History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

If you get down to the way back machine and major nitty gritty....caucasians, asians, hispanics, native americans, etc etc etc...all EVOLVED from black.
...Those people have a right to pretend they are not Black.
Like you have a right to pretend you're not a racist?

Tiger is mostly of Asian heritage with only a quarter African heritage. His genetic history is very diverse.

You don't own him and you don't have a right to declare what race you think he should be.
Dont get upset with me because you dont know what racist means.

The type of Asian Tiger has in him has African DNA as well and yes he has diverse genetics. Guess what? I have Irish and NA in me but I am still Black.

Of course i dont own him and yes I have the right to declare what race he is.
Why does this matter to anyone?
It matters to Black scholars as much or more than George Washington matters to you!
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....

I am well acquainted with the myth of race. Ashley Montagu addresses that myth in detail in his book; Man's most dangerous Myth: The fallacy of Race.
The book validated my inclinations to believe the term "race" has power only because most people believe in the pseudo scientific term. I don't! However, I am compelled to use it myself without really wanting to in order to converse with those who believe in race.

That belief in race was the causal factor in the dehumanizing aspects of slavery. Sure,, poor Whites endured slavery and indentured servitude also, but when whites enslaved other whites there was always the human nexus that kind of tempered down the general treatment of White slaves. Blacks were dehumanized and relegated to a status little better than livestock. That world view was so pervasive in the white world that even today remnants can be felt and seen everywhere Blacks and whites intermingle on some level. The illusion of race persists despite scientific evidence to the contrary and White people continue to attach an inferior component to the Black "race" either consciously or sub consciously.
A lot of that can be put directly in the bible where the sons of whomever were of the black race and the sons (tribes) of another were to be the white race, blah blah blah. One race to show servitude to the other, yadda yadda, hence rednecks and slaver owners saying blacks were not human "cuz the bible says so" bullshit.
If you get down to the way back machine and major nitty gritty....caucasians, asians, hispanics, native americans, etc etc etc...all EVOLVED from black.
I would say "mutated" instead of "evolved". "Evolved" has the implication of getting better.
Evolving is "getting better", tech wise. Not superior wise, mind you. Just "learning" wise.

Did you see my thread that shows the vid of the amazon tribe seeing a white man for the first time? They have not evolved. They still use axes and sticks and bones in their hair and stuff like that. Seeing cameras and white skin and straight hair and eating SUGAR..omg..the amazement on their faces...and matches! Lo and behold...instant fire!
Does evole mean "better" watching this go down? Not necessarily. They live in harmony. They live simply. They rely on what God gave them to survive and continue their line, their genes, their SELF, so to speak. Those that evolved? Murder, drugs, greed, wars.

Did that make sense?
A lot of that can be put directly in the bible where the sons of whomever were of the black race and the sons (tribes) of another were to be the white race, blah blah blah. One race to show servitude to the other, yadda yadda, hence rednecks and slaver owners saying blacks were not human "cuz the bible says so" bullshit.
Its weird how people believed that part but pretended not to see the part that said Black people founded egypt and sumer which were the worlds 2 first advanced civilizations.
A lot of that can be put directly in the bible where the sons of whomever were of the black race and the sons (tribes) of another were to be the white race, blah blah blah. One race to show servitude to the other, yadda yadda, hence rednecks and slaver owners saying blacks were not human "cuz the bible says so" bullshit.
I am not convinced that the ancient Bible writers were indicting All Blacks as future slaves nor did they foresee the peonage that was so entrenched in Europe for hundreds of years. Besides, the curse was limited to Canaan, not Ham or his other Black sons. White capitalists used that to justify enslaving primitives who had nothing to do with the Levant or Canaan. The Blacks enslaved were geographically closer to Phut, Misraim or KMT! The prophecy was signifying the culmination of Canaan being invaded and conquered by the Israelites. Therein lies the answer that eludes so many. The Israelites, not Jews conquered Canaan. Israelites , back then, were made up of 12 tribes which included the tribe of Judah or the Jews. The racial makeup of those tribes including Judah, were probably Black as Europeans were barely emerging from the Ice age. Perhaps it was those "Black Caucasians" that live so dangerously close to Ethiopia that were responsible for our alphabet but how can that be. The history books declare that Phoenicians living in tghe Levant of Canaan did that. Gee, White history is so contradictory!
A lot of that can be put directly in the bible where the sons of whomever were of the black race and the sons (tribes) of another were to be the white race, blah blah blah. One race to show servitude to the other, yadda yadda, hence rednecks and slaver owners saying blacks were not human "cuz the bible says so" bullshit.
Its weird how people believed that part but pretended not to see the part that said Black people founded egypt and sumer which were the worlds 2 first advanced civilizations.
Organized religion and the warping of it for personal agendas, I guess.
I am well acquainted with the myth of race. Ashley Montagu addresses that myth in detail in his book; Man's most dangerous Myth: The fallacy of Race.
The book validated my inclinations to believe the term "race" has power only because most people believe in the pseudo scientific term. I don't! However, I am compelled to use it myself without really wanting to in order to converse with those who believe in race.

