difficult for an arsonist to access

It was difficult for the fire fighters to access, also.
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
Yes, pointing out a cause of a failure is hate in Leftardia.

Not even a day and you are starting hate inspired conspiracy theories
If the fire started high in the ceiling, it is difficult for an arsonist to access

It was difficult for the fire fighters to access, also.
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
Yes, pointing out a cause of a failure is hate in Leftardia.

Not even a day and you are starting hate inspired conspiracy theories
Only a liar can claim it was an accident before the fire is even out.
It was difficult for the fire fighters to access, also.
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
Yes, pointing out a cause of a failure is hate in Leftardia.

Not even a day and you are starting hate inspired conspiracy theories
Only a liar can claim it was an accident before the fire is even out.
Fire was still burning and you are blaming Muslims
What an ass
The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
Yes, pointing out a cause of a failure is hate in Leftardia.

Not even a day and you are starting hate inspired conspiracy theories
Only a liar can claim it was an accident before the fire is even out.
Fire was still burning and you are blaming Muslims
What an ass
Why would anyone blame Muslims? It was Paris and Holy Week.
I understand that but they're very pervasive there now. I wouldn't go there and wouldn't let my minor kids go on school trips there. I wasn't alone--pretty much every school trip to Europe in my district was canceled. No one wanted to send their kids.

I'm just tell you how it is.

Yes, you folks in Jesus-land are pretty ignorant.

The chances of being caught in a terrorist incident in the US (and by Terrorist, you mean those icky Muslims, not white people, who commit a lot more violence) or Europe is actually about the same- pretty small.

Only because the secret service police in Europe is so good at surveillance in preventing them.
----------------------------------------- its pretty much a Police State in 'euro land' eh Mindful . Good to hear [chuckle] !! ------------ Most everyone is SAFE eh ??
the French are seeking emotional catharsis over financial stability. they will rebuild Notre Dame no matter how much it costs. it will cost 150 million dollars. that's ok!
So tragic. Think about a building for which construction starting in the 1100s. The mind boggles. And I hesitate to admit this but, I was in Paris in 1987 in my late teens and have vivid memories of the Louvre, the parks, the Seine, the cafes, the Tuilleries--but I do not remember visiting Notre Dame. I know we DID, but we had just come off a two week trip in England in which we visited cathedral after cathedral and so....yeah. In my defense I wasn't even twenty yet so.....

I never been to France let alone Europe and most of my adventures were in the Far East. South East Asia.
------------------------------------------ i just messed around in the USA . I was Coast to Coast by thumb and by motorcycle during the mid and late 60s .

2 hours after the blaze was going, when building was fully engulfed... French officials were already saying they "believe it was an accident".
Now...how the hell could they possibly know anything before investigators were within 100 yards of it, let alone make claims to how it started??
This is all Macron’s doing.
The fire spread too fast and grew too big to be an accident.

So that leaves either Muslim terrorists who most likely would have done it before the renovations, or somebody connected to the failing French government desperate to defeat the yellow vests.
What expertise do you base that statement on?
------------------------------------ no expertise or special info but just ' Common Sense ' to think that it MIGHT be 'muslim' terrorism . Especially this Easter week and because it was this Particular building . After all , this building is a Special Christian and Western Civilization Symbol isn't it Bode ??
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The French should have planned ahead, and if a worker can access the roof so can an arsonist. Probably half the workers were Muslim.
Conservatives can't stop the hate
Yes, pointing out a cause of a failure is hate in Leftardia.

Not even a day and you are starting hate inspired conspiracy theories
Only a liar can claim it was an accident before the fire is even out.
Fire was still burning and you are blaming Muslims
What an ass
------------------------------------- aw man , you are a funny guy RW as you say Fire not even out and he blames 'muslims' . I ask , why not if that is his / her suspicion RWinger .
the French are seeking emotional catharsis over financial stability. they will rebuild Notre Dame no matter how much it costs. it will cost 150 million dollars. that's ok!
-------------------------- ok with me but isn't 150 million Dollars a pittance to rebuild this ICON of Christianity . [just asking . maybe French tradesmen work for cheap] But i think that President Trump carries that much money as walking around money BBro .
The thing survives 850 years of war, weather and wear and what brings it down is some no-name moron with a tig welder.
I highly doubt it.

-------------------------------------------- yeah , right on Skye !!!

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