History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!

In the age of Trump calling someone a joke or a failure is mistaken as a valid point.

Kindly inform me, oh wise guru, what the FUCK Trump has to do with the History Channel conspiracy theories??? That channel was filled with alien conspiracies LONG before Trump announced his candidacy. Trump is the only candidate fighting back against leftist, violent, self-hating-American, Islam-fellatrix, bullying, PC-speech fascism with which Obama reprobates have gone absolutely INSANE!

Silly angry little guy. I didn't say Trump had anything to do with The History Channel.
No matter what a TV channel says, the ancient Egyptian mummies all had caucasoid skull details. And in their art & statuary, the ancient Egyptians had narrow noses, high cheekbones, large round eyes and thin lips. Obviously they were either white or our closest sister race, arab.
Nope the ancient Egyptians had Black features and Black DNA sorry.

DNA? Pffft! Why trust DNA when you can go with your gut?
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
I'm pretty sure there was a lot of interracial action going on in Egypt from way, way back, them being on the Mediterranean, enslaving people from the Middle East and all that. I assume this because History Channel also did a show on the Black Pharoahs. They came from south of Egypt; can't remember where. History Channel thought it was notable enough to do a show on. Then at some point, the Greeks came in with Alexander, and I'm guessing he didn't come alone. The Greeks weren't black and they colonized the place for centuries, adding their genes to the pool.
Now, Hannibal? I'll take your word for it he was black. All I know is he crossed the Alps with elephants. I don't even remember where ancient Phoenicia was.
But Hannibal was active around 200 b.c., when the Ptolemies (the Greeks) were already pharoahs in Egypt. Hannibal was a Carthaginian from Iberia (Spain), but the Carthaginian empire crossed much of Northern Africa. So no doubt he was black. How did he become Egyptian, though? I didn't see the show.
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
What does geography have to do with someone being Black? Sub Saharan just means below the Sahara desert. I understand you have an inferiority complex due to being white but you cant just run around making up myths about what color people are to soothe your ego.
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
What does geography have to do with someone being Black? Sub Saharan just means below the Sahara desert. I understand you have an inferiority complex due to being white but you cant just run around making up myths about what color people are to soothe your ego.
I understand your desperation and while it's funny in a pathetic way, it doesn't make it pretty.

If you were proud of your race you would find a way to respect its accomplishments, however meager and humble they are instead of this mind numbing usurpation of the legacy of others.
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
What does geography have to do with someone being Black? Sub Saharan just means below the Sahara desert. I understand you have an inferiority complex due to being white but you cant just run around making up myths about what color people are to soothe your ego.
I understand your desperation and while it's funny in a pathetic way, it doesn't make it pretty.

If you were proud of your race you would find a way to respect its accomplishments, however meager and humble they are instead of this mind numbing usurpation of the legacy of others.
Says the guy desperate to claim Blacks only lived below the Sahara desert. :laugh:
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
What does geography have to do with someone being Black? Sub Saharan just means below the Sahara desert. I understand you have an inferiority complex due to being white but you cant just run around making up myths about what color people are to soothe your ego.
I understand your desperation and while it's funny in a pathetic way, it doesn't make it pretty.

If you were proud of your race you would find a way to respect its accomplishments, however meager and humble they are instead of this mind numbing usurpation of the legacy of others.
Says the guy desperate to claim Blacks only lived below the Sahara desert. :laugh:
Go home... Boy.
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
What does geography have to do with someone being Black? Sub Saharan just means below the Sahara desert. I understand you have an inferiority complex due to being white but you cant just run around making up myths about what color people are to soothe your ego.
I understand your desperation and while it's funny in a pathetic way, it doesn't make it pretty.

If you were proud of your race you would find a way to respect its accomplishments, however meager and humble they are instead of this mind numbing usurpation of the legacy of others.
Says the guy desperate to claim Blacks only lived below the Sahara desert. :laugh:
Go home... Boy.
I am home cave monkey.
It's a real pity that desperation leads people to delude themselves that anyone out of Africa is/was of sub-Saharan decent.

