Historical Fact: The Economy does better under Democratic Administrations than Republican

These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.
That is why it took 12 years for Roosevelt and his War of the World to drag the US out of a Great Depression. Why it took 8 years and 4 trillion of FAUX dollars that kept interest rates at Zero percent, where the rich like Warren Buffet could borrow billions and buy back his stock, making him UBER rich and the rest of US had shit for bank returns. Keep on trying to rewrite history, but it isn't working...
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.
That is why it took 12 years for Roosevelt and his War of the World to drag the US out of a Great Depression. Why it took 8 years and 4 trillion of FAUX dollars that kept interest rates at Zero percent, where the rich like Warren Buffet could borrow billions and buy back his stock, making him UBER rich and the rest of US had shit for bank returns. Keep on trying to rewrite history, but it isn't working...

See charts, shithead.
Wow, that article is so short in substance and long in partisanship that it can only be considered relevant by a liberal mindless sheep.

Consider that multiple sources for the article are from the Woodrow Wilson School of Economics at Princeton. Doesn’t get much more partisan than that. In fact, virtually every source for this article is liberal in nature.

Also consider that the article only addresses which party holds the presidency, it doesn’t deal with which party controls congress.

This is a great article to give to young, impressionable kids who are adverse to critical thinking, they will eat this garbage up.
Mindblowingly bad leftist science. They even failed to separate inequality (read: hard workers earning more than leftist bums) and economic performance.

Anyway, if leftism works so great, one way plane ticket to Venezuela is the answer.
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.
That is why it took 12 years for Roosevelt and his War of the World to drag the US out of a Great Depression. Why it took 8 years and 4 trillion of FAUX dollars that kept interest rates at Zero percent, where the rich like Warren Buffet could borrow billions and buy back his stock, making him UBER rich and the rest of US had shit for bank returns. Keep on trying to rewrite history, but it isn't working...

See charts, shithead.

Historically your charts may have some merit, unfortunately Obama pretty much screwed the pooch for ya.
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.

Congress tends to be controlled by the party opposite of the president. So, if the country does better under Democrat presidents, thank a Republican congress.

I don't vote for Republicans for president, partly for that reason. But, also because I regard the Republican party almost as bad as the Democrat party. Take the current tax bill which does nothing to liberate the middle class from oppressive regulation and government programs and policy designed to exploit the middle-class. The Republican bill is about tax cuts for the rich and more government debt on the backs of the middle-class.

And, if it's not tax cuts for the rich, it's more unconscionable spending on the military.
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.
That is why it took 12 years for Roosevelt and his War of the World to drag the US out of a Great Depression. Why it took 8 years and 4 trillion of FAUX dollars that kept interest rates at Zero percent, where the rich like Warren Buffet could borrow billions and buy back his stock, making him UBER rich and the rest of US had shit for bank returns. Keep on trying to rewrite history, but it isn't working...

See charts, shithead.
I don't use some bullshit chart, but learned about history and what the liberals/progressives have done to the United States in their pursuit of reaching the fundamental transformation of the US into a 3rd world nation. Blow me, you worthless fucking Commie bastard.
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.

Congress tends to be controlled by the party opposite of the president. So, if the country does better under Democrat presidents, thank a Republican congress.

I don't vote for Republicans for president, partly for that reason. But, also because I regard the Republican party almost as bad as the Democrat party. Take the current tax bill which does nothing to liberate the middle class from oppressive regulation and government programs and policy designed to exploit the middle-class. The Republican bill is about tax cuts for the rich and more government debt on the backs of the middle-class.

And, if it's not tax cuts for the rich, it's more unconscionable spending on the military.
Nothing like the liberal talking points again used by a brain washed liberal mind numbed useful idiot.
These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic...

U.S. economy would improve if all republican politicians suddenly dropped dead.

Their policies help the richest 1% but hurt the rest of us.

Congress tends to be controlled by the party opposite of the president. So, if the country does better under Democrat presidents, thank a Republican congress.

I don't vote for Republicans for president, partly for that reason. But, also because I regard the Republican party almost as bad as the Democrat party. Take the current tax bill which does nothing to liberate the middle class from oppressive regulation and government programs and policy designed to exploit the middle-class. The Republican bill is about tax cuts for the rich and more government debt on the backs of the middle-class.

And, if it's not tax cuts for the rich, it's more unconscionable spending on the military.
War on poverty cost
$22 trillion -- three
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
After 8 years of the 2nd black president, how can there still be poor when 1 trillion dollars is spent each year? It would take you or me to spend 1 trillion dollars at 1 dollar a second, over 330,000 years...
The richest always do best no matter what party is in charge. the democrats try & do more for people making under 75.000 some times they make really dumb moves. as do the republicans when in control. we always focus on the other party's mistakes. become complacent when our party is in control. that is why we lose out so much. we need to be looking hard at who ever is running things.
The richest always do best no matter what party is in charge. the democrats try & do more for people making under 75.000 some times they make really dumb moves. as do the republicans when in control. we always focus on the other party's mistakes. become complacent when our party is in control. that is why we lose out so much. we need to be looking hard at who ever is running things.
Yeah they sure did try to make more in poverty with their FORCED healthcare system that was supposed to cost $2,500 less but increased costs 3 times. The problem today is that too many stupid people listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lamestream, fake news and actually believe what those propaganda machines are telling them. Just look at the few here who think the tax cuts aren't going to help...
After 8 years of the 2nd black president, how can there still be poor when 1 trillion dollars is spent each year? It would take you or me to spend 1 trillion dollars at 1 dollar a second, over 330,000 years...

The US spends enough on poor people that all the poor could be living comfortable middle-class lifestyles. There are some people who fall into the cracks. But, mostly, poor people like the poor lifestyle.

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