History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

I saw that show. Excellently done. And did he kick some Roman ass? You bet he did. Until they learned from his skills how to take him down. But he still got the last laugh.

I'm going to watch it starting tomorrow.
They both have quite a bit more than 1 drop. I have no problem with the one drop rule BTW.
Most racists don't.
Obviously the definition of the word "racist" is unknown to you.
Racists rarely own up to being one even when they constantly use race to judge others.

Meanwhile, Tiger doesn't consider himself to be black. Obviously racists think he is black, given the "one drop rule".

Why Tiger Woods refused to play the race card against his former caddie Steve Williams
For it was as a child that he cultivated his curious resentment at being defined as black. It was then, as a burgeoning star in the white man’s game of golf, that he decided to brand himself a 'Cablinasian’.

Woods believed the word best captured his background, conflating the Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian strands of an exotic ancestry.

But it served also as a defence mechanism against those who chose to perceive him purely in terms of his blackness.

Appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1997, Woods acknowledged that it bothered him when people called him an African-American. “It does,” he said. “Growing up, I came up with this name. I’m a Cablinasian.”

The multi-racial aspect of Woods’ identity is incontestable. Father Earl was, in his own words, “half-black, one-quarter American Indian, and one-quarter Chinese.”
There is more??? I saw it night before last. Is it a series or did you just miss it and will see it tomorrow?
They did really good with this show. Even had some ex military generals as commentators on how well Hannibal beat the crap out of Rome. It was almost like the Spartan's 300. Hannibal had more in his army, but Rome? Dayum. He whooped ass. I won't say more...so you can enjoy the show. :)
There is more??? I saw it night before last. Is it a series or did you just miss it and will see it tomorrow?
They did really good with this show. Even had some ex military generals as commentators on how well Hannibal beat the crap out of Rome. It was almost like the Spartan's 300. Hannibal had more in his army, but Rome? Dayum. He whooped ass. I won't say more...so you can enjoy the show. :)
I taped it.
They both have quite a bit more than 1 drop. I have no problem with the one drop rule BTW.
Most racists don't.
Obviously the definition of the word "racist" is unknown to you.
Racists rarely own up to being one even when they constantly use race to judge others.

Meanwhile, Tiger doesn't consider himself to be black. Obviously racists think he is black, given the "one drop rule".

Why Tiger Woods refused to play the race card against his former caddie Steve Williams
For it was as a child that he cultivated his curious resentment at being defined as black. It was then, as a burgeoning star in the white man’s game of golf, that he decided to brand himself a 'Cablinasian’.

Woods believed the word best captured his background, conflating the Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian strands of an exotic ancestry.

But it served also as a defence mechanism against those who chose to perceive him purely in terms of his blackness.

Appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1997, Woods acknowledged that it bothered him when people called him an African-American. “It does,” he said. “Growing up, I came up with this name. I’m a Cablinasian.”

The multi-racial aspect of Woods’ identity is incontestable. Father Earl was, in his own words, “half-black, one-quarter American Indian, and one-quarter Chinese.”
That doesnt really help you understand what racist means. Doesnt really matter what Tiger considers himself to be. The fact is that he is definitely Black. Just because he has problems admitting it doesnt really change that.
Tiger was so eager to get away from being Black he had to make up a term. :laugh:

The funny thing is that if someone walked up to Divine and said they were Cablinasian he'd laugh them out the venue. Or at the very least say "I was talking to to that black dude who could be Asian too" lol
I knew it was bad when he said Cablinasian. He wanted to be white so he started it off with caucasian even though he has more Black in him than anything else.

If he wanted to be taken serioiusly he would have said Blacasian
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
No I dont assume they were Black. I know they were Black due to the bible and science agreeing on that point. The original Jews and Palestinians were Black and yes they were semites. The Ashkenazi Jews are from europe. they arent semtic at all. What does this have to do with supremacy? Looks like you are suffering from the white boy inferiority complex there westwall. :laugh:

'Sure thing mr. black supremacist. The bible says nothing about the matter, and the DNA evidence completely refutes your crapola.

The Bible explicitly mentions Hamites as the progeny of Ham, and that lineage included Canaan ( Phoenicia) and Mizraim (Egypt.). Both were "sons" of Ham. Mainstream Caucasian scholars could not reconcile Black slavery when people of Negroid stock were seen as the very originators of Civilization and had invented the Phonetic alphabet. in addition to the Biblical accounting, statues and paintings left behind by the people of KMT could not be denied; so, Whites invented "Black Caucasians." North Africans and natives of the Horn of Africa were inducted into the Caucasian hall of infamy. Disregarding the inky Blackness of most, their "caucasian" features ( they had them before there were Whites) was posited as irrefutable evidence that they were of Caucasian stock! These were the remnants of the Hamites.

