History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
Quit trying to steal other people's history. I get it, you don't have many great historical black people, but thats tough shit.
I did. Its not my fault you dont accept it.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
No he didn't love elephants, you goof. He managed to take a military force and 37 or 38 elephants over the Alps to attack Rome. It's all I know about him, but it's one helluva feat. You know the Alps, right? Tall mountains? That's why the whole known world took notice.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
but a 2500 year old coin, is LMAO ok!
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
but a 2500 year old coin, is LMAO ok!
Thats pretty convincing on its own but then you have the biblical backing and the greek historical backing.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
No he didn't love elephants, you goof. He managed to take a military force and 37 or 38 elephants over the Alps to attack Rome. It's all I know about him, but it's one helluva feat. You know the Alps, right? Tall mountains? That's why the whole known world took notice.
no, I actually read that he liked elephants. If im not mistaken, he trained those war elephants. but I could be :dunno:
BTW, a lot of coins from that era in carthage had elephants. And im not even sure they know that is Hannibal... IF there is PROOF, I would like to see it. I love shit like this.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
but a 2500 year old coin, is LMAO ok!
Thats pretty convincing on its own but then you have the biblical backing and the greek historical backing.
DIDN'T YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT? A black guy who was super important or his face wouldn't have been on a Punic coin, and an elephant on the back. Who else in this world is known as a Big Deal in 200 b.c. associated with elephants, huh? It's as close as you're going to get without a time machine. Why does he have to NOT be black?
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
but a 2500 year old coin, is LMAO ok!
Thats pretty convincing on its own but then you have the biblical backing and the greek historical backing.
I already gave you the info. Not my fault you desperately ignored it.
Yea, he loved elephants. So what?
You cant go with one instance and ignore the rest...
And for the last time, my argument is there is no DEFINATE way to tell. IDK what race he was. Nobody does.
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
but a 2500 year old coin, is LMAO ok!
Thats pretty convincing on its own but then you have the biblical backing and the greek historical backing.
I already gave you the info. Not my fault you desperately ignored it.
I missed the bible thing. Your own fuckin link for the greek part said it wasn't provable..
Ignore what "rest"? There is zero proof the guy was white and irrefutable evidence he was Black.
but a 2500 year old coin, is LMAO ok!
Thats pretty convincing on its own but then you have the biblical backing and the greek historical backing.
I already gave you the info. Not my fault you desperately ignored it.
I missed the bible thing. Your own fuckin link for the greek part said it wasn't provable..
Of course you did. It said the part about why the Greeks called them Phonecians wast provable. But i explained that to you before and you ignored it.

Like I told you before however, you can believe what you wish. I'm just happy the truth is being told now. :thewave:
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Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

"Accurately". Far from it. Here is what the most qualified expert has to say about the subject....

"The issue of Hannibal’s ethnicity and what he looked like are no doubt vital to many but remain contentious matters even to scholars. Let me try to explain why in the following several points.

First, we have no certain contemporary image from his own time to show us what he looked like. The primary source closest to his time is the Greek historian Polybius who lived almost a century later, and he gives no verbal description. No other ancient sources that have survived do either. We do have the curious information that he was possibly prone to disguising himself at times. There may be a few silver coins from the Punic culture in Spain, most likely minted around the mid-to-late 3rd century bce in what soon became known as Carthago Nova (now Cartagena), but these coin images are arguable because they may depict his father, Hamilcar, or other relatives instead. After Hannibal’s life, the Romans likely recalled every silver Punic coin they could find—including any that might have shown Hannibal—and melted them down to make new Roman coins with their own images. So we are left with mostly modern interpretations from long after the Roman Empire."

"If Africanization was part of Hannibal’s heritage, I and other scholars would be most interested in seeing the evidence, as we should always be ready to learn and change our perceptions when needed."

Hannibal's ethnicity and physical appearance | Hannibal

Well, I gotta say, if the man on that coin was Hamilcar, what would make you think his son Hannibal wasn't black?

Because there is no evidence that he was. Nor is the coin evidence that Hamilcar was either. The fact is we don't even know for sure who is on the coin. What is unarguable is the Carthaginians were Phoenicians, and the Phoenicians were neither European, nor Black. The Barca clan was Carthaginian royalty, thus they were probably (though not definitely) Phoenician royalty. Ergo, Hannibal, based on all the evidence we have available to us was neither European, nor Black.

It really is as simple as that. The only people who claim otherwise are not historians, nor do they present their case in a non political way. They are invested in revisionist history which is simply stupid. It is this same sort of logic (or lack thereof) that allows people to deny the holocaust and any other factually well known events that do not conform to their closely held POLITICAL beliefs.
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

Never have been taught otherwise, he was always black in the classes I took .

I was always taught he was white....by omission that he was Black.

in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

Never have been taught otherwise, he was always black in the classes I took .

I was always taught he was white....by omission that he was Black.

in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

Never have been taught otherwise, he was always black in the classes I took .

I was always taught he was white....by omission that he was Black.

in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.

The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

Never have been taught otherwise, he was always black in the classes I took .

I was always taught he was white....by omission that he was Black.

in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.

The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Never have been taught otherwise, he was always black in the classes I took .
I was always taught he was white....by omission that he was Black.
in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.
I was always taught he was white....by omission that he was Black.
in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
in collage i took a world history class....our teacher told us,after a question that was asked, "there is lots of evidence leaning toward Hannibal being a darker person than the Europeans at that time,he was from northern Africa,which had lots of black people there,so he was definitely a dark fellow" thats basically the way he put it....and this was back in the early 70's.... i remember the only black guy that was in the class,after the teacher said that everyone turned and looked the guy....and he just said..."hey man we are everywhere"....and everyone laughed and that was that...

When I was in school we were taught he was Semitic. Neither black or white.
The Semites or descendants of Shem were Black.

No, they weren't. Other than 200,000 years ago they may have been black... We simply don't know.
Yes they were Black. They were totally Black up until about 10K years ago. Before that there were no white people because thats when the gene for light skin mutated and appeared among humans. Thats a scientific fact.

Bullshit. The link I provided shows the exact opposite. DNA research shows that ALL Semitic peoples are of a separate genetic strain than blacks or europeans. Period end of story.
Your link is invalid and assumes the people were not Black people. Blacks are the most genetically diverse people on the planet so that pretty much kills your link. These people are south east Asians genetically.

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