That belief in race was the causal factor in the dehumanizing aspects of slavery. Sure,, poor Whites endured slavery and indentured servitude also, but when whites enslaved other whites there was always the human nexus that kind of tempered down the general treatment of White slaves. Blacks were dehumanized and relegated to a status little better than livestock. That world view was so pervasive in the white world that even today remnants can be felt and seen everywhere Blacks and whites intermingle on some level. The illusion of race persists despite scientific evidence to the contrary and White people continue to attach an inferior component to the Black "race" either consciously or sub consciously.
Well said and agreed 99.9%. ;)

Racism still exists and no "race" or culture has a monopoly on it as this thread displays. Personally, I would have phrased your last sentence with a "....and some White people continue to attach...."

Obviously our nation still has too many "racists" and bigots, but I do think the problem is easing.
Dont get upset with me because you dont know what racist means.

The type of Asian Tiger has in him has African DNA as well and yes he has diverse genetics. Guess what? I have Irish and NA in me but I am still Black.

Of course i dont own him and yes I have the right to declare what race he is.
Don't get upset with me because you refuse to admit your own racism and bigotry.
Dont get upset with me because you dont know what racist means.

The type of Asian Tiger has in him has African DNA as well and yes he has diverse genetics. Guess what? I have Irish and NA in me but I am still Black.

Of course i dont own him and yes I have the right to declare what race he is.
Don't get upset with me because you refuse to admit your own racism and bigotry.
Dont get upset with me because I dont fit in the box you have designed for me.
Dont get upset with me because I dont fit in the box you have designed for me.
You put yourself in that box, sir. Look at Trump; he's clearly a bigot as recognized by many leaders in the Republican Party. The Republicans nor anyone else put him in that box, Trump did it all by himself just like you did with your frequently racist posts.

1. You lied about Tiger being mostly black. When confronted with the truth, you side-stepped and immediately attacked him for other racial reasons.

2. You keep making racial assertions without providing evidence. This is as racist as a KKK member proclaiming the Bible says whites are superior then runs from questions proving it.

3. You keep asserting there is a distinct black, with large hints of racial superiority, despite the evidence from modern geneticists who say all humans share the same 99.9% DNA structure and melanin content is not a factor.
Dont get upset with me because I dont fit in the box you have designed for me.
You put yourself in that box, sir. Look at Trump; he's clearly a bigot as recognized by many leaders in the Republican Party. The Republicans nor anyone else put him in that box, Trump did it all by himself just like you did with your frequently racist posts.

1. You lied about Tiger being mostly black. When confronted with the truth, you side-stepped and immediately attacked him for other racial reasons.

2. You keep making racial assertions without providing evidence. This is as racist as a KKK member proclaiming the Bible says whites are superior then runs from questions proving it.

3. You keep asserting there is a distinct black, with large hints of racial superiority, despite the evidence from modern geneticists who say all humans share the same 99.9% DNA structure and melanin content is not a factor.
I dont put myself in boxes.

You assumed I lied about Tiger because it helped you form your box. That facts are that I was unware he was mostly Asian but then noted it didnt really matter to my point that he listed the caucasian first Then I pointed out that the Asian he had in him had a lot of Black DNA as well which actually makes my first assumption correct.

Every assertion I have made has been backed by evidence. Dont blame me because you dont want to believe it. Facts dont make you racially superior. I think your inferiority complex is causing you to imagine some superiority.
I dont put myself in boxes.
So who made you a racist? Is it all "Whitey's" fault?

Who made you attack Tiger Woods for failing to claim his quarter African-American heritage made him 100% black in your eyes?
Who said i was racist?

I didnt attack Tiger. I laughed at his obvious self hate by listing caucasian first when that was the least of his DNA
Actually, Hannibal was from Carthage. Carthage is in the north of what we now know as Libya. I believe that most Libyans look like this:


Not exactly as portrayed.
Actually, Hannibal was from Carthage. Carthage is in the north of what we now know as Libya. I believe that most Libyans look like this:


Not exactly as portrayed.
Several things wrong with your assumption. Carthaginians were descended from Phoenician colonists who I have already pointed out were what the Greeks called the Canaanites. The Canaanites are descended from Canaan son of Ham. Not only are there Black people in Libya to this day, the aboriginal Libyans were Black Africans. This is backed up with archaeological evidence and biblical evidence. Here is the of Libyan Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani in 2014

I'm sixty years old, when I was taught history, I was taught in such a way that I always assumed that Hannibal was black. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise. He was from Africa.

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