But during the last 40 years, the word Hamite all but disappeared form the English lexicon. There seems to have been a merging of Hamite with Semite at about the same time the face of the Sphinx was being remodeled to look more Caucasian.
The funny thing is that if someone walked up to Divine and said they were Cablinasian he'd laugh them out the venue. Or at the very least say "I was talking to to that black dude who could be Asian too" lol
The funny thing is that you have to tell lies to make your point.
I knew it was bad when he said Cablinasian. He wanted to be white so he started it off with caucasian even though he has more Black in him than anything else.

If he wanted to be taken serioiusly he would have said Blacasian
A dishonest statement, at best. Completely racist at worst.

Tiger Woods Ethnicity, Nationality, Parents Race: Black Or Cablinasian? Mother, Father Family Bio
ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 23RD, 1997, following his groundbreaking victory in the US Masters, sports celebrity Tiger Woods incurred the wrath of many African American traditionalists when he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. During the broadcast, Winfrey asked the then 21-year-old golfer whether it bothered him to be called “African American”. Woods replied, “It does...I'm just who I am, whoever you see in front of you.”
The golfing champion went on to state that as a child he’d invented the term, “Cablinasian” to describe his parents multi-ethnicity and nationality — a mix of half Asian (Chinese and Thai), one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American and one-eighth Dutch. He’d adopted the term as a way of honouring his mother Kultida (of Thai, Chinese and Dutch ancestry) as well as respecting all aspects of his cultural and racial heritage.

Woods disclosure riled many within the African American community because they saw him as the first black winner of the US Masters — a sports star who was one of their own, whose success in breaking down golf's racial barriers was a source of racial pride for them. Woods, by declaring himself 'unblack', had stripped all that away.

It was a bold break out move by the sports star — one that is being echoed today in other parts of modern America by a young generation seeking their own ethnic civil rights movement — the right to self-authorship, without defaulting to past conventions of race and ethnicity. During the American slave era it was whites that decided who was black, in terms of people of mixed heritage. The notorious “one-drop” rule, passed as law from 1910 onwards, classified as legally “black”, any individual with as little as one drop of “black blood”. It was a legal method of discriminating against all peoples with African ancestry.

“Cablinasian” hinted at a brave new world in which people with parents of mixed ethnicity and nationality could create their own socio-cultural category which would eventually be recognised within the national census. In fact, this world started early for Woods. As a schoolboy, when he filled out forms, he would tick both boxes marked African American and Asian. In the early 1960s, multi-racial actress Dorothy Dandridge pointed the way to the future when she described herself in her autobiography Everything And Nothing, not as African American, but as “mixed American”.

In the 1970s a mixed-race movement began gaining ground in America, led by young multiracial citizens, interracial couples and parents who had adopted children transracially. Woods 1997 declaration effectively put him at the forefront of the movement. “Whether he wants to or not, he is sort of becoming the poster person for multiracial identity,” said Ramona Douglass, president of the Association of MultiEthnic Americans. In the same year Republican Tom Petri proposed legislation for a multiracial check box to be included in the coming 2000 census — he called it the “Tiger Woods bill”.

Today, Tiger Woods's ethnicity, nationality and parents background remain a much searched topic online, according to Google, who collate and publish their global monthly search stats. Currently, 500 people per month Google the term, “Tiger Woods Cablinasian”, while a further 4,220 search the words, “Tiger Woods mother, father, parents, race” each month. The total of queries about the golf celebrity's ethnicity and heritage adds up to over 80,000 searches per year.

But, how will this increasingly diverse range of people, led by Woods, define themselves in the future? The latest US census polls suggest that ethnic identification is fragmenting even further, with significant numbers of respondents — black, Asian, Latino and white — ticking categories for two or more races.

Today, although people like this may be claiming their right to self-authorship, it is still early to expect wider society to see them the way they see themselves. This reality is beyond their control. Tiger Woods may see himself as Cablinasian, and Barack Obama may see himself as black, but there are others out there who would disagree.
Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
No I dont assume they were Black. I know they were Black due to the bible and science agreeing on that point. The original Jews and Palestinians were Black and yes they were semites. The Ashkenazi Jews are from europe. they arent semtic at all. What does this have to do with supremacy? Looks like you are suffering from the white boy inferiority complex there westwall. :laugh:

'Sure thing mr. black supremacist. The bible says nothing about the matter, and the DNA evidence completely refutes your crapola.

