Historically, no Antarctic ice shelf when CO2 is above 400 ppm

Don't be silly. Nothing is being done by every one of the 1,800,000 individuals who work for government. If you're looking for people who seem to be attempting to destroy the country, I'd cast your eye on the Trumpians and their republican enablers.

But we are leaving the thread topic behind here.
name something someone from the government has done for anyone?
400 ppm CO2 there have historically been no polar ice sheets. That is not a good finding for the billion or so people living near the world's coastlines.
so where's the link that confirms that statement?
Which is why most State Constitutions reiterate all these rights, and in some case many more rights ...

Article the Fourth: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

How is this not applicable to the States? ... if you don't mind hijacking an otherwise useless thread ...
For one because it’s rights granted by the federal government and not the states. But the main reason is that Hamilton (I think) wrote a draft of the 1st amendment that applied the establishment clause to the states and it failed to pass in the senate.
For one because it’s rights granted by the federal government and not the states. But the main reason is that Hamilton (I think) wrote a draft of the 1st amendment that applied the establishment clause to the states and it failed to pass in the senate.

Where does the Federal Government grant the right of victims of crime be kept informed of the criminal prosecution? ... show me where the Federal Government has a say over the State Militia ...

As late a 1873, President Grant stated that exemption from military service was strictly a State's right, that he (as president) had NO authority to grant such an exemption to the Mennonites ...

Oh .. and the 10th Amendment mentions the States ...

Do you have a citation that says the US Senate was ever presented with "The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatever." [emphasis mine]
Where does the Federal Government grant the right of victims of crime be kept informed of the criminal prosecution? ... show me where the Federal Government has a say over the State Militia ...

As late a 1873, President Grant stated that exemption from military service was strictly a State's right, that he (as president) had NO authority to grant such an exemption to the Mennonites ...

Oh .. and the 10th Amendment mentions the States ...

Do you have a citation that says the US Senate was ever presented with "The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatever." [emphasis mine]
That’s nice. The framers of the 14th amendment never intended it to amend any of the other amendments. There’s a process for that.
That’s nice. The framers of the 14th amendment never intended it to amend any of the other amendments. There’s a process for that.

That's wrong ... the 14th included African-Americans to the 1st and the 5th ... by intent ... after 150 years, it's not a process, it's hypocrisy ... think `Sandra Bland` ...
14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Ratified 09 July 1868 and was intended to extend the civil rights of the all the prior amendments to the formerly enslaved.
Antarctica has 70 million year old Dino fossils.

According to "the science," they lived on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F

According to science, Antarctica was not frozen at all 70 million years ago because Antarctica was

Antarctica has 70 million year old Dino fossils.

According to "the science," they lived on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F

According to science, Antarctica was not frozen at all 70 million years ago because Antarctica was

The parameter studied was Sea Surface Temperature (SST) vs atmospheric CO2 levels over the past 45 million years. A correlation was found between SST and polar glaciation and ice shelves. The study's conclusion can be understood to say that the correlation between SST and CO2 levels indicate that ice shelves have never existed in the Antarctic at any point in the last 45 MA when CO2 levels were above 400 ppm. Antarctica, having been attached to what is now South America, separated approximately 53 MA, opening the Drake passage and enabling the circumpolar current that led to feedback loops bringing about the creation of an ice covered continent. So, for the entire period of the OP's linked study, Antarctica WAS at the South Pole and covered with ice.
The parameter studied was Sea Surface Temperature (SST) vs atmospheric CO2 levels over the past 45 million years. A correlation was found between SST and polar glaciation and ice shelves. The study's conclusion can be understood to say that the correlation between SST and CO2 levels indicate that ice shelves have never existed in the Antarctic at any point in the last 45 MA when CO2 levels were above 400 ppm. Antarctica, having been attached to what is now South America, separated approximately 53 MA, opening the Drake passage and enabling the circumpolar current that led to feedback loops bringing about the creation of an ice covered continent. So, for the entire period of the OP's linked study, Antarctica WAS at the South Pole and covered with ice.

