History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.
Read the thread and thank whoever taught you the truth. I know I was taught that Hannibal was white either through a lie or a lie of omission via the school system. i am in my 40's
It probably has more to do with giving failed black actors jobs and portraying everyone as black.

A recent broadway play has Alexander Hamilton as black too. Queen Guinevere has been portrayed as black. Next, Queen Victoria and King Henry will both be played by black people.

No, what it has to do with is that Hollywood is trying to make up to blacks because they whined about the Oscars last year. I said on these very boards that this will be a banner year for blacks in Hollywood. They will be awarded the bulk of the awards this time. Even if it's a piece of shit.
I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.
Read the thread and thank whoever taught you the truth. I know I was taught that Hannibal was white either through a lie or a lie of omission via the school system. i am in my 40's

I posted that before reading the thread. I guess I knew the truth because of my love of history. I'll watch or read anything about history, so I always knew about Hannibal. Plus, it never was part of my education to label people as black, white, or whatever else.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
No he didn't love elephants, you goof. He managed to take a military force and 37 or 38 elephants over the Alps to attack Rome. It's all I know about him, but it's one helluva feat. You know the Alps, right? Tall mountains? That's why the whole known world took notice.
no, I actually read that he liked elephants. If im not mistaken, he trained those war elephants. but I could be :dunno:
BTW, a lot of coins from that era in carthage had elephants. And im not even sure they know that is Hannibal... IF there is PROOF, I would like to see it. I love shit like this.
I suppose you'd HAVE to like them, to take them through the Alps. Thanks for the info!
HAHAHA. If the history channel had it's way, we'd be told george washington was black. This is more PC BS. Hannibal was white.
I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.
Read the thread and thank whoever taught you the truth. I know I was taught that Hannibal was white either through a lie or a lie of omission via the school system. i am in my 40's

I posted that before reading the thread. I guess I knew the truth because of my love of history. I'll watch or read anything about history, so I always knew about Hannibal. Plus, it never was part of my education to label people as black, white, or whatever else.
You didnt go through the public school system? My mom is your age and she remembers history was taught in a racial context.
I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.
Read the thread and thank whoever taught you the truth. I know I was taught that Hannibal was white either through a lie or a lie of omission via the school system. i am in my 40's

I posted that before reading the thread. I guess I knew the truth because of my love of history. I'll watch or read anything about history, so I always knew about Hannibal. Plus, it never was part of my education to label people as black, white, or whatever else.
You didnt go through the public school system? My mom is your age and she remembers history was taught in a racial context.

Yup, all public schools. If we said anything at all we would say: "DaVinci was Italian" or "Jesus was Hebrew" or "Hannibal was African". I never heard what color their skin was.
I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.
Read the thread and thank whoever taught you the truth. I know I was taught that Hannibal was white either through a lie or a lie of omission via the school system. i am in my 40's

I posted that before reading the thread. I guess I knew the truth because of my love of history. I'll watch or read anything about history, so I always knew about Hannibal. Plus, it never was part of my education to label people as black, white, or whatever else.
You didnt go through the public school system? My mom is your age and she remembers history was taught in a racial context.

Yup, all public schools. If we said anything at all we would say: "DaVinci was Italian" or "Jesus was Hebrew" or "Hannibal was African". I never heard what color their skin was.
So when you heard those descriptions you didnt imagine in your mind what they looked like? No one told me what actual color they were but those adjectives do create a picture in your mind based on what you think they mean. Thats human nature. If you are shown pictures of Santa all your life as a white man no one has to tell you Santa is white. They just say the word Santa and you see him as a white person.
It probably has more to do with giving failed black actors jobs and portraying everyone as black.

A recent broadway play has Alexander Hamilton as black too. Queen Guinevere has been portrayed as black. Next, Queen Victoria and King Henry will both be played by black people.
Can Hamlet be played only by a Dane?

That would depend on how faithful you wish to adhere to the original play. I go to many Shakespeare plays that have been modified and updated to take place in different times, and places.
Once I saw it with everyone in jeans and black t-shirts. Only prop was a ladder in the opening scene.
I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.
Read the thread and thank whoever taught you the truth. I know I was taught that Hannibal was white either through a lie or a lie of omission via the school system. i am in my 40's

I posted that before reading the thread. I guess I knew the truth because of my love of history. I'll watch or read anything about history, so I always knew about Hannibal. Plus, it never was part of my education to label people as black, white, or whatever else.
You didnt go through the public school system? My mom is your age and she remembers history was taught in a racial context.

Yup, all public schools. If we said anything at all we would say: "DaVinci was Italian" or "Jesus was Hebrew" or "Hannibal was African". I never heard what color their skin was.
So when you heard those descriptions you didnt imagine in your mind what they looked like? No one told me what actual color they were but those adjectives do create a picture in your mind based on what you think they mean. Thats human nature. If you are shown pictures of Santa all your life as a white man no one has to tell you Santa is white. They just say the word Santa and you see him as a white person.

Not automatically, but if pressed, sure. Which is why I always knew Hannibal was black. You see the entire world through skin color, most people don't.

Not the facial features of an African by any stretch. Thanks.
I am well acquainted with the myth of race. Ashley Montagu addresses that myth in detail in his book; Man's most dangerous Myth: The fallacy of Race.
The book validated my inclinations to believe the term "race" has power only because most people believe in the pseudo scientific term. I don't! However, I am compelled to use it myself without really wanting to in order to converse with those who believe in race.

That belief in race was the causal factor in the dehumanizing aspects of slavery. Sure,, poor Whites endured slavery and indentured servitude also, but when whites enslaved other whites there was always the human nexus that kind of tempered down the general treatment of White slaves. Blacks were dehumanized and relegated to a status little better than livestock. That world view was so pervasive in the white world that even today remnants can be felt and seen everywhere Blacks and whites intermingle on some level. The illusion of race persists despite scientific evidence to the contrary and White people continue to attach an inferior component to the Black "race" either consciously or sub consciously.
Well said and agreed 99.9%. ;)

Racism still exists and no "race" or culture has a monopoly on it as this thread displays. Personally, I would have phrased your last sentence with a "....and some White people continue to attach...."

Obviously our nation still has too many "racists" and bigots, but I do think the problem is easing.
Thanks for your 99.9% endorsement but you may reduce it further after this:

I think it is understood that there are no absolutes in any human dynamic. Proceeding from that understanding, I am forced to look at the racist behavior of the White collective and measure it in terms of how the Black collective is affected by it. Blacks are criminalized nightly in the media due to the actions of a relatively few thugs. From Charles Murray writing bestsellers heralding "White intelligence as superior over "Black" intelligence to the culling of Black contributions to civilization from history, White minds have been behind it. The low opinion of Blacks has been broadcast around the world by White journalists and talking heads to such an extent that even the blackest of people in India, Panama, or Fuji, tend to deny their blackness. Tiger Woods is no exception. Many Blacks in the USA have some admixture so Tiger is not unique in that regard. But the difference is that he wants to distance himself from Blackness as much as possible. He must really hate to look in the mirror

Not the facial features of an African by any stretch. Thanks.

Oh, I don't know…here is an African with similar features…the same features lent to Europeans thousands of years ago.


Put a beard on him and VOILA! BTW his hair is even straighter than the hair simulation carved in the

Interesting that you should choose a Somali warlord for your image. He is what would be called normal variation. This is what the more common Somali nomad looks like.

Me thinketh he haves some white devil blood in him from one of the Italian soldiers of that region.


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