History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
It probably has more to do with giving failed black actors jobs and portraying everyone as black.

A recent broadway play has Alexander Hamilton as black too. Queen Guinevere has been portrayed as black. Next, Queen Victoria and King Henry will both be played by black people.
Can Hamlet be played only by a Dane?

That would depend on how faithful you wish to adhere to the original play. I go to many Shakespeare plays that have been modified and updated to take place in different times, and places.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
No I dont assume they were Black. I know they were Black due to the bible and science agreeing on that point. The original Jews and Palestinians were Black and yes they were semites. The Ashkenazi Jews are from europe. they arent semtic at all. What does this have to do with supremacy? Looks like you are suffering from the white boy inferiority complex there westwall. :laugh:
No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
No I dont assume they were Black. I know they were Black due to the bible and science agreeing on that point. The original Jews and Palestinians were Black and yes they were semites. The Ashkenazi Jews are from europe. they arent semtic at all. What does this have to do with supremacy? Looks like you are suffering from the white boy inferiority complex there westwall. :laugh:

'Sure thing mr. black supremacist. The bible says nothing about the matter, and the DNA evidence completely refutes your crapola.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
which Jews are you referring to
Why does this matter to anyone?
It matters to Black scholars as much or more than George Washington matters to you!
George Washington's race does not matter to me. Never once considered it.
So you want to dance around my analogies like Michale Jackson danced around the stage. Ok, I'll box you in with this:

Hannibal being black is just as important to Blacks as Donald's Trump being White is to most RW white males.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And you ASSUME they were black. See how retarded that is? The Jews and the Palestinians ARE SEMITES, they're NOT black silly person. No amount of quckery on your part, and your black supremacist bullshit can alter real facts. Facts that refute your crapola!
No I dont assume they were Black. I know they were Black due to the bible and science agreeing on that point. The original Jews and Palestinians were Black and yes they were semites. The Ashkenazi Jews are from europe. they arent semtic at all. What does this have to do with supremacy? Looks like you are suffering from the white boy inferiority complex there westwall. :laugh:

'Sure thing mr. black supremacist. The bible says nothing about the matter, and the DNA evidence completely refutes your crapola.
Dont be all sore West. I dont understand how this makes me a Black supremacist? The bible says the descendants of Noah populated the earth. In order for that to happen Noah and his mate had to be Black in order to produce Black children. The DNA evidence shows the gene for light skin didnt appear until about 10k years ago. 7K in europe.

Light skin colour in Europeans stems from ONE 10,000-year-old ancestor

"They studied segments of genetic code that have a mutation and are located closely on the same chromosome and are often inherited together.

The a mutation, called A111T, is found in virtually every one of European ancestry.

A111T is also found in populations in the Middle East and Indian subcontinent, but not in high numbers in Africans.

Penn State College of Medicine's Keith Cheng identified a key gene that contributes to lighter skin colour in Europeans and differs from West Africans

They discovered that all individuals from the Middle East, North Africa, East Africa and South India who carry the A111T mutation share traces of the ancestral genetic code."

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When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

Andaman islanders

Well, Africans aren't exactly known for their good looks. Yeesh!
Why does this matter to anyone?
It matters to Black scholars as much or more than George Washington matters to you!
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....
Why does this matter to anyone?
It matters to Black scholars as much or more than George Washington matters to you!
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....
There must be a lot of white racists on this site then. You should read how many of them claim Hannibal wasnt Black no matter the scientific, Biblical, and historical evidence.
Why does this matter to anyone?
It matters to Black scholars as much or more than George Washington matters to you!
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....
There must be a lot of white racists on this site then. You should read how many of them claim Hannibal wasnt Black no matter the scientific, Biblical, and historical evidence.
I'm sure there are racists of all backgrounds and cultures on this forum.

Like Jesus, the odds are Hannibal was more Semitic than "black". It's impossible to figure out his melanin content from a statue.

The Real Face Of Jesus
Why does this matter to anyone?
It matters to Black scholars as much or more than George Washington matters to you!
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....
There must be a lot of white racists on this site then. You should read how many of them claim Hannibal wasnt Black no matter the scientific, Biblical, and historical evidence.
I'm sure there are races of all backgrounds and cultures.

Like Jesus, the odds are Hannibal was more Semitic than "black". It's impossible to figure out his melanin content from a statue.

The Real Face Of Jesus
if its impossible to figure it out why did they not make him darker? The original semtic people were Black.
if its impossible to figure it out why did they not make him darker? The original semtic people were Black.
And you know this how? Do you have genetic testing evidence of the Carthaginians? Why the insistence that he be black, white or something in between like President Obama and Tiger Woods?
if its impossible to figure it out why did they not make him darker? The original semtic people were Black.
And you know this how? Do you have genetic testing evidence of the Carthaginians? Why the insistence that he be black, white or something in between like President Obama and Tiger Woods?
I just explained to West how I know. Read the thread. You do realize both Obama and Tiger woods are Black dont you?
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

I saw that show. Excellently done. And did he kick some Roman ass? You bet he did. Until they learned from his skills how to take him down. But he still got the last laugh.

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