I understand that only having figures like Al Sharpton to champion your race must be a real bummer, but it is as things are.

History is not a coloring book.
What does geography have to do with someone being Black? Sub Saharan just means below the Sahara desert. I understand you have an inferiority complex due to being white but you cant just run around making up myths about what color people are to soothe your ego.
I'll bet that coin IS Hannibal. Did you see the elephant on the back? Cool beans.
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

"Accurately". Far from it. Here is what the most qualified expert has to say about the subject....

"The issue of Hannibal’s ethnicity and what he looked like are no doubt vital to many but remain contentious matters even to scholars. Let me try to explain why in the following several points.

First, we have no certain contemporary image from his own time to show us what he looked like. The primary source closest to his time is the Greek historian Polybius who lived almost a century later, and he gives no verbal description. No other ancient sources that have survived do either. We do have the curious information that he was possibly prone to disguising himself at times. There may be a few silver coins from the Punic culture in Spain, most likely minted around the mid-to-late 3rd century bce in what soon became known as Carthago Nova (now Cartagena), but these coin images are arguable because they may depict his father, Hamilcar, or other relatives instead. After Hannibal’s life, the Romans likely recalled every silver Punic coin they could find—including any that might have shown Hannibal—and melted them down to make new Roman coins with their own images. So we are left with mostly modern interpretations from long after the Roman Empire."

"If Africanization was part of Hannibal’s heritage, I and other scholars would be most interested in seeing the evidence, as we should always be ready to learn and change our perceptions when needed."

Hannibal's ethnicity and physical appearance | Hannibal

Well, I gotta say, if the man on that coin was Hamilcar, what would make you think his son Hannibal wasn't black?
You may not know but dont make the assumption that I dont. Its already been proven I know more than you do about a variety of topics. i am light years ahead of you in Black history.
then please show me irrefutable evidence.
I did. Its not my fault you dont accept it.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

"Accurately". Far from it. Here is what the most qualified expert has to say about the subject....

"The issue of Hannibal’s ethnicity and what he looked like are no doubt vital to many but remain contentious matters even to scholars. Let me try to explain why in the following several points.

First, we have no certain contemporary image from his own time to show us what he looked like. The primary source closest to his time is the Greek historian Polybius who lived almost a century later, and he gives no verbal description. No other ancient sources that have survived do either. We do have the curious information that he was possibly prone to disguising himself at times. There may be a few silver coins from the Punic culture in Spain, most likely minted around the mid-to-late 3rd century bce in what soon became known as Carthago Nova (now Cartagena), but these coin images are arguable because they may depict his father, Hamilcar, or other relatives instead. After Hannibal’s life, the Romans likely recalled every silver Punic coin they could find—including any that might have shown Hannibal—and melted them down to make new Roman coins with their own images. So we are left with mostly modern interpretations from long after the Roman Empire."

"If Africanization was part of Hannibal’s heritage, I and other scholars would be most interested in seeing the evidence, as we should always be ready to learn and change our perceptions when needed."

Hannibal's ethnicity and physical appearance | Hannibal

Well, I gotta say, if the man on that coin was Hamilcar, what would make you think his son Hannibal wasn't black?

Pretty much when there is a question of ethnicity and i see a white source hem and haw around the subject I know the person they are trying to insiuate was not Black definitely is Black. I "love how they claimed the people of Lebanon were not "Africanized". Its well known that the indeginous people of that region were Black african looking people. There is a reason the Greeks considered what we now call Africa to encompass the ME as far east to India.
then please show me irrefutable evidence.
I did. Its not my fault you dont accept it.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Some people simply cannot accept that. They have been taught so long that whites were superior it short circuits their minds.
I did. Its not my fault you dont accept it.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Some people simply cannot accept that. They have been taught so long that whites were superior it short circuits their minds.
There is a possibility their skepticism is careful thinking, like archeologists do and such. Now me, I don't have a problem jumping to conclusions at all when they're sensible. It's a shame such a famous person had almost all information about him destroyed.
then please show me irrefutable evidence.
I did. Its not my fault you dont accept it.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
I did. Its not my fault you dont accept it.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.

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