"The science" clearly wants you to believe that the dinosaurs on Antarctica did live on top of 2 mile high glaciers at -60F

And "the science" insists that land did not move during the past 45 million years...

Not at all..


Those in CA who built a fence over the San Andreas.....
"The science" clearly wants you to believe that the dinosaurs on Antarctica did live on top of 2 mile high glaciers at -60F
That statement is absolutely false.
And "the science" insists that land did not move during the past 45 million years...
It does not. Tectonic drift is an ongoing process. It is simply that during the last 45 million years, the Antarctic continent has been basically sitting on the South Pole, covered with ice.
Not at all..


Those in CA who built a fence over the San Andreas.....
Not a clue what you're trying to say here.

The study to which the OP links was not conducted and written by 3rd graders. That you think published scientists would make mistakes like this is very Dunning-Kruger-esque of you.
That statement is absolutely false.

It does not. Tectonic drift is an ongoing process. It is simply that during the last 45 million years, the Antarctic continent has been basically sitting on the South Pole, covered with ice.

Not a clue what you're trying to say here.

The study to which the OP links was not conducted and written by 3rd graders. That you think published scientists would make mistakes like this is very Dunning-Kruger-esque of you.

Anyone who cares can go search for the ocean bottom maps.

When Antarctica ripped off Africa, it was still attached to South America. The Transantarctic mountain range is the same mountain range on the west coast of South America. SA and AA broke apart more recently than 45 million years ago. Try 10-15 million.

And again, no comment on

"The scientists"

Chasing tectonic events....
Anyone who cares can go search for the ocean bottom maps.

When Antarctica ripped off Africa, it was still attached to South America. The Transantarctic mountain range is the same mountain range on the west coast of South America. SA and AA broke apart more recently than 45 million years ago. Try 10-15 million.

And again, no comment on

"The scientists"

Chasing tectonic events....
I want to see where you get the idea that "scientists" want us to believe that dinosaurs were living on a mile of ice at -60F. You have a serious misunderstanding or have made a significant mistake here. I'm curious to see where it originated.

Here is a map of the Earth 50 MYA.

That strip of land across the bottom of the map is Antarctica. The bottom edge of the map is the geographic south pole.
"The science" clearly wants you to believe that the dinosaurs on Antarctica did live on top of 2 mile high glaciers at -60F

You shouldn't be getting your science news from the National Enquirer ... there would only have been alpine glaciers in a world 20ºC warmer ... when there was a vast inland sea between Denver and the Great Smokey Mountains ...

Why are you forcing me to agree with Crick? ... that's soooooo damn rude ...
The parameter studied was Sea Surface Temperature (SST) vs atmospheric CO2 levels over the past 45 million years. A correlation was found between SST and polar glaciation and ice shelves. The study's conclusion can be understood to say that the correlation between SST and CO2 levels indicate that ice shelves have never existed in the Antarctic at any point in the last 45 MA when CO2 levels were above 400 ppm. Antarctica, having been attached to what is now South America, separated approximately 53 MA, opening the Drake passage and enabling the circumpolar current that led to feedback loops bringing about the creation of an ice covered continent. So, for the entire period of the OP's linked study, Antarctica WAS at the South Pole and covered with ice.
How much CO2 at that time?
You shouldn't be getting your science news from the National Enquirer ... there would only have been alpine glaciers in a world 20ºC warmer ... when there was a vast inland sea between Denver and the Great Smokey Mountains ...

Why are you forcing me to agree with Crick? ... that's soooooo damn rude ...

If you agree with crick, you are a parrot and nothing more.

Truth be told, the entire analysis that crick parrots about AA is completely wrong.

Do you think co2 causes warming?

What is your evidence of this?

If "your evidence" is that you parrot, remember this

Parroting is not science
Fraud is not science
Fudging data is not science

All of my analysis is mine, and is 100% backed up by the truth of the unfudged data.

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