Historically, no Antarctic ice shelf when CO2 is above 400 ppm

I bet you believe that the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to make certain that the citizenry has the power to bring government to heel if they should act in some undesirable manner. Can you explain, then, why the Constitution clearly spells out the crimes of sedition and treason, providing severe penalties for both without identifying ANY circumstances under which an attack on the government or aid to her enemies would be justified?

2nd Amendment also applies to States ... and State Militias ... one safeguard to our Constitutional liberties is that the Federal Government doesn't have a military ... it's left up to the individual States to raise and maintain militias ...
2nd Amendment also applies to States ... and State Militias ... one safeguard to our Constitutional liberties is that the Federal Government doesn't have a military ... it's left up to the individual States to raise and maintain militias ...
So you're unable to explain the apparent discrepancy.
So you're unable to explain the apparent discrepancy.

I have already ... the history of Antarctica starts at 1820 AD ... and there has always been a ice shelf there in the full historical period ... the OP is a lie ...

The discrepancy is in your own lying heart ... no one else's ...
2nd Amendment also applies to States ... and State Militias ... one safeguard to our Constitutional liberties is that the Federal Government doesn't have a military ... it's left up to the individual States to raise and maintain militias ...
Only after misapplying the 14th amendment. They did the same thing to the establishment clause but it was moot as there were no established state religions at that time.
Easy ... with 44 million gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions ... we'll have 32 million gigatons of water vapor ... the products of combustion ... all that water condenses and releases 2,100 J/g ... that's 64 kilomillion gigajoules of energy ... (per year) ...

That's scary enough to make any 8-year-old little girl pee her knickers ... because "kilomillion gigajoules" is a "fuck load" of energy ...

half/half for a half ...
kilomillion gigajoules? :rofl:
Only after misapplying the 14th amendment. They did the same thing to the establishment clause but it was moot as there were no established state religions at that time.

Fuck there was ... King George III was both the highest civilian authority as well as the highest religious authority ... if you weren't a member of the Church of England, you were killed ... you've never heard of the Wars of Religion that swept across Europe for several centuries? ...

It was the Plantegenets who would send the English Army across the slough to settle personal disputes ... and tax the living shit out of the English Barons ... the first weak King was forced into signing off control of the military ... John had to ask his English Barons for troops, and thus the English Barons claims a portion of the spoils on the continent ... thus begins a 500 year tug-of-war between Crown and Parliament that we Americans cast into granite ... no Federal army, the President has to ask the States for troops ... does this apply to individuals? ... depends on the State ...

The separation between Church and State is about two blocks in Utah ...

This changed during the Civil War when we went from being a representative democracy to a corporate/military kleptocracy ...
Fuck there was ... King George III was both the highest civilian authority as well as the highest religious authority ... if you weren't a member of the Church of England, you were killed ... you've never heard of the Wars of Religion that swept across Europe for several centuries? ...

It was the Plantegenets who would send the English Army across the slough to settle personal disputes ... and tax the living shit out of the English Barons ... the first weak King was forced into signing off control of the military ... John had to ask his English Barons for troops, and thus the English Barons claims a portion of the spoils on the continent ... thus begins a 500 year tug-of-war between Crown and Parliament that we Americans cast into granite ... no Federal army, the President has to ask the States for troops ... does this apply to individuals? ... depends on the State ...

The separation between Church and State is about two blocks in Utah ...

This changed during the Civil War when we went from being a representative democracy to a corporate/military kleptocracy ...
That’s nice. The bill of rights was never intended to be applied to the states.
That’s nice. The bill of rights was never intended to be applied to the states.

Which is why most State Constitutions reiterate all these rights, and in some case many more rights ...

Article the Fourth: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

How is this not applicable to the States? ... if you don't mind hijacking an otherwise useless thread ...
That’s nice. The bill of rights was never intended to be applied to the states.
HAHAHAHAHAAAAAahahahaaa.... oh my f-ing god. Who knew?!? I guess it was intended to be applied to that part of the United States that doesn't fall within any states.

Quick suggestion - read the 14th Amendment
Todd, do you deny that the world is getting warmer?
Do you have some alternative to the greenhouse effect as the cause of that warming?
Do you believe that warming will have no harmful effects?

After two summers lost to Covid, I hope everyone has enjoyed a well-earned break with family and friends. This week, however, autumn begins, and the global energy crisis promises a colder, harder winter, particularly in Europe.

This guy says colder, harder winter, you better go straighten his ass out, your climatologists should go ban him from speaking.
It does matter, actually.
Because we have two situations.

1) Normal times
2) Now.
In normal times we see a rise in CO2 and a rise in temperatures, then a dropping off of temperatures and a dropping off of CO2.

So, if temperatures rise, and CO2 then rises, it means temperatures are not rising because of CO2 so much as other factors.

If CO2 rises and causes temperatures to rise, this means CO2 is much more of a problem.
Thing is, CO2 is going through the roof, and temperatures are not keeping up.

What will happen later? Who knows?
We all should be living a minimum of 25% better. This before the Biden inflation. But fools like you believe in the architects of fear who can manipulate anything. They control the world.
I suppose but it so hard to trust anyone associated with the government.
I am going to assume that you mean you suppose it is valid. Please correct me if I am wrong. As to your latter comment; there are a lot of people working for the government doing a very wide number of different jobs. To make generalizations about them - about any group of people that large - is unwise.
I am going to assume that you mean you suppose it is valid. Please correct me if I am wrong. As to your latter comment; there are a lot of people working for the government doing a very wide number of different jobs. To make generalizations about them - about any group of people that large - is unwise.
Not when our country is being systematically destroyed.
Not when our country is being systematically destroyed.
Don't be silly. Nothing is being done by every one of the 1,800,000 individuals who work for government. If you're looking for people who seem to be attempting to destroy the country, I'd cast your eye on the Trumpians and their republican enablers.

But we are leaving the thread topic behind here.
Don't be silly. Nothing is being done by every one of the 1,800,000 individuals who work for government. If you're looking for people who seem to be attempting to destroy the country, I'd cast your eye on the Trumpians and their republican enablers.

But we are leaving the thread topic behind here.
I did not say it was, but it is being done. Trumpians are not running this country.
You said that you don't trust anyone in government. Anyone is everyone. And that god the Trumper aren't running things. They seem intent on ending democracy and the rule of law. Besides, the OP's linked study indicates that above 400 ppm CO2 there have historically been no polar ice sheets. That is not a good finding for the billion or so people living near the world's coastlines.

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