The Bible explicitly mentions Hamites as the progeny of Ham, and that lineage included Canaan ( Phoenicia) and Mizraim (Egypt.). Both were "sons" of Ham. Mainstream Caucasian scholars could not reconcile Black slavery when people of Negroid stock were seen as the very originators of Civilization and had invented the Phonetic alphabet. in addition to the Biblical accounting, statues and paintings left behind by the people of KMT could not be denied; so, Whites invented "Black Caucasians." North Africans and natives of the Horn of Africa were inducted into the Caucasian hall of infamy. Disregarding the inky Blackness of most, their "caucasian" features ( they had them before there were Whites) was posited as irrefutable evidence that they were of Caucasian stock! These were the remnants of the Hamites.

But during the last 40 years, the word Hamite all but disappeared form the English lexicon. There seems to have been a merging of Hamite with Semite at about the same time the face of the Sphinx was being remodeled to look more Caucasian.
Dont forget Phut (Libya) and Cush or Kush (Ethiopia)
I knew it was bad when he said Cablinasian. He wanted to be white so he started it off with caucasian even though he has more Black in him than anything else.

If he wanted to be taken serioiusly he would have said Blacasian
A dishonest statement, at best. Completely racist at worst.

Tiger Woods Ethnicity, Nationality, Parents Race: Black Or Cablinasian? Mother, Father Family Bio
ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 23RD, 1997, following his groundbreaking victory in the US Masters, sports celebrity Tiger Woods incurred the wrath of many African American traditionalists when he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. During the broadcast, Winfrey asked the then 21-year-old golfer whether it bothered him to be called “African American”. Woods replied, “It does...I'm just who I am, whoever you see in front of you.”
The golfing champion went on to state that as a child he’d invented the term, “Cablinasian” to describe his parents multi-ethnicity and nationality — a mix of half Asian (Chinese and Thai), one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American and one-eighth Dutch. He’d adopted the term as a way of honouring his mother Kultida (of Thai, Chinese and Dutch ancestry) as well as respecting all aspects of his cultural and racial heritage.
Woods disclosure riled many within the African American community because they saw him as the first black winner of the US Masters — a sports star who was one of their own, whose success in breaking down golf's racial barriers was a source of racial pride for them. Woods, by declaring himself 'unblack', had stripped all that away.

It was a bold break out move by the sports star — one that is being echoed today in other parts of modern America by a young generation seeking their own ethnic civil rights movement — the right to self-authorship, without defaulting to past conventions of race and ethnicity. During the American slave era it was whites that decided who was black, in terms of people of mixed heritage. The notorious “one-drop” rule, passed as law from 1910 onwards, classified as legally “black”, any individual with as little as one drop of “black blood”. It was a legal method of discriminating against all peoples with African ancestry.

“Cablinasian” hinted at a brave new world in which people with parents of mixed ethnicity and nationality could create their own socio-cultural category which would eventually be recognised within the national census. In fact, this world started early for Woods. As a schoolboy, when he filled out forms, he would tick both boxes marked African American and Asian. In the early 1960s, multi-racial actress Dorothy Dandridge pointed the way to the future when she described herself in her autobiography Everything And Nothing, not as African American, but as “mixed American”.

In the 1970s a mixed-race movement began gaining ground in America, led by young multiracial citizens, interracial couples and parents who had adopted children transracially. Woods 1997 declaration effectively put him at the forefront of the movement. “Whether he wants to or not, he is sort of becoming the poster person for multiracial identity,” said Ramona Douglass, president of the Association of MultiEthnic Americans. In the same year Republican Tom Petri proposed legislation for a multiracial check box to be included in the coming 2000 census — he called it the “Tiger Woods bill”.

Today, Tiger Woods's ethnicity, nationality and parents background remain a much searched topic online, according to Google, who collate and publish their global monthly search stats. Currently, 500 people per month Google the term, “Tiger Woods Cablinasian”, while a further 4,220 search the words, “Tiger Woods mother, father, parents, race” each month. The total of queries about the golf celebrity's ethnicity and heritage adds up to over 80,000 searches per year.

But, how will this increasingly diverse range of people, led by Woods, define themselves in the future? The latest US census polls suggest that ethnic identification is fragmenting even further, with significant numbers of respondents — black, Asian, Latino and white — ticking categories for two or more races.

Today, although people like this may be claiming their right to self-authorship, it is still early to expect wider society to see them the way they see themselves. This reality is beyond their control. Tiger Woods may see himself as Cablinasian, and Barack Obama may see himself as black, but there are others out there who would disagree.
My bad. So he is more Asian than anything else right? That still begs the question as to why he started out with Caucasian first. I bet you are going to have a fit when you find out how much Black Thai people have in them. Here I introduce the Mani of Thailand. Looks like they could be Tigers brothers and sisters huh?

...Those people have a right to pretend they are not Black.
Like you have a right to pretend you're not a racist?

Tiger is mostly of Asian heritage with only a quarter African heritage. His genetic history is very diverse.

You don't own him and you don't have a right to declare what race you think he should be.

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